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  • #608062
    Inactive has stolen my Mardi Gras Fever screenshot and review.


    Stolen: x (in the “game of the week” area).

    This person also seems to own the sites below, which are set up the same way (each using my stolen content in the “game of the week” area).


    Take it down, asshole! I didn’t create that content so you could steal it and use it for your own benefit! :madat:


    according to the aff.links it seems this AH is not a newbie.

    I hope it is not his/hers main business, copying sites content.



    Boy, you are on a roll here!

    Maybe it’s time for all of us to look for copies again and get this dealt with.


    Yep… :stirpot:

    I did a quick search for some of my own content the other day, for the heck of it, and I found the first thief (which Jasper, Sara, Shane, Hannah, Renee handled exceptionally well — thanks again all).

    Then last night I started snooping around a bit more, found a few things, and this morning I decided to really jump on this and do a more thorough investigation. Talk about opening a can of worms. :1circling

    I recommend all of you do the same — you worked hard to get where you are today — don’t let someone else profit from your hard work! Search for some quoted text from your pages, or use the free tool at — you might be surprised at what comes up.


    One month later, and……..

    This guy is still stealing my content.

    Rest assured I will be contacting all of the affiliate programs you work with. Good luck making money in another industry, asshole.

    April 1: My original Mardi Gras Fever review:
    My original Tomb Raider review:

    April 1: Thief’s stolen content on 3 different sites (in the “Game of the Week” areas):




    April 29: My original Double O’ Cash review:

    April 29: Thief’s stolen content on 3 different sites (in the “Game of the Week” areas):





    Hi Guys –

    im the owner of the 3 pages below and first of all i have to apologize for taking your Game describtion in our Games of the week section.

    I totally respect other peoples content and it was not clear to me that when i used your game describtion. I mean a game is a game and there is only one describtion for it.

    We changed the content and we´re provided now with game informations directly from the affiliate progs, where we participating.

    The content owner was not able to contact us because of a tech. Problem we had on our contact form – this will be fixed within 24 hours.

    But im asking myself – if you inform all the affiliate progs you could have asked for our e-mail info or the admin-c contact infos at who-is.
    Im pretty sure they would give it to you in such a case or contact me with your contact details – like i found here on the forum.

    However we changed the content and for me the case is closed.

    Btw: Be careful if you use words like “asshole” in the public. Like i told you in my e-mail. You never know with whom you deal and if you could meet the person face to face one day.

    Have a good day all and sorry for causing this problem.



    @gamblingage-admin 161779 wrote:

    Hi Guys –

    Btw: Be careful if you use words like “asshole” in the public. Like i told you in my e-mail. You never know with whom you deal and if you could meet the person face to face one day.

    Have a good day all and sorry for causing this problem.


    This seems like a threat and I don’t think anyone at CAP takes this type of thing lightly. I know I don’t. Please refrain from veiled threats or otherwise at CAP if you don’t mind.

    This seems like a threat and I don’t think anyone at CAP takes this type of thing lightly.

    I agree its definitly a veiled threat. Gamblingage there are a few forums which allow this sort of behavior, and one or two who actually encourage it, but we dont tolerate it here at CAP. Please refrain from such language and please respect the content of others. :nono:


    Let me get this straight. You steal. You’re called an asshole for it. You threaten people. Great work. Keep it going.

    You clearly have no conscience.

    Take a good look at yourself before you post drivel on a forum where you have zero reputation (in fact make that a negative reputation).

    @gamblingage-admin 161779 wrote:

    Hi Guys –

    im the owner of the 3 pages below and first of all i have to apologize for taking your Game describtion in our Games of the week section.

    I totally respect other peoples content and it was not clear to me that when i used your game describtion. I mean a game is a game and there is only one describtion for it.

    We changed the content and we´re provided now with game informations directly from the affiliate progs, where we participating.

    The content owner was not able to contact us because of a tech. Problem we had on our contact form – this will be fixed within 24 hours.

    But im asking myself – if you inform all the affiliate progs you could have asked for our e-mail info or the admin-c contact infos at who-is.
    Im pretty sure they would give it to you in such a case or contact me with your contact details – like i found here on the forum.

    However we changed the content and for me the case is closed.

    Btw: Be careful if you use words like “asshole” in the public. Like i told you in my e-mail. You never know with whom you deal and if you could meet the person face to face one day.

    Have a good day all and sorry for causing this problem.


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