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Opinions on the Jackpot Factory scandle going on

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    Please what is your thoughts on all this going on with JPF, did they get rogued(casino meister) too fast in your opnion or is this fair do you think? I say yes this was very bad marketing practices and yes they needed to jump on this asap, but to be rogued so fast I am just not too sure……what do you all think, should we pull them off our sites?


    I pulled them. 🙁


    If they are willing to create fake stories for SEO, whats to say they are not doing other things that are much worse?

    I think eCOGRA should have saved its own face and acted just as quickly. They havent done a thing with 888s blog spamming, and now Jackpot Factorys bullshit seo tactics. They have lost a lot of credibility in my opinion.


    Are we saying all of jackpot factory did this?

    From what I saw it was only Allslots.

    I don’t like bundling like this, it’s like racism somehow.

    Either a specific casino did this or not.


    I agree with Dom here on that part it is only one casino, and I do think that given the chance they will correct this and make ammends, I have never had any problems with any casinos in the group. I for one would like to see how things play out in the next few days before we go yanking and stuff.


    First, I don’t want to give the wrong impression here. This is a nasty piece of work and very detrimental in a lot of ways, yet I guess I have a somewhat warped view on things. I get the impression that not many people believe the ‘outsourcing’ explanation given and also are greatly angered by the fact that many pages are still viewable. A couple thoughts came to mind when I read this. First, how long would it take you to take down over 4000 pages and second, how many people here have a copy of the first release of a VHS tape of the movie ‘Alladin’ produced by Walt Disney Studios? Come on, admit it, you can’t get any more wholesome than Walt, and I believe that little problem was a result of outsourcing as well.

    Just a few thoughts.



    Well I´m not sure if you read the Meister Thread in detail but among the things they suggest are these:

    “Play slots and get out of debt”
    “Free slots cures arthritis”
    “If you lost a loved one play slots”
    “Your parents are about to break up? Make them play online keno!”
    “Free slots cures breast cancer”

    It will take seconds in a well run web environment to take down 4000 pages. There is absolutely no excuse for that. Webzcas explained the technicalities of that in the thread. You have multiple servers and you run a duplication software so you have the same stuff on all servers.

    Outsourcing is no excuse because nowadays everything gets screened a hundred times before something goes live and they did that and probably thought “Hey that´s some really innovative SEO! Slots cereals!:woohoo: “



    I am in the dark here….what happened?????

    I can’t b eleive one of the better casino groups out there has gone rogue?

    Pleae direct me in the direction of this news event.



    @ Triple777s Check out Casinomeisters Rogue Casino Page and click on the Jackpot Factory link and it´ll take you to the thread.


    The campaign is doubtlessly the absolute worst and most unethical I have ever seen. The writer should be shot, the person who hired him should be fired (and has been) and the person who failed to supervise this SEO attempt should also be fired (and has been).

    We have something important to learn from that.

    A lot of people in this industry are stumped by SEO. The competition is so fierce that effective SEO has somehow come to be this mysterious top skill and there are lots of people taking shameless advantage of this situation.
    You can hire any number of “SEO experts” who will employ all kinds of “quick fix” questionable and long term unsustainable techniques.

    The ad text, apart from being scumbag content, just reeks of such an SEO firm’s work. And my guess is that whoever hired them figured they could never understand the SEO stuff anyway and gave them card blanche, let them do what they saw fit. And I’d like to think that the sleeziness got past the content manager there because of negligence and was not supported on purpose. But who knows – the man is fired in any case.

    The lesson to be learned is that one has to be very careful of who one hires, especially in SEO. Also, regardless of who you hire and what for, always watch every step they make. Even if you think you understand nothing about what they are doing for you. Even if you trust them. Your name is signed under everything they do. Your reputation depends on it, and in the case of SEO, so does the future of your business in the search engines.

    Dominique wrote:
    I don’t like bundling like this, it’s like racism somehow.

    :woo-hoo: have you been drinking heavily or what?

    For the record, if you have not already found out for yourself, it was not only All Slots Casino. Though they did seem to take it further than the others.

    While they have started taking down pages example > (404)

    There still are plenty of fake stories still live. If you look around on Google you will find plenty of the fake stories.


    Ahhh shoot.

    I didn’t follow the thread long enough….

    damn, that is too darn sad.

    I’m going to have to add to my blacklist I am afraid.

    I’ll go over to Meister tomorrow and finish reading….

    have you been drinking heavily or what?

    Nope, but I am going to now!



    From what I can see, they did apologize to everyone and it seems that they made a mistake with the help they hired.

    They aren’t a bad group of casinos, are they? They treat their affiliates fair, right? (If I’m wrong, please correct me here).

    I was under the assumption that a rougue casino was a casino that treated its players and affiliates poorly. I could understand them even being catagorized as “rogue” if they saw no wrong in marketing this way and continued on with it, but they have been removing this stuff from their sites.

    I think they should be given the chance, afterall, we all make mistakes – its the ones that don’t apologize or try to make things right that derseve the “rogue” titles.

    Just my two cents…


    yes – it’s hard to rogue a casino when their general practices are not bad.

    That’s not to condone this scandalous type of advertising – but if they are doing the right thing in cleaning it up quickly … well …

    (disclaimer : I don’t have any of their casinos on my site anyway so we’ve clean )

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