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Sandbox – How do I know if I’m in it

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    I’ve heard a lot of chatter about being in the sandbox. This may sound really ignorant but I’m not really sure what the sandbox is. How do I know if I’m in the sandbox and if I am, what are the suggestions for digging your way out of it, if possible. Com’on folks, enlighten me.:o


    Heya Mummy,

    –sandboxed, maybe,your site needs to get optimized i think
    (for a new site it might take from 3 months up to 1 year to get normal rankings)
    –how long is your site up?
    –how many backlinks do you have?
    –your title tag should be the first tag

    –you use the words “dash casino” and other words a lot, why not put them in the meta tags????
    or use the words in your title and description more often on th page text

    –for instance on the tips-strategie page the title is “tips strategies” thats not enough!! must be like “blackjack craps strategies etc etc”

    the first words in title and description tags are the most important!!

    hope this helps you out as a start


    Thanks, just added the Dash Casino this evening forgot to change the meta tags, damn so many things to do shit, how do you guys with a million sites keep up with it all?


    on your casino closet page,
    please remove the words “home page” from the tiltle tag……….
    put more important words there………


    spider map is same as sitemap,: duplicate

    Nauti Kitten wrote:
    I’ve heard a lot of chatter about being in the sandbox. This may sound really ignorant but I’m not really sure what the sandbox is. How do I know if I’m in the sandbox and if I am, what are the suggestions for digging your way out of it, if possible. Com’on folks, enlighten me.:o

    You have probably read that Google is about to launch “Google Poolside” and “Burger Queue” to make new sites evaluation much easier and reduce web spam by keeping them out of the serps.

    Nah, Just Kidding:banger:

    They way i see it, you have two options:
    1. Focus on learning about the sandbox and other barriers/ obstacles that google has placed or people believe it has placed. Worry about them and lose your working excitement and drive.

    2. Ignore all the yada yada yada, focus on building and optimizing new or existing websites and make a living.

    focus on the important things that you can actually control. not the things you can’t control { whether they exist or not }. you will surely gain more this way.

    Hope that helps


    Elgoog – Thanks for the advice and I will incorporate it. I was concentrating more on the description tag rather than the title and didn’t wan’t to be redundant.

    MD – Google better be adding a “Bud Barn” too because that sand can get pretty hot. :drunk2:

    And I’ll take #2 for $500 Alex.

    From what I have read my pages wouldn’t be indexed if I was in the sandbox right? If that’s the case then I guess I’m alright.:tooconfus


    Even if you are indexed you can still be in the sandbox. (You probably are…) In my experience gambling sites are almost always in the sandbox in the beginning. (I have not heard of a case otherwise…but I wouldn’t be surprised if there were cases of people not being in it). No one really knows why or how you are in it, you just are. The google sandbox just doesn’t let you compete for keywords that are competitive. So you may have a good listing for your site name or for a less competitive term. But for anything competitive it will take time…I am still waiting over a year later :)


    Guess I’ll dig out the pail and shovel and make sandcastles for awhile.:unhappy:


    Regarding the Google Sandbox, I really have had no problems with Google and getting page rank as well as first page for some of my keywords. My website basically built in the month of May, submitted my sitemap to Google in June and page rank by the first week of July.

    Though I have made no money yet from this website, I have had downloads with signups, no paying players yet though.

    I would have to say that from my experience with building my own websites is that content is Number 1 and that it takes a lot of work to be successful.

    The best part of building your own websites through the site builder that I have chosen is that 62% of the websites built through them are in the top 3% of websites on the internet.



    Pagerank has nothing to do with the sandbox. For most gambling keywords, Google will place your site in the sandbox for 12-24 months. Our site is starting to come out of the sandbox the past couple of months after 18 months in the sandbox, but it is a gradual process.

    To your original question of how you know if you are in the sandbox.

    1) Do a search for your site in Google using the keywords you are optimizing for
    2) Do another search in Google, this time add “allinanchor:” just before the keywords you are optimizing for
    3) Compare the results

    You are in the sandbox if the results for these 2 searches are quite different. If the results are close together, say within 10-20 results then you are not in the sandbox.

    One note to all of this, gambling keywords are probably the most competitive in the world, so even if you aren’t in the sandbox you may not be ranking anywhere near the top of the results. It will take most webmasters at least a year to get anywhere near the top anyway, so in a way the sandbox is almost a moot point since it takes forever to rank anyway.

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