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July 17, 2006 at 5:37 pm #595593
InactiveThis is the email I got back from one of my affiliate managers residing in Israel. It was very touching for me to read, and once again I am humbled and I realize how insignificant my little problems and sqabbles really are. I think a little support for our friends in Israel letting them know we are thinking of them would be appropriate. They are really in the thick of it right now and some are fighting for their lives. I know we all don’t favor a lot of the playtech affiliate programs that come out of Israel, but I am sure those people can set that aside and let them know we are in their corner.
We’re Thinking About You Guys In IsraelHere is the email, his english isn’t the best but I think it will be a good reminder of how good some of us have it.
Even though the rockets didn’t reach Tel Aviv (yet), we are supporting our friends up north and a lot of them came here to join us in the safe area.
As we all know the other side is a little beat unexpected so one positive point that came out of all that mess is, most of the western world decided to struggle terror.
Sometimes I hear the guys around saying that people from over seas are living in a movie and we are living in a normal place, witch is completely wrong: we got use to live in a place that buses explode once a while, that citizens kidnap as hostages or murdered just for living in Israel, and we got use to that every suitcase or a box on the street or in the night club can be a dangerous bomb.
Well my friend I wish that one day I will be living in the movie my friends keep talking about.
July 18, 2006 at 7:12 pm #699133Anonymous
InactiveI wish that Israel would use their power to pull back and minimise conflict.
:eh:Over 250 civilians have now died – 90% of them Palestine.
🙁July 18, 2006 at 7:26 pm #699139Anonymous
InactiveWhat about all those innocent being killed in Lebanon?
Israel states they are doing this in part because of 2 soldiers kidnapped by Hezbollah. Well the fact is that they are now holding millions hostage including their own peoples who are living in fear of being hit by a missle.
Its ok for Israel to hold hundreds of their people, but when they capture a couple its time to start a war and blame it all on “terrorist”. Sounds familiar doesnt it? What logic!
July 18, 2006 at 8:13 pm #699150Anonymous
InactiveCan we please avoid this thread denigrating into a blame game?
For the good of all civilians, I hope this hostility ends soon and I’ll leave it at that. My thoughts are with all of the civilians in harm’s way and I pray that they will find a peaceful solution soon.
July 19, 2006 at 5:28 am #699234Anonymous
Inactivexgambler wrote:Can we please avoid this thread denigrating into a blame game?For the good of all civilians, I hope this hostility ends soon and I’ll leave it at that. My thoughts are with all of the civilians in harm’s way and I pray that they will find a peaceful solution soon.
I agree with you. My heart goes out to the ordinary civilians on all sides, who go about their daily business making ends meet. When i see how the children are affected i get even more upset, because i cant imagine my own five year old in that situation. All he wants to do is play, laugh and have fun, and that is being takes away from the kids whos lives are being destroyed as i sit here and type this.
July 19, 2006 at 6:50 am #699240Anonymous
InactiveEveryone in the Middle East are in my thoughts and prayers daily.
This world is a mess. And what i dont understand is….its all over religon?
Why are there so many different faiths in the world, why did god…[ if there is one ] let us make up all these different religions just so we can have governments use that as a reason to make war on another human.
we are all humans, wether we have or believe in the same god or not, it doesn’t matter, we all love, bleed, cry and eat . we all have faults and we all have good in us. i wish that all the countries in the middle east that are fighting over whose god is better, would just think, if there god is so great, why are we killing people over it, he would not approve.
I pray for Iraq’s, too, these poor people are living a nightmare, its not the civilians, its the government and lack of it, and some barbaric groups of fighters who are bringing all this harm on the poor people there, and it all needs to stop, i wish i could have one wish, a wish that the world would live in peace, and we could see what a beautiful place this should be.
Hope i didn’t upset anyone, i just love everyone, and i wish i could help end the violence.
July 19, 2006 at 1:07 pm #699262Anonymous
InactiveAs an Israeli, I ache for all those innocents who died, injured or became refugees on both sides. There are never winners at wars, both parties always lose and suffer.
The Israeli-Arab conflict is older than us all. You can call me pessimistic but i do believe it will still be here after us.
We didn’t choose our wars, we strive for peace with our neighbours like the peace we have with Egypt and Jordan for years now.
The attack on Lebanon is the unavoidable reaction to the impudence terror attacks by the Hizballa that are originated from south Lebanon.
The government in Lebanon has ignored the Hizballa and allowed him to armed with rockets and missiles and prepare its attack on Israel.
The kidnapping of our soldiers was intended to escalate the fighting between Israel and the Hizballa by causing Israeli ground forces to enter Lebanon so Hizballa can fight them as the “protector of Lebanon”.
If the Lebanese are so peaceful, why havn’t they exile the Hizballa out of their country. From my point of view, we are all paying the price on both sides. there are israeli deads, injured and refugees as well.
No one has the right to claim israel is over reacting before living here for a decade and see and experience Israeli life.Like i have said,
I ache for all the innocent on both sides. Yet, I’ll be delighted if Islamic terror worlwide would extinct in my life time.July 19, 2006 at 1:30 pm #699263Anonymous
Inactivei went to a Zionist Hebrew Day school, i have a Lebanese Muslim employee (my only fulltime employee) with family in Beirut. Strangely enough we are both on the same page regarding the political issue here (i won’t mention what that is).
We both came to canada to live in a more peaceful/civil society. It’s time for everyone to protect civilians.
It’s time for the world to stop accepting terrorist politicians/clerics from modifying the word “civilians” with “innocent”, which sounds like a code word for “everyone but jews and americans”.
All civilians are, by international law are innocents in a war. All countries have the right to defend themselves AND the obligation to respect borders, treaties, laws, life, etc.
People are people, we dont have to like everyone, but we should have to act humanely.
July 20, 2006 at 10:18 pm #699420Anonymous
InactiveThe world isn’t ruled just by religion, or politics, but by hate.
It’s difficult to eliminate all hate, because it will take generations, but it’s the only way.Otherwise, one attacks, and the other attacks back. And this will never end…
July 21, 2006 at 1:20 am #699443Anonymous
InactiveLyrics from XTC from the 80’s. I heart cries out for the whole region, I pray for the day when there is peace in the Middle East. War is often motivated by, God, Glory, and Greed. I have the deepest respect for all religions, but throughout the ages of time, religion has caused more war than peace.
“Dear god,
Hope you got the letter,
And I pray you can make it better down here.
I dont mean a big reduction in the price of beer,
But all the people that you made in your image,
See them starving on their feet,
cause they dont get enough to eatFrom god,
I cant believe in you.Dear god,
Sorry to disturb you,
But I feel that I should be heard loud and clear.
We all need a big reduction in amount of tears,
And all the people that you made in your image,
See them fighting in the street,
cause they cant make opinions meet,
About god,
I cant believe in you.Did you make disease, and the diamond blue?
Did you make mankind after we made you?
And the devil too!Dear god,
Dont know if you noticed,
But your name is on a lot of quotes in this book.
Us crazy humans wrote it, you should take a look,
And all the people that you made in your image,
Still believing that junk is true.
Well I know it aint and so do you,
Dear god,
I cant believe in,
I dont believe in,I wont believe in heaven and hell.
No saints, no sinners,
No devil as well.
No pearly gates, no thorny crown.
Youre always letting us humans down.
The wars you bring, the babes you drown.
Those lost at sea and never found,
And its the same the whole world round.
The hurt I see helps to compound,
That the father, son and holy ghost,
Is just somebodys unholy hoax,
And if youre up there youll perceive,
That my hearts here upon my sleeve.
If theres one thing I dont believe in…Its you,
Dear god.”greek39
July 21, 2006 at 1:49 am #699446Anonymous
InactiveOh my god Greek,
I am sitting here crying like a baby,
That hit home. It sums up so much of how i feel about so many things.
Thank you.
I copied this to save.
July 21, 2006 at 3:17 am #699456Anonymous
InactiveBonusgeek, your words really touched my heart, as well as the song Greek39 wrote.. very emotional song.
M.D I strongly agree with every single word you said!!!
It is hard to explain to people who never lived in Israel, how tough it is to live amongst terrorists. To even worry of taking a bus to town or having a beer at the local pub without thinking you could possibly die today.
I’m not saying all Muslims or all Palestinian are terrorists! I’m saying there are quite a few of them around, and we need to stop them, in order to live in peace with our neighbors, and we need our neighbors to stop assisting those terror organization. (not even to mention to give them power in the Palestinian government… but I don’t even want to start talking about that). I feel for the innocent Lebanese (among them my best friends) as much as I feel for the innocent Israelis and Palestinians.One thing people must understand is that you cannot negotiate with terrorists, once they’ll get what they want they will ask for more, it’s a never ending story.
The Gooner, I tend to always agree with your posts but I disagree this time, Israel only act from a self-defense, of course we would like to minimize the conflict but it is not up to us, it is impossible as Hezbollah kidnapped our soldiers and keep sending missiles towards Israel, you’ll be surprised but those missiles doesn’t reach Palestinians they reach my family in the north.
And something else, Arabs and Israelis are getting along just fine around the world, this is where I met most of my Arabs/Lebanese business partners and friends. This can only prove that without terrorist we can get along perfectly fine.
I do feel we will have peace one day… and wishing for it to come with all my heart!!! :Nod: :kisser:
Malci :rasta:
July 21, 2006 at 2:19 pm #699499Anonymous
InactiveTheGooner wrote:I wish that Israel would use their power to pull back and minimise conflict.
:eh:Over 250 civilians have now died – 90% of them Palestine.
I feel for all the innocence people on both sides but the Gooner is completely right….You cannot compare Hezbollah’s (rather puny) attacks with Israel’s bombardments – you cannot compare Hezbollah’s kidnapping of 2 soldiers while Israel holds thousands of Palestinian and Lebanese civillians in prison camps.
Consider the situation of the Lebanese. Thirty years or more of terrible civil wars, invasions, problems with the Syrians and the Israelis, but finally they were getting past it. There was some kind of peace, tourists were returning, the infrastructure was in reasonable shape. Hezbollah were tolerated yes, but as a pretty minor threat in reality, and as part of the fragile peace between different sections of Lebanese society. And in a week the Israelis have come in and smashed all of that, destroyed the roads, the airport. They’ve set them back ten years at least. It’s an absolute tragedy for them, even if you can look past the death toll. And all because the current Israeli government wants to prove how tough it is.
If the UK government had responded to an IRA attack in the 70s by bombing the f*** out of Belfast I would have thought that both politically misguided and morally wrong, and I think it’s fair to make that comparison
July 21, 2006 at 5:36 pm #699544Anonymous
InactiveI would have a lot more sympathy for the Israelis if they didn’t
occupy other peoples land.Give back the Westbank, East Jerusalem, Golan Heights and
Shabba Farms to the Arabs, and peace could prevail in the the area.
(And I mean all of the occupied land, including the illegal settlements).A NATO/UN force could guard the borders.
July 21, 2006 at 8:54 pm #699557Anonymous
InactiveAnyone interested in more background info should check this video