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WTF – WebWarper! Manager comments please!

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  • #598616

    I came upon this:

    when you click on links from there, they are preceeded by

    Can all the aff programs handle that?

    Will affs still be credited?

    Here is more about webwarper:


    I didn’t mean program managers only.

    This is of concern to all active affiliates.

    There are thousands of people browsing and using this tool, and they may not be tracked correctly when clicking on your link.


    I came across webwarper a while back from stats links. I emailed them to ask them to remove OGGS content. The (polite) response was that they were unable to do it as it was a service that users chose the pages to use on. It’s weird and I wasn’t too comfortbale with it so I filed a Google Spam report. Haven’t seen any activity since then but not really looked specifically for that.


    Too be frank GARBAGE.



    garbage, yes, and likely a great many affiliates are losing a good % of their income to it.

    I have been checking around and it looks like many programs are NOT able to track links from players that have the above installed.

    The program is getting popular because you cannot track IPs with it. Players may be using it to play where they are not allowed to?

    In any case, you likely won’t get paid!

    We can’t stop people from using it, maybe we can ask programs to allow for the change in links?

    If that’s going to be a way players get around the ban we will see even more of it than we do already.

    And because it alters the link, affs don’t get paid anymore, for anyplace these players go.


    Hi Guys,

    I just threw this together as a potential fix.

    If your site is being pulled from within/under the webwarper thingymajig then this will pop the user out of it and load the same page they were actually looking for … just outside the webwarper majigger. (yes, that’s a technical term, hehe).

    Give ‘er a shot and see if it works.

    Basicaly just grab what’s between the

    other parts of the website


    Obviously, if webwarper changes a few things from their end it would render this code useless, but you should be able to just change the code to fit the new linking format and be fine.

    Also, there's an aspect of their service that overwrites/rewrites existing javascript code - meaning they could eventually automatically modify the above code block also making it useless.

    Anyway, the real way to do this is to use server side scripting so webwarper can't rewrite the javascript code. I used javascript just so everybody could use it.

    If you need the PHP/ASP version ... you should be able to write it using the javascript as psuedo code ... or just ask :)


    Thanks Ryan, you are a jewel! thumbs.gif

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