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CAC Vegas hotel room question

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  • #595530

    Hi all,

    If someone is bringing in a lot of money to a particular affiliate program, should you expect them to offer to pay for your room in Vegas? I know that you can sometimes get free passes to the convention itself… but what about the hotel room? Is this ever paid for, or is it customary to comp only the pass, and not the room?

    If hotel rooms are sometimes comped — how much revenue do you suppose you would need to bring in (to the casino affiliate program) to make this happen?


    I believe they should pay for airfare and hotel to be honest. greek39


    Dave, you should ask your top performers. The worst they can do is say no, so you won’t be out anything. And I don’t think you should get hung up on how much you send someplace either. I had a program offer me a room last year that hadn’t made $100 (or at least according to my stats :( from me. It was a last minute deal, but it was appreciated all the same.

    One difference this year is that in the past the sponsor programs received so many rooms in their package, and this year I don’t think they do.


    Because I think its’ good for business most programs offer this to their top performers or people they believe in. But perhaps it shouldn’t be expected. greek39


    Thanks Wes. :)

    Last year I won a contest (a random draw, really) which netted me a free convention pass and a free room. That was pretty cool; but I still feel like I “owe” them for that. :p Ah well.

    More than likely I will talk to my top performers first, as you suggested. I’ve sent some decent $$$ to a few different places, so I’m thinking maybe it is smart to at least ask if they can do something for me. Thanks again for the feedback. :D


    The stardust isn’t all that expensive, they should spring for it.


    Most larger affiliates are comped.


    Do they contact you, or do you contact them? I had just started thinking about this so I’m glad this thread popped up.

    Do you get one to give you passes, and ask another for the room, or what?


    I will probably start asking soon.

    I got comped last year by posting here (in general forum) and im a lot bigger now.

    I spent way too much on my trip to the wsop!

    Do they contact you, or do you contact them?

    They have always contacted me, but a proactive hint or two on the message boards wouldnt hurt either.

    Guys I know its slightly off topic, but I thinks it’s important to bring this up.

    If you are going to seek or accept sponsorship you have to view this as a mutually beneficial thing for you AND the casino. By that I mean if a casino group is kind enough to sponsor you to attend an event its expected and proper that you will provide them with additional exposure on your sites and make a good faith effort to spend some time with them at the event.

    While this sounds like common sense, in past years a number of larger casinos paid for affiliates to attend CAC, provided airfare and hotels then the affiliates they sponsored didnt even bother showing up for the party the sponsor had in Vegas and didnt increase their expsoure either. The casinos undertsandably felt like they had been taken advantage of (they had) and are now reluctant to sponsor affiliates to events (that hurts everyone).

    So PLEASE if you are going to accept sponsorship from a casino group do the right thing by them and dont burn them.


    Good point, professor.

    If the programs don’t get something back, they will soon stop sponsoring people.

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