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  • #605291

    Hi Guys,

    Friday 5th Oct will be my last day here at Grand Prive Affiliates. I am taking on new adventures in an exciting new industry.

    On top of this we have a brand new Affiliate Manager to take care of things. Introducing Miles Saaks. Miles is an expert on the inner works of online casino’s and offers a wealth of over 4 years experience on all aspects of the gaming industry. Everything you need to know, he’s your GO-TO guy. Please give him a warm welcome to the program. If you’d like to contact Miles, feel free to drop him a line at:

    Irwin, as you may know, has been a leader for the affiliate program for a number of years now and I am sure you all will be in safe hands.

    If you have any enquires you are asked to direct them to

    Best Regards,


    i wish you all the best Gordon
    and welcome Miles

    and to Grand Prive i wanna say

    its very interesting that the affiliate manager change again
    now after all that Spam chit…………
    We still all wait to get this cleared


    ok – maybe someone can address the spam issue, then!


    Every month i get money from them even though my ‘new stats’ have showed zero LOL.The only time i ever see my stats is when gordon has been kind enough to email them to me. I totally hate this new setup .The spam is ridiculous ,they are ranking up there with the viagra emails i get.


    Hi Gordon,

    It was great working with you and meeting you in the Bahamas at CAP. I wish you the best of luck in your new endevors in the new industry.

    You are a good guy and it’s to bad that the GP program has gone downhill with the spam and stats problems. I hope SOMEONE does something to address these issues very soon.

    Take care! :)

    Welcome Mike! Good luck to ya. I have a feeling that you will need it.

    BTW can someone please email me my stats for the past 2 months? I sent an emailed request to support, but never got a reply.

    My id is gamtrak.


    Best wishes Gordon in your future endeavors.
    Welcome aboard Miles.


    Best Of Luck Gordon


    Hey Gordon,

    You sure took me by surprise last week when you told me you were leaving.
    I’m always sad to have to say goodbye, to managers like you, who I’ve known and worked with now for so long. I wish you all the best and much success! You’ve been great to work with.

    And…….. welcome Miles! LOL

    What a nice surprise to find out who this new person was. You’re definitely experienced and NOT new. I’m really looking forward to being able to work with you again. I can’t imagine anyone else coming in that would do a better job then you. I remember you being very dedicated to your projects. :)


    Hello Everyone.

    Firstly let me say that i am extremely excited to be working with you all and am looking forward to all the new challenges this job brings with it.

    My contact details are below please feel free to contact me at anytime with any issues you may have and i will do my utmost to assist you 100%

    There are currently 2 hot topics doing the round and i hope that i can now shed some light on these

    Viewing Stats

    We have had some success with a few affiliates who have tried the following when viewing Stats so i would like to give you these 4 suggestions and see if this assists you in any way now we know this is not an ideal situation but i can guarantee that our program will improve in the not too distant future and will also have some amazing New features that will blow you away

    Try this

    1) If you are Using Internet Explorer to view These Stats Please try using Fire Fox Instead or VISA VERSA
    2) If you are using Vista this could be causing the Issue
    3) Try using a different machine friend or family and see if this make a difference
    4) If you have a firewall temporarily disable this and then try again

    Let us know if any of this does assist you in any way and please feel free to contact me on My Email below.

    Spam Issues

    I hope everyone out there knows that Grandprive Does not and never has supported such practices by our members and after a huge amount of investigation we have tracked down the Culprit and this should now cease to be an issue again please monitor your mailboxes and advise us if you still getting this Spam



    Affiliate Manager


    Welcome Miles.

    As far as stats, if you are finding that many webmasters are having problems viewing stats with IE, then the developers should look into this.

    If you are finding that many webmasters are having trouble viewing stats with Firefox then the developers should look into this.

    If you are finding that many webmasters are having trouble viewing stats with Vista, then the developers should look into this as every day that goes by more will be using Vista.

    I have trouble viewing stats more than twice in one week. I make no changes and usually 3 to 5 days later….eventually I will get a brief glimpse of my stats again….and then I know that I must wait another 3 to 5 days to see them again. (Today I got to see them and have seen the canges since Oct 2nd) Same computer, same browser and no changes on my end….

    As far as the firewall, I did find that Symantec’s Norton Internet Security was blocking me from seeing the stats popup. I had to disable the popup blocker in the Antispam Section of the settings and would NEVER recommend running with anti-virus or Internet Security completly disabaled.

    If anyone is using the popup blocker with Google Toolbar, just allow popups from the Grand Prive site and disable IE’s popup blocker or allow the Grand Prive site.



    Hi Miles, :)

    Sorry that I called you Mike in my last post, but I could not edit.

    It’s a shame that you have to start your new position dealing with things which should be effortless.

    I still can not access my stats so I would really appreciate a report for the past 2 months sent to me via email.

    Please don’t take this personal, but disabling firewalls and changing settings should never be an option or suggested IMO. Asking us to switch operating systems is a huge mistake only because I have Vista on my laptop and it will not run some of my applications or my MP3 sync feature so I do them on my desktop that has XP. Some folks may not know about the transition issues that may occur when upgrading to a new OS and be extremely upset with you.

    It’s very sad that the company threw away a decent affiliate interface for this new piece of crap. NO ONE is benefiting from this so something needs to be done asap. As an affiliate it’s not worth the frustration. I have way to much to do other than repeatedly ask for stats, go to another computer to view stats or anything outside of the norm.

    I hate to say it, but if these issues are not resolved by the end of this year then I will give thought to removing your brands from my sites altogether and that would really suck.


    Hi again, I wanted to make a correction that I CAN access my stats the problem is that there is NO data. I just generated a report to view from June to October and all I see are zero’s for all of the months.

    I will say that I have gotten payments, but I really want correct data that I can view as well as payment.

    My quick stats sais:

    October 2007

    Clicks 1
    Downloads 5
    Downloads/Clicks 500%
    New Real Players 0
    New Real Players/Downloads 0%
    New Wagering Players 0
    New Wagering Players/New Real Players 0%
    Profit $0
    Deductions $0
    Net Profit $0
    Total Earning $0


    Hi Everyone,

    Ok I do realise that my suggestions are Not ideal but i am only trying to assist you while our developers work on these issues.

    We have been promised Huge improvements Over the comming Months so Most if not all the issues should be resolved .

    I am confident that if we bear with them we will see Results in the long term.

    We cannot commit to a date but everything new has to be tested until it breaks to avoid more issues and this is what we are currently doing.

    You are all Important to us and in no way do we want to Chnage that all we ask is be patient with us we will win this battle together with your help.

    My suggestion helped a few people with theri stats and that is the main Reason i had posted these to assit you



    Well I am happy to report that I have actually been able to see stats 2 days in a row so I think improvements are being made….

    …(I don’t want anyone to think I am being nasty here by stating this, I have not been able to see stats 2 days in a row for a long time)



    Rick is correct. Your techs need to get this right, considering how long it took, and how much money they were paid for this project. Clean up the code so that the site works correctly. Other sites using asp aren’t having this problem, so it is correctable. If your current staff can’t fix it, get someone who can and pay them the money.

    It takes far too long for the stats to load. Referback using similar tech and their site loads easily and accurately.

    Push the Ctrl button to temporarily allow for popups on a case by case basis.

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