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Importance of picking domain name?

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    Hello everyone….this is my first post and yes I’m about as green as you can get, so don’t be too hard on me, please. :) I’ve been lurking for a couple of months if that counts.

    I’m trying to pick my domain name and I’d like to hear opinions and thoughts as to to what importance the name itself will have in the future of my site.

    Thank you!


    well. if you have you do not have to worry too much ;)

    any other domain – SEO will be your key.. if you do that well – then the domain name is not all that important… imho.


    Two ways of looking at it: if you have unique content that you think is valuable and people would want to keep coming back to, think of a memorable brand name. If you are going with content that is more aimed at passthrough traffic and perhaps similar to a lot of other sites then go for a name with keywords. No more than 1 hyphen in the name. The latter is easier to get ranked in the shorter term, but the brand name is far better for loyalty over the longer term.

    Pick an extension that suits your taregt market. If you are aiming at “the world”, get a .com or if that’s hard, a “.net”. If primarily UK, then a etc etc. Try to avoid generics like “.info” or “.biz” as they are harder to rank and make sure the domain is hosted in the country for your main target audience.

    Oh and by the way, as a player crossing over into affiliatedom you have a head start – welcome ;)


    Your best shot would be having a memorable (brandable) and keyworded domain. But his is very rare today, so you should think about what you would value most.

    If you have a niche, focus around it. If you don’t, do some keyword research and keyword your domain as best as possible.

    Good luck!


    I just wanted to pop in and thank those who have responded. Lots of good advice already, keep it coming, please.

    I’m going to start with a blog since I know very little about coding a website and I think that would be a good way to get my feet wet. I’m more into slots and poker so I think that is what I’ll be concentrating on.

    I’ve been searching a little for other gambling blogs, but I’m not finding a lot out there. If you know of any good ones, please let me know.

    Thanks again!


    Oh and by the way, as a player crossing over into affiliatedom you have a head start – welcome

    Ditto that! Many affiliates started out as players and have become very successful.


    With a blog – I would go for the memorable name. You want people to come back and read regularly… so you want to brand.


    Who knew picking a name would be so hard? :Cry:
    I have about 30 on a list that are free……5 I really like. Now I’m even more apprehensive about picking the right one after what Dominique said…she is right of course.


    If you are fixed on a specific phrase or set of words, I would make sure there are no dashes etc that would make remembering the domain name hard. But in the end it is definitely the SEO that will make your site, unless you have a very unique and memorable name.


    @Simmo! 168413 wrote:

    Two ways of looking at it: if you have unique content that you think is valuable and people would want to keep coming back to, think of a memorable brand name. If you are going with content that is more aimed at passthrough traffic and perhaps similar to a lot of other sites then go for a name with keywords. No more than 1 hyphen in the name. The latter is easier to get ranked in the shorter term, but the brand name is far better for loyalty over the longer term.

    Pick an extension that suits your taregt market. If you are aiming at “the world”, get a .com or if that’s hard, a “.net”. If primarily UK, then a etc etc. Try to avoid generics like “.info” or “.biz” as they are harder to rank and make sure the domain is hosted in the country for your main target audience.

    Oh and by the way, as a player crossing over into affiliatedom you have a head start – welcome ;)

    Why are .info and .biz harder to rank? I am not being sarcastic at all. I am trying to learn. Thanks.


    heres a cool tool to help you chose a good domain name


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