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VIP lounge casino program not paying – be careful

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  • #604391

    Before I found out they where a part of the evil Virtual Group i promoted them a short while.

    Its more than 3 months ago – and they keep telleing me that they will pay me.

    Does anyone have a contact there?


    This is what I got from live help:

    Please wait for a site operator to respond.
    Thank you for using our LiveChat Service. This is ‘James Cash’. How can I help you?
    James Cash: Welcome to the VIP Lounge Live Chat Service. How can I help you today?
    xxxxxx: hi James
    xxxxxx: Since I did not get an answer from the management / affiliatemanager I have to post here
    xxxxxx: I am owed some earnings
    James Cash: what can I do for you today
    xxxxxx: If your affiliateprogram is not paying, i will have to post another reply to this one :
    James Cash: you can contact the casino manager on
    James Cash: this afternoon
    James Cash: his name is Chris
    xxxxxx: I have been promised numerous times he will get back to me, he just did not.
    James Cash: well please contact him this afternoon
    James Cash: Like I said his name is Chris
    xxxxxx: So the only way to listen is to post at and VIP lounge’s reputation will be far worse in the future. He can contact me at ( = XXX)this afternoon and explain why.
    James Cash: you are more then welcome to do what you think is right I have told you what you need to do the rest is in your hands
    James Cash: Have a great day
    James Cash: by the way
    xxxxxx: ok I will, have a great day too
    Chat session was ended by casino host. This may have been a technical error.

    XXX=to prevent negative comments.

    They do not care for payment just deliver and thanks for promoting VIP lounge we will not pay you, please sign up here ?

    I will remove this program from my website, as well as (same group).

    So you will not get paid, sorry, but you are not the only one.

    Just get rid off the crap.



    Looks like they got me too… I cant even log onto the program anymore..


    I put and offline some time ago. They took my players and commission. Viplounge casino has shut down the affiliate site and refercasino (thevirtualcasino) promised to pay but never did. Now I understand why they belong in the rogue section.

    Best Regards


    Groups like that are a real pain in the a** for the industry…:flush:


    Any update on this? The stats are down, wish I never found this Damn casino!


    The update is they have got your players and do not have to pay any commission. IMO pure theft of money. VIP lounge casino does not care at all for affiliates. I contacted them several times to repair the logon page and pay me. “We are working on this” …..for 3 months……
    This group is BAD news for the industry and should be closed down permanently.
    I do not know what we can do to get our money back, I think it is a waste of time to put more effort in this issue. They won for now but not for the long term. If they do not repair the logon page no one can sign up :-) . I am wondering where they can get the traffic from.



    All affiliates have been paid.
    And we have been up and running strong again since 11/01/07.




    You did send the commission to my gamblingaccount…but I have been waithing around 10-14 days now for the cash out!


    That’s almost funny… sort of.

    Good luck getting paid. I seriously hope nobody is still promoting these :shakebuttholes.


    I have just been paid:wink-wink

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