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Affiliate Warning – Dont Promote Fraud!!! You WONT be Paid!

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  • #602613

    Guys there are several hot topics wrapped up in this post and they are problems which arise again and again. Please read:

    1. If you read player boards you will see the topic of bonus abuse arise again and again as a complaint and source of frustration for affiliates, players and casinos.

    2. If you read affiliate boards you will find another frequent source of complaints is programs not paying CPA affiliates for players which they deem as abusers.

    Casinos offer deposit bonuses as an incentive to attract new players. These are also a great sales aid for affiliates as it gives us a way to encourage players to try out a new property. 95% of the time the system works. Real players take advantage of the bonus offer and try out a new casino, they win because they get additional funds to play with and reduce their risk for trying out a new casino. Affiliates win because we have a new depositing player and get paid commissions. The casinos win because they have a new client.

    Unfortunately there is a sub culture of player who is not at all interested in playing at the casino. They look at casinos as a way to generate money and not as a source of recreation. The ONLY reason they “play” is to take the casinos money and arent legitimate players. When this happens everyone loses. The casinos lose as they are basically being scammed. Honest affiliates lose as casinos then have to cut back on bonus offers or slash CPA levels to offset the fraud, legitimate players get penalized as bonuses are reduced or eliminated or they are mistakenly labeled as bonus abusers due to hypersensitivity of the casino staff.

    How do we fit in?

    I received the following complaint from a casino this morning, I am ommitting the name of the casino and the affiliates cited:

    I have a major problem with some of the guys at the CAP forum and I need your advice.

    These guys are bringing fraud traffic to me and when they are blocked they scream at the forum.

    Now I’m in a bit of a conflict here- since we are a business I don’t feel comfortable to expose the fraud activity of those affiliates on the forum but it seems that’s the only thing I have left to do there.

    More over, I want to ask your moderators to take a more strong approach to these kinds of threads- these affiliates are killing me out there and they keep away the good affiliates I am after.

    Just to give you an example, here are a few lines from the e-book XXXXXX is sending to his potential players (these players are coming to my casino after that)-

    “…This casino will give you up to $200 for free just to sign up at there casino and play the games. This means that you will not have to play with your own money, making this system 100% risk free!…”

    “…But the great thing about this casino is that it will allow you to immediately withdraw your initial deposit right back into your bank account leaving you with the same amount FREE in your casino account….”

    “…Remember, this a 100% risk free because you will immediately withdraw your money…”

    This is, as you can see, a very clear example of a violation of our bonus policy (player wise) and our trust (affiliate wise). This guy also teaches his “players” how to cheat the roulette.

    I hope it is clear that this is why I am not going to pay anything to this affiliate or any other affiliate that tries to send this kind of traffic to our sites. (if not, please let me know- sometimes, things that are crystal clear to one side, are that understood on the other side)

    Please let me know what you think we can do about this as soon as you can.

    When affiliates promote bonus abuse and encourage players to rip off casinos we ALL LOSE. Please take the high road and market responsibly. 99.00% of the affiliates at CAP take this approach and are VERY successful. You dont need to employ techniques like this to succeed. In fact if you do market like this you WON’T succeed, you won’t be paid and over the long run you will develop a reputation with the programs and won’t earn anything. In the mean time you are ruining things for the rest of us who are doing things the right way. Cut it out!


    that is always bad, but i have an issue with the email posted lol.

    If the casino allows the bonus abuse as started, they need to correct thier bonus! as well that is pretty much an open cash machine they are running. Second if there is a way to “cheat” on roulette then they need to look at that lol. Now I want to read this e-book.


    If the player complies with the terms and conditions for receiving a bonus as well as the rules for cashing out a bonus i don’t see how this can possibly be referred to as “fraud”. Bonus hunting has absolutly nothing to do with fraud.

    With regards to the casino’s problems above, I can’t understand that they allow this kind of bonus hunting to go on. How hard can it be to write in the terms and conditions for the singn-up bonus that no amount -deposit as well as bonus money can not be cash out untill the minimum wagering requirements have been fulfilled by the player? Write that in the terms for the bonus and the problem is solved, NO ?.

    Bonus hunting is and will always be a part of online gambling – from a casino perspective I would deal with that instead of whining about it. It’s not going to go away.

    Casinos want’s the players money – the players want the casinos money. That’s the nature of the business. It’s not a donation from the player to the casino.

    Obviously an affiliate catering to bonus hunters as in the example above won’t see much value of their work from a revenue share point of view. If such an affiliate should receive any CPA payment should be easy to determain by reading the terms and conditions for the CPA agreement, NO?

    I don’t see any problems that can not be solved by writing down what is expected from the player for them to be able to get a bonus and cash it out. Similar write down what is expected from an affiliate to get paid on CPA basis.

    Don’t go for the easy “we will decide later if we will pay you” terms and conditions. If you can’t figure out how to write terms and conditions for bonuses and CPA deal – hire an expirianced bonus hunter to help you out and/or hire a CPA affiliate who caters to bonus hunters to help you out.

    I am in no way saying that this is a great situation. I try to promote other things then just the bonuses – there is much more to a casino then a bonus.

    No point in complaining about bonus hunting -it’s a fact of life, it’s just like there is no point in me complaining about paying tax – I cant’ change that eighter.


    when will casinos learn that running many of their current bonus offers won’t pull in the kind of players that are profitable over the long run.

    I have always said… they can’t see the dollar for the dime in front of them.

    its exactly true. as long as bonus offers have loop-holes that allow the casino to be taken advantage of …. it will happen.

    what should be done …. and I’ve said this forever … is that money should be targeted towards rewarding players for quality play. Not for bringing in every dime-chasing freeloader on the net. because its going to happen everytime.

    Prof said to me years ago… and was right. I’d make majority of my money off a handful of people. Take the freaking hint casinos!

    because you casinos know better than anybody this is true.

    Quality customer service …. a VIP list for starters that basically says.. hey if this person has a complaint and for instance … feels they were cheated on a $25 spin or the like …. give them the freakin’ money! right then…. no questions asked.

    word of mouth is big. the really worthy players do talk. do appreciate being treated as they should be! bonus chasers also talk. probably more. you set yourself up for their scummy ways …. expect to reap the end results. and know they won’t be pretty.

    its all about approach.

    and affs that promote such ignorant approaches and then expect to get paid for it… get what they deserve.

    Dom and I have both said for a long time……. you take CPA deals… there will always be a loser.

    you affs will be the loser in the end. you might make some fast dough. but as soon as the casino program figures out what you’re doing …. you WILL NOT BE PAID!

    its a lot smarter to just .. and these keys are almost worn out from my saying this ….. DO THE RIGHT THING! everybody wins.

    Pol Pitt

    This industry is suffering from people on the outside trying to destroy our business and the last thing we need is people from the inside destroying our business.
    Affiliates who promote bonus hunter scams are drying the well they’re drinking from.
    And it’s our job to do the right thing and set those affiliates straight before all of us will have to face an empty well.

    Affiliates – do the right thing !
    All of us need to know that if we want to rip what we sow we need to get rid of all parasites.

    Sam David
    Affiliate manager



    @Jan 136302 wrote:

    If the player complies with the terms and conditions for receiving a bonus as well as the rules for cashing out a bonus i don’t see how this can possibly be referred to as “fraud”. Bonus hunting has absolutly nothing to do with fraud.

    Unless I’m reading it wrong, we’re talking about players cashing out their deposit immediately after receiving the bonus and continuing to play 100% risk free on the CASINOS money, not their own.

    I don’t know of any casino doesn’t have a T&C in place to prevent them from doing this. In cases such as this, the affiliate shouldn’t be paid, and if the player wins on the bonus, the player should only receive their deposit back – not their winnings.

    Whether or not the software is broken and allowing them to (yes, fraudulently) do this is totally irrelevant.

    edit: I noticed in the other thread someone brought up “The casino should be happy for this affiliate finding the “bug””

    I would agree with this except for the fact that they were exploiting it for their own personal gain.

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