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  • #595062



    additionally, this was sent to me by an affiliate. It is a cnversation between the affiliate and an 888 recruiter:

    Hi XXX,

    I appreciate your point of view, however the funny thing is that we have tried to contact Dominique (gamesandcasino) several times to discuss this whole issue with her and she has never come back to us.

    Ironically her account is still active with 888 – so it seems she is still keen to continue collecting her commissions.

    Furthermore, the affiliates who and were proven to be conducting unethical practices had their 888 accounts immediately blocked.

    So while I understand your initial concern you must have from reading these baseless accusations presented on her site, maybe now you can reconsider?

    For the record, at no time ever has 888 tried to communicate with me.

    Quite the opposite, eCOGRA delivered several messages for me to 888 asking them to communicate and try to solve the situation.

    This never got any response from 888.

    This recruiter is an out and out liar!

    Add in the Blackhat relations above….

    We should make a page about Pacific, shouldn’t we?


    I’m in


    With ya still.


    :whoa: nice find.

    You didnt play in that tourney did you?

    Yes, its long past time to add Pacific Poker to our optimized blacklist pages.


    Lol, no I found it at WOL.

    I am really upset at that recruiter going around lying about 888 trying to get in touch with me.


    I would be interested to hear what 888 consider to unethical.

    I trust they can prove they tried to contact Dom.


    I have had pages up for a while…..


    and also

    feel free to link to them. I’ll put up any links for any of the above similar blogs or content pages.


    That is some good work kwblue!!


    kwblue –

    I’ve added your page re Pacific Poker. You can find it here:

    If you can recip, that would be great –


    ewhitaker wrote:
    kwblue –

    I’ve added your page re Pacific Poker. You can find it here:

    If you can recip, that would be great –


    Your link is up on the Pacific Poker Blog

    greek39 wrote:
    That is some good work kwblue!!

    Thanks Greek! I would love to see every one else continue with this since 888 does not seem to want to mend their ways and make a public statement regarding this huge issue. And, of course, they will apparently not be removed from eCogra’s list of approved casinos :(


    Link to pacific going up.

    Keep’em coming guys!

    kwblue wrote:
    And, of course, they will apparently not be removed from eCogra’s list of approved casinos :(

    Well they (ecogra) are on the clock. If they do not make a statement and take action against 888 by July 4 there’re going to be fireworks eg I am going to rogue them as well.


    888 has been a thorn in my butt for quite sometime in more ways than one. I have studied this problem to the point of exhaustion. Along with the scrapers, hacks, and to a certain extent damage to me personally and others, I feel in persuing with greater vigor.

    As some see ecogra today will pale in comparison a year from now. This so self proclaimed watchdog group acting on in the interest of fair gaming, quite frankly is a joke.

    888 has no business being connected to ecogra in any way shape or form. I/we will get to the bottom of things. My disgust runs deep, I will do whatever it takes to set the record straight.

    As of today my sites will no longer exchange links with sites that support 888. the links in place will be honored.

    I am sick of the BH people and the CAP members who feel its okay to scrape sites. Next one I catch I will post your name right here for all to see. The harm caused from you stinking people has put me into rage mode. Everything from dos attacks, malware, spyware, smashing into neteller accounts, hacking into forums, stealing content, cloaking, redirecting, BH seo, google bowling, attacking CAP, and the list goes on.

    I haven’t been sleeping, I have logs and logs of information on each and one you bastards. By the way try attacking the right person next time you bunch of light headed people. Nobody knows who I am shitheads!!

    Maybe I will pay a visit over there and start knocking things around. The worst part what proud Canadians you are!!!!

    So yeah I am in this for the haul. Blog me up Scottie!! we are off to wizard world.

    Greek39^* :Pisser:


    Give em hell Greek.

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