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A small start in a big war

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  • #596375

    I am a victim of the same thing you are all fighting for. I have read all your posts. I applaud your efforts. Kudos!

    When you search my site, nodepositmojo, you will find 8 out of 10 of the top 10 scrapers.

    I have written google, I have written affiliate managers. Sigh. In their defense, Google removed 12 links. Behold, 19 more showed up. Not to mention the thousands of others out there. I have not heard back from some affiliate managers.

    I have now decided to go a different route. I believe I have forgotten one important resource. The people. Our players want to be informed. I have written a lil something that I hope will help them. I have put a link on our sites and forum and will do a targeted mailer. I hope it’s ok to put a link here. If not, my sincerest apologies to management.

    I realize that this is not even a minuscule drop in the preverbal bucket but it’s my little way of fighting back. If I stop even one click on these idiots links I will at least feel a tiny victory.

    Thank you for listening. I was sooooo angry. Now I am just beyond discouraged.


    I think it is an excellent idea to add pages like this to our sites.

    We could all do it and interlink them, dominate the term “blackhat SEO” and such, and that way reach the people who look to hire these folks first.

    I think if we close ranks this can work well in our favor.

    The only real weapon we have is our own ranking power, and whenever we close ranks on an issue, that power is awsome.

    We can lift each other up and push these guys down. You know, when it comes down to it, we are more powerful, and we can dominate the SERPS just as easily. By doing nothing but the honest, real thing we are here to do – inform peopple who look for information.

    I think this is an option well worth considering.

    Thanks for posting, Mojo.


    Thank you Dominique. I am feeling a glimmer of hope. Together we could really make a difference in alot of ways. I would be happy to link to anyone who is interested. Whenever you are ready, just let me know.



    I think the page is an excellent idea. I am tired of seeing these idiot number sites above legit rankings 😡


    Nice Page mojo, although I can’t view it correctly the text is all overlaping eachother.


    Thanks knowwhentohold. It looks ok here but I adjusted it some to try to accomadate more views. Hope it helped.



    I just searched nodepositmojo again and all of the scrapers are gone! Google is working faster than I thought. Unfortunatly, they wiped out most of my stuff too.

    Trudging on.



    My page will be up soon, I just put it in queue.

    I will give free links to all pages explaining why Blackhat SEO is bad for everyone.


    A very good idea mojo. I will also write up an article about this.

    Dom – I doubt that us dominating the term “Black hat SEO” or similair will help any. Users and players will not know this term and so will not search it. I am a bit stumped as to which term we need to try and get pushed, but really think we need a term that players may actually search.

    will give it some thought – may get an idea while I write the article.


    I think if you use some sort of term along the lines of “casino scams” people will find it. Then we could explain how the blackhatters are scamming people – us and the end users.


    I will need to redo my page. I see this morning that blackhatters have reached msn in a big way. I will change mine so I am not search specific.



    I certainly like the concept. I would put it down in my disclaimer or terms of use. greek39


    My page is up:

    I will link to anyone with like pages.


    Thank you Dominique for your support and help with this issue.

    I will link to anyone as well.


    mojo I like the article, good job.

    I really think it’s true that Google will only respond to these problems once they see a hit in one thing, income. As mojo points out, there are plenty of good search engines out there. Google is not concerned that we aren’t making money, they still get theirs. So unless Google sees some type of drawback in their popularity, nothing will happen.

    Management makes moves when the ballpark doesn’t sell out anymore….not when a team is losing…. long as the seats are full all is well in management land.

    Start promoting other search engines. even has a TV commercial suggesting that their results are “cleaner” than Googles.

    I linked to your article, I will be adding my own version of your article if you don’t mind me running with your idea here.


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