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Neteller defendant update

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  • #600126

    From egaming review:

    Former Neteller director John Lefebvre has been granted bail after an appearance in court in Los Angeles. According to Rebekah Carmichael, press spokesperson from the US Department of Justice, ‘he will be released after satisfying the bail conditions of $5m fully secured by cash or property; pre-trial supervision; surrender of all travel documents; and travel restricted to the Central District of California, except for trips to Southern District, New York for Court.’

    The other former director Stephen Lawrence is currently in court in St Thomas in the US Virgin islands, attending an, “advice of rights” hearing.

    Both defendants are being directed to appear in this district on January 26, 2007, though this is subject to change.


    Five million dollars bail? that is a big junk of change!



    I am surprised they let him out so quickly.


    Im suprised they didnt tie him to a stake and burn him for being the witch they are hunting.


    So am I, what a joke this is!


    Arrested under the charge of billions in money laundering linked with ilegal offshore gambling, and the gentleman is at home 48 hs later?

    Very Odd….


    its all about the scare tactics – which is working 110% – prob better then they hoped for too.


    How is this odd? People are arrested regularly and released on high bail.

    They took his “travel documents”, which means his passport and/or canadian resident card. If he managed to flee to canada, he would be extradited back to the US, since money laundering and bail jumping are both crimes in Canada, as well as in the US.

    You are constitutionally entitled to fair bail, and generally only denied in violent crimes and flight risks.

    Amendment VIII

    Excessive bail shall not be required, nor excessive fines imposed, nor cruel and unusual punishments inflicted.

    Quaint old document, no longer recognized by republicans as valid.

    AmCan wrote:
    Excessive bail shall not be required, nor excessive fines imposed, nor cruel and unusual punishments inflicted.

    I think 5m is pretty excessive bale in this case! They took his documents and restricted him to say in California or in NY at the request of the DA. They could have accomplished all that with a $500 bail!

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