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  • #596100

    I’m finding a ton of sites that are linking to images on my site…anybody have a good image to replace them with?

    Mwa hahaha!

    Question: Do these links to images have any benefit with the search engines? :allears:

    — gotta watch out for those google(images) serps – I’ve had 400 hits for that on one site alone this month so far…


    They are just saving on bandwidth and using yours instead.

    Some people block google image searches. I get a ton too, I am considerng it.


    Change the images to ads for your portal; “This site highly recommends”


    @axl]Change the images to ads for your portal “This site [U wrote:

    highly[/U] recommends”

    That is an AWESOME idea. I wonder if anyone is linking to my images? That would be a ton of fun to f*** with them that way :happydanc


    That’s a great idea, Axl! LoL

    Anyway,the only reason I found it was one image that is a background image in the css – They didn’t think to change that. I’m not impressed that they’re using my code. I put in some work on that!

    As for the other sites – there are over 10 of them using images from my server. I’m not terribly worried about the bandwidth, but it is a little annoying that they can’t be bothered to host the images themselves.


    And I’m going to go out on a limb here and say that I don’t see too much of a problem with people picking up and using bits n pieces of code that they find on the net…

    (stand back waiting rocks to be thrown)

    Don’t get me wrong – they should not use your images – they can’t use your content – but just taking and using basic page structure …

    (which based on your discussion seems their intent)

    … am I the only one that learnt that way when I started ?

    I don’t think that people can expect to copy-protect basic frameworks of HTML commands can they?

    A newpaper layout is a newspaper layout is a newspaper layout. The New York times cannot claim that the “funnies” are their invention.

    Of course it does depend on the extent of the deed I guess.


    All you have to do is rename your image and change the CSS and you’d be fine and they’d no longer be sucking the image. (which you could replace with a nice ad for your site).

    AS I say – I understand if this is a minority view … just my 2 cents today.


    I agree with Gooner. I started that way as well. Now I am new and improved and create my own code. But you have to start somewhere.


    Ok, throwing rocks at the lot of you!!!! target.gif


    I used to spend all the money I made paying someone to create original stuff for me!


    “Of course it does depend on the extent of the deed I guess.”

    Yes, it does. In this case, the other site is actually referring to the pokerbaron .css file and the background pictures in that file (since it’s in the css).

    Yes, I’m sure most of us all learned html (or most of us) via other bits and pieces of existing websites. eg: “How do you get it to do that?..” It’s a great way to learn. However, to use the entire template and actually link to the other site’s .css is probably as extreme as it gets.

    Linking to the pictures is bandwidth theft.

    Gooner, I love the look of your labrat sites, ok if I use that template? :colgate:


    – it’s a header at the top,
    – original content in the middle,
    – a menu at the side
    – and a footer at the bottom.

    (is that what you meant – or do you like Ratty?)

    Actually it’s produced by a collective group so I can’t claim it’s all mine – Mike, Elle, and Nigel are also all very active, and we have up to 20 reviewers going over every site in order to make sure we catch 99.5% of issues.

    I am part of two of the teams that review poker and sports.

    And I’m in charge of SE and making sure everything is financially OK too.


    I would like to say that I have never stole someone’s html and css and used it as my own.

    I am a coder, by trade (somewhat – I am an engineer who also codes). Originally I grabbed html / css and then took a look at how it worked. I then re-coded everything to make it similar. This means making the code as simple as possible by removing extraneous css info, giving all items ids or classes, etc…

    I would never have hotlinked to someones images (or even taken them for that matter – because I think that is theft) nor would I have hotlinked to their css.

    In fact, I basically learned off of other webpages. In the end, many portions of my sites are now coded by w3c standards (of which most sites are not) – so obviously I have learned a bit and thankful for all the code out there that helped me to learn.

    anyway.. that’s how I learned from others.


    I think we’re talking the same thing. Bits n pieces.

    I will have used snippets of both CSS and HTML from 100’s of sites during the development of … I’d I see a shading colour – or a clever box div – or a fancy technique.

    and unfortunately the site still looks like it a bit …

    (a la Frankenstein’s monster)


    I think most of us are in agreement that it is acceptable to learn from someone elses code (I still learn stuff from others code, but I never copy it, just work what I learn into mine), and it is theft to use someone else’s images on their bandwith, but at the possibility of sounding stupid, the first time I put images on one of my sites I didn’t know any better and I didn’t realize that the place I got them was serving them. A friend of mine noticed it and explained to me what I was doing, and fortunatly I was able to take them down before anyone noticed. Now I would never do anything like that, because I understand and think it is theft.

    All I am saying is, I would send a simple email explaining what they are doing and ask them to stop. If they don’t, then by all means change the images :)

    Not everyone is doing something evil on purpose. There are thousands of people drawn to the “easy money” of the Internet every day and some of them are just ignorant of what is right and wrong.


    Yeah, I sent an email and complimented him on his nice looking site…

    About learning htmland css – the tutorials only take you so far, then you find these neat looks on sites don’t know how it’s done. So look at the source, then google search something such as ” css background image in header ” and you can find what code your looking for on a site that shares code.

    It really doesn’t bother me a lot that this other site is exactly like mine. It’s mildly annoying but not a huge deal. If it’s stolen content, well that’s an entirely different matter!

    How does that saying go? “Copying is the most sincere form of flattery”?

    However, I would appreciate it if he would simply tweak the css to make it look a little different, and then host his own css and images.

    Oh yeah, I really do like the looks of the labrat sites, I wasn’t being a smartass. Well…not entirely. :burnafatt

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