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Datacash rejected all ACH transfers to US by MGS Operators on Friday

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  • #600777

    Guys if you were waiting on ACH transfers from MGS operators and they didnt arrive by now then they arent coming :omg:

    Datacash rejected the ACH transfers and they have gone back to the senders.

    I was expecting the following:

    Goldenstar Network

    Referback confirmed this happened and are going to send checks via Courier…

    This REALLY sucks!!! I have received less then 10% of the commissions due me for January so far. This is devastating to my personal finances as I do not have huge cash reserves.

    I just wanted to let anyone else waiting for funds via ACH that they werent going to magically show up today :cuss:


    CR came through with ach a couple days ago…

    The programs knew the window would be a short one. Thanks to those who tried until it dried up. Many just abandoned the idea…

    The DOJ’s plan is working, cutting off the money will kill most anything.


    Saying plenty of bad words right now myself! I am with you Professor I have dipped into my savings too damn much last few days and only have been paid by 3 programs and that wasn’t much either!

    I am at a loss for words here..

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