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Maxima payment issues

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  • #594669

    Has Maxima paid anyone their April commissions yet?

    I have emailed them twice about this, with no response. This is the second month in a row that I’ve been treated this way. T&Cs say they pay by the 15th, but for two months in a row, they haven’t kept their promise.

    Yes, my account is in the positive. And yes, I am above the minimum payout level.

    Nobody should ever have to chase down their commissions. :cuss:


    nope and I have emailed Jane about it as well no reply


    Update —

    I still have not heard anything from Maxima. I haven’t been paid for April or May. :nervous:

    As the Professor would say, Where is the cabbage?

    Does anyone know what is going on with this group?


    Same here no money for 2 months nowsneaky.gif


    I have sent contest winners in that have been credited from someone, but no mails back like I used to get, and no replies to questions……no payments either.


    Well, I fired off another email this morning. I noticed that I actually haven’t been paid for March, either, which means I am missing my March, and April, and May commissions. Needless to say, I permanently yanked them from my sites, and I recommend everyone else do the same.


    We yanked them and put up a big warning last month to players and I hope they see this thread and how much damamge it is doing to them, we did them good for a very long time and now this crap!


    I received a response.

    Apparently the casino had a few big winners, and now they are hurting. They said they would pay me when they have enough money…. :madat: :madat: :madat:


    Yeah same here ummmm then why are they still in business and why did they not contact affiliates right away? I am sorry but why do we always get the short end of the stick and also they have been “hard up” for cash for the last8 months, we always had to gripe to get paid.:blush:


    When I was initially contacted / recruited by Maxima Casino, I had never heard of them. I couldn’t find any feedback about their program anywhere, and my “gut” told me to stay away…. They were so nice, so professional (in an interesting sort of way), and the 35% flat rate was attractive… So I ignored my gut and said “what the hell.” I probably should have listened to my gut instead. :baaa:

    I wonder if a larger Playtech affiliate program will bail them out?

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