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  • #594708

    According to adsense TOS its against there policy to allow these sites to run adsense on them. Lately i have seen more and more doing it though. I contact Adsense yesterday on this and response was since i never showed site to them was we cannot comment on this until we know site involved.

    Im not one to go round sticking ppl in to adsense for TOS rule breaking so if anyone else has any idea if it is allowed it would be great to hear.


    I guess they are a bit flexible on this issue, probably because they make money out of it :) I would not push it though, especially if you have other ads showing on the website, which is also against their TOS…

    Better safe than sorry :)


    Im putting it in for review today the only other adverts on sites by adsense is contextual advertising there strongly against that. Will update once i hear what they say back after they review it.


    THanks, could be useful for many webmasters to see what they say about this…


    Google contacted me about my site at

    I had thousands of books pages listed at with casino banners.

    What caught their eye of course, was my domain name. They did not delete my adsense account (this time).

    I substituted yahoo ads for google ads.


    Ive had no reply so i just put them up for now. it was for here although not banners i need to be safe.

    Will update if they ever get back to me.


    Still no reply so for contextual i was looking at miva has anyone tried them other than as an advertiser.


    I use them for my sites. I am geting to like their system. I think the hits you get are just as reliable as the better sites.

    You still better monitor your results though. Some ads have not worked as well for me in getting results, so I severely limited them to the day of week they run and to the daily budget they get or eliminated them altogether.


    It all depends on your mentality I guess.

    The TOS are clear. No not allowed.

    So its whether you want to break the rules and risk getting caught I suppose. And what if they catch you? Does you site get blacklisted.. or worse?


    I have an adsense account with a marine electronics site and when I tried to use the code on my casino site it came up with no advertisements.

    I always thought adsense looks at the theme of the site and determines what code to use. How are you guys getting listings?

    KPR wrote:
    Still no reply so for contextual i was looking at miva has anyone tried them other than as an advertiser.

    I tried Miva – dumped alot of money into them and was getting over 1,000 uniques a day, but never even got a signup. Be careful with them because they put your link on alot of unrelevant sites and spammy sites if you ask me. I will not go back to them again.


    I stopped advertising on MIVA.

    The results were getting “lousy”.

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