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  • #599799
    Inactive only had clicks, never had real money players. I refer a friend to tried their “honest”, deposit and playing…than…Yes, you are correct, nothing in my stat. Email their support and person in charge, Yes, you are correct again, no reply even one word!:cuss:


    i recently signed up to promote this program. they actually emailed me to notify me of this problem and asked me to take their links down until they fixed the tracking problem. while i appreciate them letting me know about it before i even found out, why did they not notify all affiliates? or did they? i would think not given the topic of this thread. anyone else have any experiences?


    I was notified.


    I was notified too.


    I didn’t get any noticed also until now still get no reply.

    How with your stat now?


    I had the same problem.

    Send a friend through my links – nothing showed up.

    …and now reply on mails!


    Hello All,

    I have just noticed this thread and I am VERY sorry to note that there were affiliates who were affected by a technical problem we had on the second half of December (thru Jan 2) that we did NOT contact as we have identified the problem.

    Please contact me immediately in order to sort out a fair solution.

    In any event, all affected trackers have been fixed a while back and our tracking system seems to work perfectly.

    I appreciate everybody’s understanding and cooperation.



    We agreed upon a CPA deal and just as we put them online we got a mail from the CEO and the affiliate manager that our traffic was fraud?

    That was after sending 4 players!?

    They did not pay us as we agreed so they switched us to Rev. share.

    Its only a matter of a few hundreds but still they ran away from the deal so I wouldn’t trust them.

    We have been trying to get answers for month but they are just ignoring us.

    We did get some of the money but the rest is still missing.

    SpectraGames if you want to pay us please contact or reply on one of his numerous mails.


    I can assume that is a pretty large operation, but our very short history with them was all about mis-communication, lies and …

    DonEriqe wrote:
    We agreed upon a CPA deal and just as we put them online.

    LIE had NEVER put us online.

    Moreover, they NEVER replied to our numerous emails regarding the source of the “traffic” we got from them. We felt that something is wrong so we took DAILY screenshots from ALL relevant pages on their website – Spectra was NOT there. Anywhere. NEVER.

    Let me repeat – we have asked several times to KNOW where the traffic is coming from – no reply, nada, zilch.

    DonEriqe wrote:
    That was after sending 4 players!?

    Having 5 clicks, 4 downloads, 4 registrations and 4 (SMALL) deposits on a CPA deal is indeed a reason to suspect that something is wrong.

    Not receiving ANY REPLY to emails regarding the source of this “traffic” is alarming.

    It was nice to FINALLY receive a reply from them … unfortunately, this was one email too late … this was their reply to an email explaining them that we had no other choice but to move their deal to rev-share.

    I must re-quote this part:

    DonEriqe wrote:
    … just as we put them online.

    Only AFTER they received our email, that the deal has been amended, they told us that (quote from their email “When I read your email yesterday I took your site offline so I can not show you where it was before…”

    We were NEVER online.


    DonEriqe wrote:
    They did not pay us as we agreed so they switched us to Rev. share.

    We are happy to pay for genuine traffic; but we won’t pay trust-based CPA money for highly suspected traffic.

    DonEriqe wrote:
    Its only a matter of a few hundreds but still they ran away from the deal so I wouldn’t trust them.

    We have been trying to get answers for month but they are just ignoring us..

    We sent them a VERY clear email on Nov. 28

    One of their representatives replied on Nov. 30 “LOLing” … and lying. There is no point in continuing this kind of discussion, heck,

    DonEriqe wrote:
    … Its only a matter of a few hundreds …

    DonEriqe wrote:
    We did get some of the money but the rest is still missing…

    Nothing is missing.

    Their account is still active and they will keep getting the (PREMIUM) commission as long as their ~players~ keep playing.

    DonEriqe wrote:
    SpectraGames if you want to pay us please contact or reply on one of his numerous mails.

    No thanks. I prefer to reply HERE. We have NOTHING to hide.

    As posted before, Spectra Games is committed to the highest levels of openess and fairness and we will continue our rapid growth based on excellent relationship with our affiliates – our partners.


    This is were the traffic was coming from:

    You wanted to get removed thats fine with us, but stop all the non-sense about us telling lies.

    At this list here is were you were to find it:

    Back then you had a better position based on the deal we agreed to. For now you are just temporarily online so everyone can see you were online.


    This sounds like

    a. Mail filter problems

    b. unidentified traffic source

    d. the switch to rev share rather than refusal of payments seems fair if the revenue for the casino are blow par for the CPA amounts arranged. That’s common practice.


    I think it was a 230$ CPA deal we sent 3 players and it was stopped.
    It is very rare that we have campaigns which are stopped but I assume stopping after 3 players is a quite rash decision.

    If we were told look we will stop the CPA and switch you to revenue share and monitor the traffic that would have been fine – but at least pay for the 3 players we refered. If you did that we would still be sending you players since you put us on a very high % commission. (I think you did that because you felt that you ran away from our deal?)

    If you really thought we were hustlers you would have put us on the lowest level or closed our account am I right?

    We got 51$ so its more a matter of principle than the $.

    Calling me a UGLY lier doesn’t improve this incident.


    We put you on a premium commission deal to demonstrate our good faith. We wanted to give you a fair chance to make a decent amount of money while monitoring whether the initial traffic was merely a “coincidential error”.

    Unfortunately, 5/3/3/3 (clicks/downloads/registrations/depositors) traffic is RARELY composed of real depositing players (please correct me if I am wrong) and it turned out that these “players” who made those small deposits never came back. Too bad for us. Too bad for you.

    Note that we made the Premium offer to you BEFORE reading your LIE

    … and then your “LOL”-ing email came, coupled with a LIE …

    Perhaps you prepared a nice (hidden) landing page for us, but as posted earlier today, it was NEVER linked to ANY page on your website.

    So, what would one do based on the following:

    1. Lie
    2. 5/3/3/3 traffic on a CPA deal
    3. No replies to repeated emails regarding the source of this 5/3/3/3 traffic

    (hint: we KEPT the Premium deal; it is effective even now)

    — peace —


    I don’t know anything about this program, but it sounds like the person making these posts from Spectra is just out of high school. No professionalism whatsoever. BTW, you forgot to mention DonEirqe’s “pant’s were on fire”.


    …and I have a pending withdrawel for 14 days with these guys.

    I have send them 2 mails – no reply – and still no money in my Neteller!

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