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CPA Payment has been held back from me?

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  • #609628

    Hi Guys,

    Fairly new to this game.. I would like some expert advice on something that happened to me today.

    I have been working on a CPA for casino and poker (mainly poker) for the last 3 months. I sent 9 players the first month, 2 the 2nd month and 9 again this month.

    I was told by my affiliate manager that there seems to be “fraudalent” activity and I won’t be getting paid anything this month? I mainly do offline promotion with flyers and attending poker events – so I don’t understand this.

    They say that the player value needs to rise and I need to get my players to spend more money (I dont have any player details as they are all random people). I spent a whole month promoting and getting these players in and now I get this? They said the only way to solve this is if I go onto a revenue share and when the net gaming profit goes up they will slowly release my CPA money.

    It just sounds to me like they are now moving the goalposts and want me to continue sending traffic making them more money while I’m currently left with nothing. I have bills to pay like everyone else!

    Can someone please shine a light on me and tell me this is normal or I’m going to have to put this whole experience down as a CON!

    Surely we can’t know exactly how good players are going to be, some might put in £1000 a week. Some might think ah this sucks and never come back. CPA is CPA – You get paid per head.. right? :sarcasm:


    They should honor the CPA agreement and then contact you to make adjustments. Meaning, if you agreed to a CPA deal and referred the players according to the CPA agreement, they should honor that deal.

    If the players were not to their liking, they should contact you and say we must renegotiate going forward.



    So – they should pay me what is owed from the agreement regardless of player value. Then renegotiate changing the deal to something else that more suits.

    That’s what I told them, they said the best they can do is pay back my CPA little by little every month. They have also told me to continue sending traffic that they will put on a rev share basis. I don’t want to get angry about it – but surely an agreement has been broken here and I should fight for whats mine?

    Should I continue to send them players?


    If they said “fraudulent” there may be more than meets the eye and you need to find out exactly what happened.

    Which program are you talking about?


    Ok – I’ll ask them for some more details about that.

    When I was talking to them on the phone I just got the impression that they were losing money on the deal that we arranged and I won’t be getting any money until it starts to even out.

    They have put me on a rev share system and have told me to keep sending players. Do i trust them and continue to send players or refuse out right until i get my money? I’m also worried if I stand my ground they could just say “cya later” and I’ll be left with nothing???

    Please let me know what the best plan of action is.

    The company are a very well known company and I’ve never seen anything negative written about them. I don’t want to start throwing out names now as I want to resolve it calmly.

    Thanks for your help!


    Not knowing the company, I don’t know what to tell you.

    It’s a matter of trust and circumstance.

    They say the players were fraudulent – if they were I can understand their reluctance to pay for them.

    They did say if you went to rev share they would gradually release the CPA to you.

    So – what were the actual circumstances, and do you trust them? That’s what you need to base your decision on.


    This is the exact reason I stay away from CPA deals



    It’s Europartners. I assume they are a large and reputable company. The players are under the exact guidelines provided.

    I had 8 signups last month they are refusing to pay. They have told me the money is still mine and it has been moved over to next month but they are “making me earn it” so to speak. I need to try and get these players to play more, but surely this isn’t my part of the deal? I just bring in the players.

    I have an email stating the CPA payment per signup and no strings attached.

    I have been advised not to promote them until payment has been made in full and concentrate my efforts on advertising others. I get along well with my affiliate manager – we talk a lot on the phone. He says he is on my side and has made sure my other payments have gone through in the past and there is nothing he can do as the “fraudulent team” is nothing to do with him. I don’t really know what to think..


    It’s Europartners. I assume they are a large and reputable company

    No not in my book they are not and it sounds like something they would pull.


    Now I see the situation as strong arm tactics and would run.

    If the money is yours and they admit it, they need to pay.

    There are lots of good programs that won’t pull stuff like that.


    they owe me £600!!! How do I get them to pay?!



    Have just been on the phone to Europartners, they’ve have been very nice and have resolved this issue. I’m expecting payment in the next few days, I will update again once payment has been received.
    I knew you wouldn’t let me down! :inlove:


    Thanks for the update I hope that this serves as a warning to you tho that they are to watched close.


    Hello to all!
    Bonustreak – I advise you watch anyone you do business with close as there are many sharks out there!

    We will pay out this account as agreed to originally, but will not continue to work with enjoypoker on CPA, but only revenue share as I have notified his affiliate manager now.

    The reason is: the majority of the players are making the minimum deposit via the same payment methods, never logging in again and even leaving untouched money in their accounts. All the amounts deposited are below the CPA we pay out and that equals a loss of money for the affiliate program and the operator.

    I’m not saying enjoypoker has committed fraud, and I’m not saying he has not. What I am saying is that this is a very old and primitive method for abusing our generous CPA offers that is done quite frequently and we will not pay it out just because the individual is complaining about it on CAP.

    Lastly, to those who question our integrity then please go to, de, fr, ru, es and several other countries where online gaming has not been outlawed. Then search for poker and casino related keyterms and notice that the top affiliates in the industry are working with us very closely. These relationships go far back and have been built on a solid foundation of trust and integrity.

    I wish you all a great day

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