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HELP! I don’t know where to start.

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  • #594463

    Aloha everyone.

    I am fairly new to the scene and have spent the past few days orienting myself with the forum and going through the threads. With this being my first post, I feel really dumb asking :blush:, but I honestly have no idea where to start. I was wondering if anyone can please recommend some additional reading tools and/or tips on where to learn.

    Please point me in the right direction.

    Much mahalos for your help in advance.



    Not quite sure what you are asking for help on (ie: building a website, search engine optimization, or creating a strategy for winning in the affiliate industry). Basically, I can give you this advice. If you plan to enter the online gambling affiliate marketplace be aware that the industry is hyper-competitive, moreso than just about any other industry you can think of. Also be aware that the US government has a discerning eye on the industry and could potentially damage it in the near future. And, if your strategy relies on search engine traffic, prepare to spend up to 2 years building traffic before you can count on making much money from this.

    Lastly, spend a good month on this forum reading as much as you can. You will start to formulate and idea of what it takes to succeed in this industry.

    Maybe that’s a good starting point for you, maybe I missed the question. Hope it helps anyway.


    Much mahalos for the response webber. I apologize for not being more specific in my post earlier, but nonetheless, your input still helps.

    Without a doubt I can imagine this will just take time, patience, the proper resources, and traditional trial and error in order for my future in this to be anywhere positive. Just from the threads, I can also see the highly competitive nature of the business as well as the legal issues associated with wanting to be part of such a growing industry. Definitely good points to address, thanks for touching on that first and foremost.

    I guess at this point, what I am looking to learn are the objectives that are a must in planning a long-term strategy to be successful in the industry. What things should I keep in mind when brainstorming my business plan? And what pitfalls should be avoided?

    I will continue to peruse through the forum and the entire CAP site for answers and ideas, but if you have any words of wisdom regarding the objectives, please let me know.

    Mahalo again. :bigsmile:


    I still have to start my own website too, but I think it is generally accepted that revenue share is better in the long term than CPA.

    That’s something I can suggest for your long term strategy… However there is one CPA only program on my list and that’s pokerstar (because they are so well-known with Poker on friday night at Eurosport)

    Hope it helps…



    welcome aboard:)

    Do you have a website already?

    (maybe not casino-related) or some old obscure url somewhere?

    webber286 wrote:
    If you plan to enter the online gambling affiliate marketplace be aware that the industry is hyper-competitive, moreso than just about any other industry you can think of.

    More competitive than hosting and porn?….


    Nothing beats porn, more competitive than hosting I don’t know. But it’s more difficult to promote for sure.


    Mahalo for the suggestion casinoreports.

    I think it is generally accepted that revenue share is better in the long term than CPA.

    Here’s another rookie question: What is the difference between revenue share vs. CPA?


    Elgoog, mahalo for welcoming me :D

    I currently do not have a casino-related website yet. I only have a very VERY simple site I put together and update weekly documenting my son’s growth from birth with pictures and videos, since majority of my family are not around to watch him grow up. But in regards to having something transactional and for public promotion, no.

    I have been checking out some of the other member’s websites and was curious to know what to look for in hosting. I’ve been looking at what SBI! has to offer and it sounds interesting, especially with all the things they include for site building and support. Yet I’m not sure what tools I need to make sure I have to know I’m getting my monies worth.

    casinowahine wrote:
    Mahalo for the suggestion casinoreports.

    Here’s another rookie question: What is the difference between revenue share vs. CPA?


    CPA = Cost Per Affiliate => If you sign up a real player, you get a fixed amount, e.g. 75 dollars. If that player makes the casino 10 000 dollars you don’t get a share of it.

    Rev share = you get a share of the revenue that player makes for the casino FOR LIFE, e.g. 25%. My personal opinion is that it’s a great system as you can build something (=a player base) instead of having to find players again and again each month…

    Rev share is better than CPA (is the general opinion here I think…) because when you have CPA and the affiliate programs see that your players are making less money than expected they’ll switch you to rev share. E.g. if I would be a programme offering $75 CPA or 25% rev share, I would push the affiliates with CPA and an average player value less than 300$ (=75$ x 4) to switch to rev share, because I ‘overpay’ them with the CPA deal.

    That’s the way I see it.


    how old is ure faimily site?

    casinoreports wrote:
    Rev share is better than CPA (is the general opinion here I think…) because when you have CPA and the affiliate programs see that your players are making less money than expected they’ll switch you to rev share.

    When you affiliate yourself with a program, do you get to pick and choose which form of compensation you would like? Rev share or CPA? Do the affiliate programs automatically switch you over to rev share if you are already compensated by CPA (provided the player value is lower than expected)?



    My family site is about 2 months old. Here’s the link if want to check out what I mean by SIMPLE:
    I know it could probably be better, and I wouldn’t doubt that there’s some browser compatibility issues, but its just for family so I didn’t see a need to get too crazy with it.


    Yes you can choose.

    I didn’t say they automatically switch you from CPA to rev share if it increases their profits, but it makes sense… especially with those ‘bonus hunting’ websites.

    Just choose rev share… and there are also other compensation methods, like wager share. You can read a lot about that on this forum.

    And also heard about purchase rate… but don’t know that myself … guess it’s a % on the purchases (so without the ‘-payouts’) but no idea who offers it.



    I haven’t done the research, but I would say this industry is much more competitive than hosting and probably a bit more competitive than porn. This is just an opinion mind you, but there are so many terms you can optimize for in the porn industry, where you are restricted down to the number of terms you can optimize for in online gambling. So, from a search perspective it seems logical that it would be easier to get traffic for a porn site that is niche focused. Again, all an opinion, I don’t have any facts to back this up.

    As for additional advice on charting a business strategy. The first thing you need to figure out is how to maximize conversions. Meaning, what is the hook for your site that will make people want to click through to an online casino. Throwing up banners and keyword laden copy that is difficult for a person to read through doesn’t help your success rate much IMO. People need to have a reason to be at your site, a reason to click through your site and a reason to come back to your site if you want to be the most successful.

    Rev Share is the obvious way to go if your are in it for the long-haul.


    Much mahalos for all the explanation and info casinoreports :bigsmile:


    The advice you’re giving is great Webber. I appreciate it.

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