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  • #600732

    I received this today:

    Overdue commissions from Direct and Global are now being released:

    On November 27th 2006 Global and Direct closed. Pharmacy Shark Patrol has negotiated, through a third party, a payment program for commission outstanding for people registered in our down line.

    The Direct Pharm and Global Pharm owners wish to maintain a good name with Pharmacy Shark Patrol (PSP) members, as they do expect to re-enter the market.

    PSP can transfer funds by epassporte or, if over $100, wire transfer.

    I am able to contact some in the PSP down line and you as you are already registered in the PSP. However in many cases I just have an ID no matching email address. As there is a significant $ amount involved, please contact me with your Direct/Global ID and confirm $ owing so I can match the amount and ID to your request.

    Payment will be made in 5 equal installments, commencing this week with 20% of the amount due. The balance installments will be paid each month for the next 4 months.

    Please contact PSP and confirm the amount owing to you by return.

    If you are not in or other PSP site down line – the 3rd party contact refuses to give me any details. So I am sorry but we can not help you, although we did try.

    Pharmacy Shark Patrol service is free to you. If you join in our affiliate down lines we will back you up. Being in our down line will usually improve your commission. The small T2 commission we receive is like your insurance. Good Pharmacies appreciate the and PSP support, because we can refer reliable affiliates. Pharmacy Shark Patrol also acts as a good moderator when there is a dispute. So outcomes generally benefit all parties.

    We do not charge a fee for service or accept cash rewards (even though we have had many offers) for the follow up results we have achieved.



    Pharmacy Shark Patrol

    For some reason I have the nagging feeling that this is some phishing letter…


    Yah after reading I was thinking wtf? I think it is just 1 of many phishing expeditions we will be seeing. I think many of these new payment processors are the same thing, such a shame what our government is allowing to happen.

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