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RevShare or CPA

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  • #608956

    Hi everybody! :hattip:
    Nice forum and a lot of information.

    I have done Casinos for while, and got it up and running.
    Now I want to try Poker. My question is:
    Should I go for RevShare or CPA?
    Any recommended Affiliate programs?


    Hey mate,

    Good question. I wish when i started out i asked this question.
    I have went through a hard time with this particular issue once and learned allot from the experience. Perhaps others can share views as well.

    The most obvious thing to think about is whether you want quick income or build income. The CPA of course gives you cash injections especially when you start out. To build on the rev share aspect of it you need time. And work at getting your players to continue playing.

    There are allot of sites that will promote both, and some really great sites as well, and considered ethical and honest.

    Some of these sites will even go so far in their terms and conditions as state whether your players win or lose you still get paid no matter what.

    Some affiliate managers will also indicate this as well, but to be honest be very careful mate, i cant begin to tell you how this can be misread.

    If you supply players to these sites and they do not generate enough rake to cover the CPA payment, they will hold your CPA payment.

    You will receive emails with statements such as “There is possible fraud behaviour going on” or “Possible CPA abuse from your country” all kinds of excuses to not pay you.

    When you try and work it out they will insist you wait until your players show more activity. Believe me i know first hand.

    I once brought a site, 15 new players in the last week of one month. I expected $2250 as payment for these players and was so happy, since i was going to use this money to rebuild site and invest back.

    The money never came and after 3 months, it stilll never came. It simply depends on the players. And who you work with.

    Even though their terms and conditions state they will pay you, they will not, they will break their own terms and conditions if your players dont play well or re deposit constantly.

    This actually is understandable in some ways as how can they pay you when they make no money as well. But just be careful.

    You need to talk to your affiliate manager and ask about this from the start.

    In my case i did. I was so upfront about it since i read this can be a problem. In my case i was assured, but of course was not given payment.

    I had to work on another way to recoup my losses which after 4-5 months i am still trying to make a percentage of this money back.

    It means trying to get your players to continue playing, and it this point they willl even decrease your CPA deal.

    Revenue share you know you will get your income since the poker room will always get their moneys worth. Well they have not invested in the player.

    You simply will make your percentage of their rake. Must be cautious of this too though. try and deal with reputable sites listed here or on eCOgra.

    Do your homework mate, it will help in the end.

    The bottom line is either way CPA tends to always benefit the poker room no matter what anyway. Unless players generate more than the CPA amount you will not get paid. If they make more than that then you lose on rev share you could of made.

    Rev share is safer and you seem to know at all times your safe.

    Hope this helps.


    That you very musc— this helpt me a lot on my way!:3eyes:

    bj3000;162214 wrote:
    That you very musc— this helpt me a lot on my way!:3eyes:

    Oh mate,

    You are so very welcome. If I can help just one person not go through what i did, i will feel so good. I want everyone to do well, so if this helps i am so pleased.

    Feel free to ask anything, and if i can help i would love to help out.



    edit..I need to not post at 3AM..Missed the part about this being about poker rooms. GFPC is spot on.



    CPA can be problematic.

    Whatever you do, make sure you get all your deals in writting.

    Alot of times they want to chat via MSN and will work around things.

    As long as you have it in ritting there should be no problem.

    But again they can refuse you for whatever reason.

    Kind of a catch 22. Your screwed either way.

    I had a 2250 dollar lesson on this one.


    You´ve had some pretty varied advice already but just to throw more into the mix, the article

    over on reffer poker has some balanced advise. hope youre getting some results, whatever route youve chosen.


    That is a very great article. I for one am seriously open for this option as well. It seems very good on different levels.

    I have both types of accounts. Both Rev Share and CPA. All in all i think,
    a hybrid type deal can really work.

    But as the article said, new affiliates may want CPA at first, for cash flow, then maybe switch over to a hybrid.

    Hybrids seem to share the burden of getting and keeping good traffic.

    Just my thoughts.


    If the CPA is very large, then I tend to go for that, but if it is only $50 or so then I go for Rev Share. If you look around you might find some very good Hybrid schemes



    Very informative topic guys! I’m new here so it’s a great help to get the perspectives of people who have had more experience with this issue!


    while both rev-share and CPA have there advantages and disadvantages a new form of payment option is slowing emerging. this is option is an amalgamation of both CPA and Rev-Share, also know as a hybrid. Most company wont advertise a hybrid payment plan on their site, but this is where your relationship with the affiliate manager comes into play. building and maintaining this relationship will, most of the time, ensure your needs as an affiliate are met. So with this in mind contacting the affiliate manager of your desired program is the best way of securing a hybrid payment option.
    The Hybrid option offers more protection to the affiliate by taking the risk out of the equation. by being offered both a monetary incentive for new sign-ups as well as some Rev-share percentage the affiliate stands to make money regardless of whether his players deposit or not. But note that both the monetary incentive and the Rev-share percentage will be lower then if you just went solely with one option or the other.
    Now a word to the newbies out there. Many companies will not offer this to someone who is just starting out, but you never know till you ask. Remember the affiliate manager is your key to success in this industry.
    Good Luck.

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