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No respond in two weeks!?

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  • #599035

    Dear Absolute Poker and AP affilitates,

    I was wondering if you are used to wait 2 weeks (+) to get a problem fixed and even wait a week (or more) to get an answer?

    I have signed up at AP and depsited more than 5000$ and played on your site. I have signed up with your trackers but it is not in the system in my end but in yours.

    I have not been told how long it will take to fix this but I asume its a matter of seconds this will take to fix it?

    I have waited for a reply but not received a mail with a solution to the problem. I didn’t want to use this forum for nagging, but your service is simply too poor and I will not sit and wait no longer.

    Please get in touch with me – asap and fix this before the end of the month.

    I can not upload AP to our sites before the trackers are proved to work!

    You can reply my mails if you don’t want to take the debate here. All I want is a solution and my account tracked so we can move on.



    Hey Erik,

    Sorry for the delay I have emailed you.



    same thing recently happening to me too :(

    i havent signed anyone now for a week, even though lots of clicks, should have signed up at least 10 with a several real money depositers(but stats show zero – which is impossible).

    last month I tested and downloaded myself and it didnt show as a registration, i emailed my AM and after about 2 weeks they said that was linked to me…..hmmmm so why has it not registered a new registration ???

    Now this month my stats are awfull at AP and this month might be my highest real money depositers so far overall) – so it make no sense for my AP new players to be way way down.

    Anyway i referred somone i know to AP through my links – they have played well over 500 hands… registration showed up and no account in my player stats !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

    Just waiting for Shenaz to reply to my PM

    DonEriqe….. did your situation get resolved and were you happy with the answer/outcome ?


    I have also responded to your PM.



    i made a post about this last week , and i keep getting the same email , all stat are correct


    Same here. I am showing a sudden drop in registrations/new accounts after December 3rd. Email from mentioned something about a server move, and Shenaz simply says everything is fine :(


    Hi all,

    I have sent all of your accounts to our tech guy who deals with affiliate stats to see what is going on. From what I can see the stats are loading but there must be something wrong if this many affiliates are seeing a drop.

    I thank you for your patience and hopefully our tech people can shed some light on the situation.



    yes – well there is somthing def up – as i said i opened 2 accounts and none registered – at least this is being looked into now

    And mr bingo – almost same dates as me

    to the 4th dec = 6 signups

    My last 7 days = Zero Sign ups ( and i know i got one, because is was sort of me – i got a friend too)


    Unfortunately, that is just part of the experience with Absolute.

    Afilliate support is not responding, customer support isnt either, and their stats are not to be trusted.

    I have worked with them for 15 months now, and it has been a bumpy ride.

    Currently, I have stats problems that hasn’t been looked at for 5-6 weeks, and getting hold of afilliate support is nearly impossible, in spite of several email reminders.

    At the same time stats are difficult to trust.

    Best regards

    darko123 wrote:
    same thing recently happening to me too :(


    DonEriqe….. did your situation get resolved and were you happy with the answer/outcome ?

    Hi Guys,

    Our problem didn’t get solved and our Account Manager don’t understand the problem and haven’t replied my last mail.

    I will post my experience here then you can use it as you wish.

    1. I have met AP affiliates to many events etc. Now after a while I wanted to list their site because I was promised a 35% deal.

    2. I signed up to casinodk and got the account set to 35% no hazzle.

    3. I then arranged with a partner site of ours (a site which we do not own) to list AP as well. I referred them via the AP affiliate program so we could get 5% of the rake generated there. It is the first time we have ever done that since we don’t spend any time signing up other affiliates.

    4. I made a test account via our partners and made a total deposit of $7000 and started playing some 25-50 FL games, 10-20 Fl games etc. I played 2500 hands which normally would be around $600-700 in rake.

    5. The account was NOT tracked to our partners or us.

    6. I asked for the account to be tracked. It took two weeks and I had to make another deposit before it could be tracked in the stats.

    7. Yay! The account was tracked but only about 450 hands was tracked and then I played some more to test if it would help – it didn’t. The 5% to was NOT tracked so we have never received any payments here as well.

    I had a total rake of 350$ in our stats (or so) with only 1/5 of the hands I played tracked. I got screen shots from our partners affiliate account and my AP player account. They don’t match at all. I twas 450 hands vs. 2500 hands.

    8. When I pointed this out to AP affiliates I was told they shouldn’t be paying me at all!? I know it states in their terms that affiliates may not play under there own trackers, but since I don’t own our site nor our partners site I can not see any illegal in my activites. I did it to test the program and it was horrible.

    Their solution?! No payment, no response no solution.

    My solution – cashout and never promote AP again. I think its odd they want to loose a highroller/affiliate over paying out what they are suppose to.


    How do they get certified and what does it take to loose their status as certified partners? :beatup:


    Thanks for coming back and posting your experience.

    Well it seems this is happening to alot of people our our players are not being tracked !!! Which is not good.

    Im missing many players this month and i was just starting to make some good money with them and was going to give them even more exposure.

    I will wait to see what Shenaz comes back and says after talking to the tech team.

    The only thing that will make me happy and promote properly again is when this is resovled they give me my players that i am owed – prob about 15 real money players.


    @DON E

    Did you remember to clear cookies before signing up ?


    didnt need to, the laptop i used had never even been to a gambling site in its life.

    Also i checked the cookies after i spoke to AP, becasue they said the cookie for some reason didnt drop on my laptop – however i checked and the cookie was their with my affiliate code in it !



    The question was for Don E


    Just spoke on the phone to Shenaz and there should be an email to us all soon and a possible compensation plan if the missing players cant be found :clapper:

    They have found the problem and its been fixed, im just glad it has been fixed.

    And also glad that Shenaz listened to me and had a good look at my account and passed on the info that i gave her and keeping me updated…… so thank you Shenaz :clapper:

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