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  • #608018

    Today, I found an incredible number of sites that have stolen content from my sites. :madat:

    It is really aggravating to spend time creating something, only to have some bastard (or bitch) come along and steal it for their own benefit. I’m sick of finding my content all over the place.

    I will be posting specific information later today, tomorrow, and in the coming days as I find new thieves. I’ll also be contacting affiliate managers via email and PM.

    If you are an affiliate manager, I hope you will take appropriate action by closing the thieves’ accounts. I was very impressed by several affiliate managers who took swift and severe action a few weeks ago (during my last thief hunt). :thumbsup:


    I also think if they use excuse they paid for the content ,they also should be naming them and provide the proof.I have no issues naming my writers and if iwas sold stolen content i would have no issues putting their names here either.
    By the way if you are looking for good writers ,neoms on dp is very good ,he has worked for us 16 months now.


    A quick update on this —

    I have identified and contacted most of the offending webmasters. One of the thieves is a member of CAP, and two of the thieves are members of both CAP and GPWA. The rest (from what I could tell) don’t seem to be affiliated with either group. If a webmaster belonged to CAP or GPWA, I PMed them in addition to sending them an email.

    Each person has 24 hours to remove my content, or their site URL, contact info, and CAP ID (if applicable) will be posted in this forum along with screenshots showing the stolen content.




    I have to congratulate you on the way you are handling this, contacting webmasters, etc, before naming and shaming. However, please pay attention to what casinobonusguy has already said… some people, if not a lot of people purchase copy for their sites, and thus it should be the content providers that are named and shamed, and not the webmasters themselves. I know I wouldn’t have the time to vet every piece of content I requested, that’s the whole purpose of hiring copywriters!

    I hope you get this resolved sooner rather than later, there seems to be a hell of a lot of content theft going on in this industry, and the sooner we put an end to it the better!


    I nominate that smily for the CAP awards it really made a big impact on the community since joining :wink-wink

    Hope you get his sorted out and Dave! Anyone who has writers working for them should know to put the stuff through article checker or copyscape before publishing it. On the other hand I did find that something I bought the other day passed both of those systems only to find that the guy had rewritten it in a way to make it pass but there were still entire sentences in there that were lifted from other peoples’ sites :Cry: Had to scrap that rubbish of course


    While I think it is rather nice of you, Engineer, to give 24 hours notice….

    If I find ANY copies of ANY of my content out there (regardless if they are a prominent CAP/GPWA/AGD member), they will see a post at CAP/GPWA/AGD well before I contact them directly.

    Why? Because I don’t want to give ANYONE time to clean it up before ‘naming and shaming’. I don’t care if you get your content from a writer. I think this is an excuse most of the time anyway. If you DO have a writer and you DON’T check that content – then you deserve to be named here so that we can find out WHO your content writer is.

    Enough is enough, I say. Engineer has worked VERY hard to make his content user friendly and informational. Stealing his hard work and profiting from it is not what CAP/GPWA/AGD are about.

    This is MY only warning. I’ll be checking all content later this week for replication throughout the web. I WILL name and shame prior to contact – believe it.


    Hi all,

    since I doubt much headway would be made to argue with their ethics … I offer this to the thieves out there … its going to come up as duplicate content anyway (correct me if wrong) which even a few pages of dup content can get the whole site banned from google (again please correct if wrong) … so where is the gain in stealing?

    all I can figure is that you’re asking to get your site banned if you go around stealing content.

    and I agree about the writer angle. This is getting out of hand and its time people start being responsible for what they are buying and slapping up on their sites and calling their own. I realize you hire out to save time but really … not checking to see if you’re putting up dup content is probably asking to get your site in trouble.

    further on the writer angle is that I think if things keep in the same direction that there will come a time when it won’t matter whether there was a paid writer involved or not: the person owning the site is going to take the blunt of the blow for the end result.


    If someone puts some of your content online than google has no problem with that. I have seen this a lot. Your site and the copycat’s will not get banned only the original (yours) will be less valuable for ranking.

    Because the webmaster is responsible for all content published he/she should be respinsible at all times, but in case you bought some websites with content it is almost impossible to check all. :Cry:

    Contentwriters should only give you original texts before I put it online I check some paragraphs now I did not do that in the past, that is why my sites have contact emails to prevent problems afterwards.

    But hunting :cappy:for content to copy is just not done.




    Can’t agree.

    If as a webmaster you are stupid enough to buy content that you donlt ehck to be unique you are an iodiot.

    If you stea lmy content and the page loses ranking on my site I have no patience for a nice 24 hour window.

    It hurst my pocket so there is no other thing than name…

    @Andy – bet365affiliates 159625 wrote:


    I have to congratulate you on the way you are handling this, contacting webmasters, etc, before naming and shaming. However, please pay attention to what casinobonusguy has already said… some people, if not a lot of people purchase copy for their sites, and thus it should be the content providers that are named and shamed, and not the webmasters themselves. I know I wouldn’t have the time to vet every piece of content I requested, that’s the whole purpose of hiring copywriters!

    I hope you get this resolved sooner rather than later, there seems to be a hell of a lot of content theft going on in this industry, and the sooner we put an end to it the better!


    I am in the proces of checking all (new) content for duplicates.

    I was not aware of this copycat mess.

    But I totally agree to webmasters who are lazy and copy somebody’s hard work and want to make $$ quickly get this in return : pitch the bitch !!

    Webmasters who are doing this should not have become a CAP – GWPA member in the first place.

    Because of them we all have to work overtime!


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