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so much scraper material

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  • #594553

    If I just type gamesandcasino into google here

    I get some 28,000 scraper sites, redirects and what not all is capitalizing on my site. Occasionally there is a legitimate entry or two.

    They even have my Lotto and Keno pages which are brand new.

    Unbelievable, so much trash, everyone thinks they can make a quick buck riding piggyback.



    Some very good advice on how to stomp scraper sites out of existence (one site at a time)!

    Scroll down a wee bit to the post by JeffOstroff .


    Its becoming a big problem many of us are walking uphill both ways. I often wonder what would be a good site/domain name to take care of the problem.

    I have been giving this some thought. Have a site reachable only by direct url, programed in unix,cobol,pascal,python or something of that nature.

    But I also wonder would it be a ethical thing to do? greek39


    Dom (If I may be so casual)

    Don’t you find that it’s ranked way down the list though and so cannot possibly be doing them any good ?

    Mostly it’s simply a scrape of a search engine listing (1-2 sentences max) and a direct link to the site – can we REALLY prevent that? Is that linking what the internet is about ..

    (and before anyone gives megrief – I know that their interest is not genuine – and it’s not truely organic – but if we don’t link back to them then what is the harm?)

    I’ve got a similar issue with my flagship site – but I never really noticed it until reading your messages and doing the searching.

    Annoyingly, my new sites, (and to a lessor extend are also getting picked up. but again my sites are hardly destination sites (yet) so why are they bothering ?

    Fergie wrote:
    Some very good advice on how to stomp scraper sites out of existence (one site at a time)!

    Scroll down a wee bit to the post by JeffOstroff .

    THat link didn’t work for me Fergie – all I got was a subscribe message ?


    Whether it be data scraping, data extraction, web scraping, page scraping or html scraping, those little snippets of information can out rank your own site.

    Neophites pulling information from another site can hurt your own rankings. For instance, I was number one for several keywords, took five days off come home and I found my site on page five.

    I corrected the problem already, but still the number one for this keyword is a scraper/blackhatter/ant farmer/ or what ever. This practice of stealing is highly illegal, immoral, and goes against hackethic and hackerdom.

    I know I am pretty hacked off over these zealots. I am getting tired of always being in hack mode. The problem is growing and no one seems to be doing anything about it.

    I even recieved 16,000 hits from Israel, so yeah I am pretty much pissed off right about now. greek39

    TheGooner wrote:
    Dom (If I may be so casual)

    Don’t you find that it’s ranked way down the list though and so cannot possibly be doing them any good ?

    That page was one of tens of thousands from the same domain. They do a better job than me identifying my keywords (hats off to your program, I need to look into getting a copy, not for blackhat but to get to define my own site better!!!) and this and a few other domains had a scraper site with 888 on top on everyone of my thousands of keywords. Very impressive.

    Not sure if 888 had them pulled, if the scraper was just sending me a message and pulled them himself, if the host pulled them, or if google somehow got to the host, but today almost all of them are down. Still indexed but down.

    Was this an attempt at google bowling? At pushing me out of SERPS? A flexing of muscle?

    Whatever it was, my curiosity is peaked.

    I would be interested in a chat with the owner of these pages.

    TheGooner wrote:
    THat link didn’t work for me Fergie – all I got was a subscribe message ?

    Oops. Here’s the post, then:

    Got you covered dude, we just went through this and emerged victorious numerous times. I had 40 sites removed from Google’s index last week.

    First, forget submitting to Google’s “report spam” link, it’s a joke, they have not acted to any of about 100 submissions we made the last 2 years. So we adapted our strategy. There is a way to make Google act, that we used successfully.

    Instead, you should fax Google a DMCA (Digital Millennium Copyright Act) Notice, using their instructions EXACTLY at

    Then in about a week or so, they will remove the site from their index. They have removed a number of sites we sent them. It’s easy to prove you are the owner of the content in 3 ways, that we use:

    1)Your site is trademarked and/or registered in Library Of Congress
    2)Your site domain name is a lot older than the scum wad lose moron scraper site
    3)Your site has old screen shots of it in Internet way back machine, while the scamming scraper site has no entries at all.

    Also, at the same time, send a DMCA to the web host of the scraper site, about 75% of the time, the web host will remove the site. Forget the webmaster they will never respond, and often the email address is a bogus one anyway, or they hide behind Domain By Proxy firms.

    Once the scraper site is shut down and PAGE NOT FOUND, you must IMMEDIATELY DO THIS:

    Go to Google’s AUTOMATED URGENT DEAD LINK REMOVAL TOOL, which crawls the dead site immediately as soon as you submit it. You must act immediately, before the scammer has a chance to find a new web host a day or 2 later.

    The Google tool is here:

    You’ll need a Google login tool to use it. Once you submit the dead page to this “Urgent Removal Request” tool, they show you online pending, or completed. Takes about 2 days and they email you when the site has been removed.

    The beauty of this strategy, is that Google will not allow that URL back in the index after the tool removes it, for 6 months! Even if they re-submit, they are out in the cold for 6 months.


    Interesting…. thanks Fergie. Looks like filing a DMCA Notice is the way to go from now on. :popcorn:


    Go to Google’s AUTOMATED URGENT DEAD LINK REMOVAL TOOL, which crawls the dead site immediately as soon as you submit it. You must act immediately, before the scammer has a chance to find a new web host a day or 2 later.

    That is easier said than done.

    I now have thousands of these dead sites sitting there…. couldn’t possible submit them all, I’ll try just one and see if it pulls the others along.

    By the way, I am serious about talking to my “scraper friend”, I am intrigued.


    Excellent Information!


    This tool says it is for the removal of your OWN site(s).

    Hmmm…. Has anyone actually used this to remove other people’s sites?

    If that is possible that would be a huge problem.


    If this is the wrong thread, I apologize –

    About a month ago, someone took my exact title and description of my poker site which after only 3 months has a PR4, and got his site using my tags;

    <b>lucky lady – play poker online, Texas Hold-em </b>


    Thank you voovoo I appreciate the kind remarks. The site came down fairly quickly which is a good thing.

    If you voice your concerns in the propper formatt, Google will take swift action. Having a good knowledge base on how this World Wide Web functions is important as well.


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