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Black hat sites: can the merchant (Casino) get sandboxed?

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  • #605271
    Pol Pitt

    I’ve been approached by a few people that claim they are the best in black hat SEO. They wanted to promote 21Magic’s main site this way and we said: NO, thank you. The risk of being blacklisted is too high and we prefer the slow and steady way.
    They then offered to build a network of sites that promote themselves, not 21magic, but which will ultimately drive traffic to it.
    I’m not technical at all, but I’m afraid that this can backfire bigtime and I will get my ass kicked…
    Can anyone shed some light?



    I have no idea why you would even consider this? You will be CRUCIFIED at CAP , GPWA, AGD, CM and others…. you would NEVER again be able to use good affiliates who have steady, proven traffic…. and you would leave yourself open to:

    1. Getting marked as a ‘bad neighborhood’

    2. Showing the U.S. that Casinos ARE bad news just like porn.

    3. Giving the Casino a bad name

    4. Possible outright banning from the SE’s

    Do you really want to be part of this??? How long has it taken to remove the stigma that 21Magic already has since they started off in the market by spamming?

    BTW – this IS spamming, just a different form. You would be spamming the search engines for sure…. and, if it is the group I am thinking of, you would also be spamming email addresses.

    I’m surprised you even asked, TBH.


    i don’t understand the title Black hat sites: can the merchant (Casino) get sandboxed? related to your post.

    @Sam David 140745 wrote:

    They then offered to build a network of sites that promote themselves, not 21magic, but which will ultimately drive traffic to it.


    i don’t understand this

    (ps. 21magic has a grey toolbar-pr already….)

    Pol Pitt

    Hi Kwblue,
    First of all, thank you very much for always being here with the right answers, you’re a true proffessional and I’m sure that the people in the porn industry would have done better if they had a guy like you on their side.:wink-wink

    I said earlier that I automaticaly said no to their offer, but I posted the question here so I could learn more about it, I might have not emphasized it enough, I didn’t and will not consider any business with this kind of offers.
    You know how hard I work maintaining a good reputation for 21Magic on forums like CAP and I wouldn’t want to have people lose trust in me.
    How can I make sure that non of my new affiliates uses this method of cheating the traffic in? So I can know for certain no one does it in our name. I didn’t know this is also spam. where can i read more about it and learn what to look out from?

    I say no to SPAM at all its forms,



    If the black hatters are good then the chance of you getting banned from google are pretty slim. They aren’t going to link spam direct to your casino just their own websites promoting your casino. Their websites will get banned but they will counter it by just setting up more and more.

    Agreeing to this sort of thing would be very unprofessional as an affiliate manager and could ruin your reputation. There are already enough obstacles in this niche for affiliates to overcome without having to worry about people scraping our sites and sabotaging our SERPS.

    Try some white hat link baiting if you need a boost in traffic and backlinks. It can be very powerful if done correctly.

    How can I make sure that non of my new affiliates uses this method of cheating the traffic in? So I can know for certain no one does it in our name. I didn’t know this is also spam. where can i read more about it and learn what to look out from?

    Don’t worry we will let you know. sly.gif


    Actually, if sufficiently annoyed google will ban the operator. I know of at least one case where google called the casino in question and told them to cease and desist or else.

    You see zero search engine spam from these folks today, and they used to be one of the worst.


    @Dominique 140987 wrote:

    Actually, if sufficiently annoyed google will ban the operator. I know of at least one case where google called the casino in question and told them to cease and desist or else.

    You see zero search engine spam from these folks today, and they used to be one of the worst.

    I think I know which casino your talking about in this situation though I have never heard of google warning anyone. They usually just ban with no questions or warnings.

    Pol Pitt

    Hi Rob and everyone else,
    Thank you for helping me figure some of this stuff out,
    You helped me know I did the right thing.

    I just have one little question what’s the white hat link baiting?
    Some more information could be very useful.

    Thanks a lot,


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