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Casino Pays jerking me around!

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  • #598954

    I posted in their forum

    Unbelievable. Not what I expected from a program that was on my list for our new European projects.


    I just wanted to update this thread to let people know that my issue has been resolved.


    This is a serious warning for anybody even considering working with them, for those who are working with them – watch out. After having bad experienes with them ourselves, we had a new colleague join us after previously working in this group and revealed the practices of this company.

    1. Competing with Affiliate Interests –

    The company is engaged in rampant spamming as most affiliates are well aware of this. They actively seek to compete with their affiliates and have an entire division looking not to support affiliates but to find out what they do and to replicate and copy their activities. Blackhatting, content scraping, spamming – whatever it takes to weed out affiliates is what their mantra is. As they claim they are a “marketing agency” themselves it is in their best interests to make as few payments as possible to affiliates – this is incentivized in their arrangements with the actual operators. The say they’ll work with you but this is how they use you until they don’t need you anymore when they decide to screw you. They’ll go out of their way to suck up to top affiliates including sending huge prepay advances and sending them expensive gifts. Our colleague tells us of a big affiliate they have in Asia and another in Europe they are doing anything to bring back into the fold after screwing them over royally.

    2. T/c Manipulation –

    Cpays constantly change the t/c and the agreements with affiliates constantly. They’ll use a bait and trap scheme where they try to bait new affiliates by offering a great deal and “trap” them later by changing the T/c. They’ll claim that there are bonus abusers signing up, that their “client” has changed or that the account manager has changed. As many affiliates know, there are more problems with this group than anybody. There is now the issue with them changing the links for tracking. This is done as a ploy to cheat somewhat semi or non-active affiliates of their traffic as they are the ones unlikely to change the links. They do this from time to time to rip off traffic.

    3. Stealing of Content and Brands

    Not only content, affiliate earnings but also brands. Look at 32Vegas, this is esentially a knock off of 32Red and they’ve got other stuff in the pipeline. They keep coming up with new brands because after one brand has it’s reputation destroyed, they’ll just use another. You’ll see a whole slew of new brands come out soon that they’ll promote to existing players that affiliates will never see a penny of credit from.

    Affiliate content is stolen without hesitation and is promoted within the company.

    4. The affiliate gets screwed in their operation. As Playtech is the provider, players don’t have an issue with their casinos, it’s the affiliates that get screwed. When they start a new brand they really pump up with affiliates the new brand, once they get enough traffic to the brand they can then afford to screw the affiliates. Once enough players get to the casino, cross marketing to those players and stealing traffic from other brands is enough to support an acceptable number of new player inflows.

    5. Stealing players – they constantly direct market the players you bring in to one brand to their other brands without any credit given to affiliates. So say they pay you 35-40% CPA for a player , they will try whatever they can to get them to signup for another brand so they don’t have to pay out lifetime earnings to affiliates. Their staff is incentivized to break deals where they have to pay out lifetime earnings. They prefer CPA deals over revshare.

    6. Reselling traffic without credit – Also if you send them traffic then you need to be aware of where this traffic goes, as they’ve got all sorts of remant ad resales which they resell to other operators for up to $500 CPA in which the original sender will get 0.

    7. Excuses –

    They are trained to have a bunch of canned excuses:

    a. When the agreement suddenly changes without the affiliates knowledge – this is b/c the previous account manager didn’t pass the info on or that their computer systems have problems. They’ll apologize and are very sincere, but the reality is that it was their original intent to deceive.

    b. Blaming Empire or any other company – club dice, carnival brands owned by Empire Online. They also have a terrible reputation but Cpays will blame Empire for anything and everything . This company is closely linked to Empire online as most know and they deal with the same group of scumbags that run a number of Playtech casinos.

    c. if they want to get on your good side they’ll say that they’ve got a new account manager and the past problems are solved but the reality is that the same scumbags run this company and it will never change (see below). Don’t believe that a new account manger will change anything about them.


    Most of the staff of Cpays that stay get either so sick of their practices and quit in disgust (that’s how we recruited) or they are old veterans that are so used to cheating their affiliates it’s become second nature. This is the reason why affiliates get so frustrated since they often deal with total novices.

    Henry Korchia runs the operation under Eyal and they will tell you that they were #1 in egaming review or some other industry award which was actually paid for. Most affiliates know they are a scam operation and I would urge affiliates to go elsewhere.

    If you do send them traffic accept no lower than $350 CPA (they pay nearly $500 cpa for some regions) and be aware of rev-share deals with them. If so ask for up front payment on a number of players, otherwise don’t even work with them. IN fact if you are even remotely ethical, I would avoid them altogether since by working with them you are supporting a bunch of unethical bastards.


    wow. although i suspected a few of those complaints, some were quite revelational. amazing!


    The’ve got an entire room full of Russian immigrants that are computer hackers. Their only job is to figure out how to screw up search engines, spam them etc. And they only pay them $1k a month for a PHD level spammer/hacker! Guess you wish we could all do that.:exclamati


    Yet another program i will stay away from

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