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21magic / brooksmedia spam

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  • #605227

    This is annoying me, anyone else? i keep getting these offers, to the SAME email address… i didnt signup and im not in a good mood. stop spamming me sam.

    at the end of the message he is spamming with it reads:

    Please note we do not accept players from the US, Israel or Turkey, and no spam traffic.

    Pol Pitt

    Hi Tarzan,
    I’m happy to make the acquaintance and sorry that we meet this way (e.g. that our email got you into a bad mood).
    I would gladly remove you off our mailing list (there is also an automatic “unsubscribe” button on the bottom of the email if you want to do it yourself). The email you received is our new promotions email that we send to affiliates and webmasters from sites we google, like yours. We’ve built it over the past year and recently started using it on a monthly basis to update leading sites about our offers. I believe we got your email from the ‘contact us’ details you had there in the past (I can check the history because it was before I joined), so this is really not spam. On the contrary- you have a great site and we want to be on it in the Playtech/non US categories if possible.
    I had a few webmasters contact me here and ask me to remove them from the list, which I do gladly because I don’t want to annoy anyone.
    So please send me the email addresses that receive this mail and I’ll make sure to take you off the list.



    harvesting emails and then sending bulk offers to those address is SPAM. I got the same email twice in one day to the same address, am i being dealt with personally? no, this is machine driven SPAM. and when I get more than one (one at 9:00am and one at around 2:00pm) it is clearly SPAM. if my memory serves me I got one or two the day before, as well.

    Spam is unwanted, unsolicited email. AND in the form of BULK mail its most definitely SPAM. I cannot go around to casino websites and collect the addresses of those who have ‘casino’ in their website and then send them a newsletter, now can I?

    please rethink your strategy. you are using SPAM when you create a list of ‘potential’ buyers/clients based on nothing more than contact details from a website. otherwise you’d be able to simply use the whois database, right? but thats not allowed is it?

    try a Press Release.

    Pol Pitt

    Sending the same Email twice to the same addresse on the same day is not only stupid but also causes the exact opposite of the primary goal – reaching more affiliates.
    As I told you earlier I don’t want to annoy anyone and I hate spam myself.
    No one wants to start his day with Emails about his pennis size, his abilities in bed and fake lottery winnings.
    No one wants to get the same Email twice,
    And I promise you that we at Brook Media do everything we can to avoid it, as you well monetioned earlier we block spamming affiliates, we hate spam!

    What can I say? Clearly we made a mistake and I’m sure it’s pretty clear to you that I’m here to fix whatever needs to be fixed, as I said before you can simply unsubscribe or send me your Email addresse and I’ll take care of it mself.
    Be sure that we have a reputation to maintain and every person knows that spam won’t get you reputation.

    I wouldn’t want to go to a party when I’m not invited, I was offering you a chance to make money off your nice website, clearly you don’t want to, that’s it then.
    Send me your Email and I’ll take your details off our charts.



    Sam, you are saying how much you hate spam but you are part of the problem. I suggest you read up on whats considered spam and whats not. is a good place to start. I would also stop acting like your not doing anything wrong and delete that entire list you have instead of telling tarzan he needs to send you his email address to be removed. He don’t have to do that. He shouldnt have received the emails in the first place. Let me tell you if I start receiving these emails I’m not going to be as nice as Tarzan is. I will file a complaint with the ftc as well as your domain registrar and hosting company. A couple of those complaints and you can say goodbye to your business.

    Sending the same Email twice to the same addresse on the same day is not only stupid but also causes the exact opposite of the primary goal – reaching more affiliates.

    stupid? = agree
    exact opposite of primary goal = disagree, with SPAM you will reach more (thats why people SPAM)

    As I told you earlier I don’t want to annoy anyone and I hate spam myself. No one wants to start his day with Emails about his pennis size, his abilities in bed and fake lottery winnings. No one wants to get the same Email twice, And I promise you that we at Brook Media do everything we can to avoid it, as you well monetioned earlier we block spamming affiliates, we hate spam!

    you will do everything but changing the spam practice?? if thats true, you dont need my email address to stop spamming me and everyone else — simply delete the list you harvested

    What can I say? Clearly we made a mistake and I’m sure it’s pretty clear to you that I’m here to fix whatever needs to be fixed, as I said before you can simply unsubscribe or send me your Email addresse and I’ll take care of it mself.

    As I also said before :) , delete the spammy operation, why you need to know my email? (*which you clearly have :roflmao:)

    Be sure that we have a reputation to maintain and every person knows that spam won’t get you reputation.

    so delete your email campaigns based on a list no one signed up on, but was PLACED there because you assumed we want this information [aka harvested]

    I wouldn’t want to go to a party when I’m not invited, I was offering you a chance to make money off your nice website, clearly you don’t want to, that’s it then.

    how do you know i dont want to promote your casino? how you got inside information that i dont want your deal is beyond me. clearly you miss the point. it is the spam i dont like. it has nothing to do with the casino(s) you promote which I have not looked at yet.

    I usually wait until the dust settles on any new operations before making up my mind, but this spam clearly weighs heavy with certain affiliates. i appreciate your anti-spam view point. now lets see if you do something about it.

    Send me your Email and I’ll take your details off our charts.

    this will be your first test for whether or not i can establish a relations in the future. remove the nasty campaign, not ask for my email again.

    cheers and good luck. you might be suprised at how well press releases work. You’ll have webmasters RSS feeding your message all over the place … but by putting your message unsolicited in everyones email box, you may accomplish the exact opposite of what you are attempting. … assuming you are trying to get the ball rolling on your operation.

    Pol Pitt

    Hi Tarzan and all,
    Thank you for taking the time and commenting on my actions, it’s been very useful and it helps me understand the right approach, clearly, I still have a lot to learn.

    You made a few intresting points and you sound like a great guy, I wouldn’t want to disapoint you, and you have my word that things are going to change.

    We reach new people in various ways every day, Email is my least favorite one. Having lunch, talking over a few drinks or just having a genuine conversation is more like how I operate. Phone calls and forums are also good, in marketing you have to get a full coverage, and reaching full coverage without annoying anyone isn’t easy, yet as I promised before, we care for our reputation and wouldn’t want to jeperdise the chances of working with nice guys like you.

    Saying that starting tomorrow everything is going to change will be iresponisible of me, but your points are taken and as someone who tries to avoid making stupid mistakes twice, I will fix what’s needed to be fixed, deal?

    October special is already out there and people talk about it, so I have at least 3 weeks of setting the right approach towards November.

    Looking forward talking to you without just defending myself, but as in a real conversation :hattip:
    I’m much better at friendly conversations



    PPC and sqeeze pages work pretty well for building a mailing list. Also as Tarzan mentioned press releases. If you really feel the need to contact webmasters then do it individually via a contact form on their website or try posting in the new programs section on this forum.

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