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Benefit of running more than one website?

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    With many businesses I can understand the benefit of running multiple business e.g. you fill the demand in the area for that particular business or there is a limited amount of income that business can bring in on its own. With casino affiliates what is the point of having multiple sites as an individual, if you specialise in one you can always get listed for more and more keywords and build the site stronger and stronger thus bringing in more and more business. I understand lots of people have multiple sites and I am sure there is a very good reason such as to capture demand vor various keywords and different markets but it seems to me as an individual it is best to concentrate on one site in particular. I am interested to hear what you other affiliates have to say as I know many have multile sites and obviously do very well with it.


    Everyone has a different opinion on this one…

    Here is mine:

    Advantage of multiple:

    1. Can rank for keywords by tying in the domain name with your keywords
    2. Can rank on MSN because that engine likes new sites (but this only works when the site is new or the pages are new)

    Advantage of 1:

    1. You only have to update 1 site instead of many
    2. You will most likely never leave a site unattended for months on end
    3. You will gain more power due to the increasing size of the site
    4. You will get more links because the power of your site will increase faster (most likely)

    These are just a few of the adv/disadv that I have noticed.


    I find that when I have more than one website on the same subject .. I don’t know where to put new content.. they end up almost mirrors of each other, and one ends up for sale..

    I do have a casino site.. a poker site that has a casino/bingo/sb area.. a poker forum site.. and a blog or 2 between myself and my partner.. but when I start a new site.. in one of those areas.. it tends to get merged with old sites and 301’s go up.. or it gets sold..

    If you’re the one building, updating and so on.. then the new ideas are yours .. in which case.. you’re going to have the same ideas for all of your sites..


    Most people should stick with one site.

    If you have a lot of ability (or money), making multiple sites can be a good avenue.

    Either way, you should build one and make it successful first, THEN think about other sites. Otherwise, you’re simply reproducing mediocrity.


    I don’t think I agree.. just one site.. just one topic.. = all eggs in one basket..

    Market Junction wrote:
    Either way, you should build one and make it successful first, THEN think about other sites. Otherwise, you’re simply reproducing mediocrity.

    I agree with that. :)


    Yes I suppose thats right its better to have more than one once you have got your one site up to a good level. If anything goes wrong with that site you always have a backup income. Thanks for the posts guys


    Oh, and if you have one master site, you’ll be better off in Google. If that matters to you. :)


    I utilize most of my off sites to link back in to my main site that drives my checkbook.

    Now the key is the sites are not duplicates. As LadyH said, I would never create a site about about sales and then one about truck sales. I would have an automobile sales site and then one on automobile repair. Now the money maker would have “0” outgoing links and the other would link back to it.

    All of my link exchanges and marketing would focus on the first the second would be bait.

    If the sites are dups then you are also going to tread a fineline with the search engines so I would not go there either.

    Just my two cents.


    I originally started off with two sites as an experiment. One site was hardly ever updated, and not promoted (just directiry submitions etc). The other site was SEO’d greatly.. That’s where I spent my time on.. fresh new content every day etc..

    When all is said and done… the SEO’d is better and receives 10 times more visitors per day BUT I spent 100 times more work on it.. So in retrospect I’ve come to the conclusion that the best way is to have multiple sites of which you’ve have original content, BUT don’t spend too much time on other than the minimal.. They will eventually get listed and clients WILL come.

    Yea, it is mediocre, but it’s getting the most traffic per time spent.


    I think i am not agree with concept of multiple sites on same topic! Well promoted single sites works good! is one and is also one :)

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