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Casinoreviewpages a blog spammer?

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  • #599621

    I had two spam blog comments in my blog moderation queue from :

    Your blog site is nice and clean. The articles are very interesting. It´s a good source of information about casinos. Thus, I´m looking for a blog site where my [link] Online Casino No Download [/link] This way we can share our great ideas in Gambling world. It´s a great blog. I really appreciate it. Keep it up!

    Both spam posts are the same and they came in on the 18th. As far as I know this is a pretty big affiliate so it´s quite sad to see that he needs to resort to blog spam to increase his traffic and incoming links.


    I agree that although this message appears to be tailored to your blog (mentioning generic elements) it seems likely to have been posted purely to get the link back to the site.

    It could even be done by an automated bot – as giving gentle praise about a blog (any blog) is less likely to be rejected and may encourage the owner to keep it.

    However – one persons SPAM is another persons genuine comment – and it’s (just) possible that this was not meant as a cheap spammy link …

    .. or am I beling naive …

    If it was on my blog and up to me- I’d edit the comment (taking out the link) and leave the bit praising the blog …

    TheGooner wrote:
    If it was on my blog and up to me- I’d edit the comment (taking out the link) and leave the bit praising the blog …

    It’s a bot for sure.

    I would edit it also.


    Couldn’t agree more Dominique, Certainly is a blog bot submitter. Just a matter of time before this was going to happen. I have heard of several automated programs but no time to look at them more closely.

    BTW- the correct spelling is spam not SPAM, SPAM is the eatable kind.


    TheGooner wrote:
    I agree that although this message appears to be tailored to your blog (mentioning generic elements) it seems likely to have been posted purely to get the link back to the site.

    It could even be done by an automated bot – as giving gentle praise about a blog (any blog) is less likely to be rejected and may encourage the owner to keep it.

    However – one persons SPAM is another persons genuine comment – and it’s (just) possible that this was not meant as a cheap spammy link …

    .. or am I beling naive …

    If it was on my blog and up to me- I’d edit the comment (taking out the link) and leave the bit praising the blog …

    As I said it´s in the moderation queue so no harm´s been done so far. The annoying thing is that Blogger doesn´t allow you to edit comments but simply gives you the choice of accepting or rejecting the comment. Hence I am going to have to reject them. As I got two identical posts in one day I´m sure it´s a submitter bot. I wonder if he got past the captcha? At least he didn´t get past the moderation setting.
    Hehe:kissass: is a pretty big site so anyone who is affiliated with this site should think about removing links to them or otherwise you are condoning affiliate blog spamming. Just my 2 cents.


    Really – you can’t moderate the comments with Blogger?

    Our Labrats use a WordPress blog system – and the guys (and gals) who look after them tell me that they also got some spammy posts and just edited them.

    I use Blogger on my gooners blog – and never allowed comments – so didn’t check it out.

    Sorry about that.


    To edit a blogger comment, take the text, edit it, write the name of the original poster in the box provided and repost it yourself.

    Additionally …

    Spammers are using advanced mathematical and graphical techniques like random modification of image pixels and dynamic construction of images from multiple components to bypass spam filtering tools.

    Spam War 3


    Hey Goldfinger – I am terrible sorry about this… is my website.

    I have hired a company to do link exchanges for CRP with quality websites. I have prepaid them some – but they have had serious problems delivering what they promiced to do for me, so I am affraide that this is why they do this stuff now.

    I speciffically told them not to do any forum or blog spamming or any other kind of stuff like that – only regular link exchanges with guality sites.

    Yes I know – there is no exchuse – SORRY :blush:

    I will contact the company right now to make them stop doing this…



    No problem, Jan. Not many people would have the guts to come forward in a public forum and admit that there´s been a problem. I respect that.
    If you can stop them it´s a closed case.


    With regards to blogger: Shows you how user friendly it is if all you can do is handtype the spammers comment (yes you can´t even crtl c it!!), modify it, and then repost the whole thing yourself.


    Thanks Jan your always a respectful stand up fellow. All too often people lack the integrity, honesty, loyality, and morality to inform. I dearly respect your response, thank you. Have a safe and happy holiday season.


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