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Need Help Again – 400 affiliates

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  • #594195

    Hey guys,

    I would like someone to signup from a site of mine (through my affiliate link). I will deposit $75 into your neteller if you are willing to deposit and play $50 at Cocoa Casino.

    400 Affiliates is NOT TRACKING sub-affiliates properly so far and I want to test players also. I know that the subs are not tracking because I had someone from CAP test as well as several people at GPWA sign up under me and NONE tracked.

    Please reply to this thread and then send me a PM with your NETELLER account to which I can send the funds. Then please send me all info, such as when you signed up, how the playing went, how much $$$ was spent at the casino or won at the casino. I would prefer the $$ to be played out, but if you win big – then I don’t care and am happy for you. Just try to win after playing for a while :rollover:

    Thanks in advance!!!!

    PS – I am testing because I have about 50 players and $0 deposits. Seems a bit odd considering for the same amount at All Jackpots I would have had about 25 – 35 players.


    My test players tracked fine.


    Great to know, but since NONE of my sub-affiliates have tracked (0 for 5), I want to test this for myself with my own account. I am at a low trust level right about now.


    I haven’t tried any subs. Maybe something wrong with tracking those.

    I’ll try to remember to test that too when I get back home…


    Might be a good idea :)

    Players so far – 2 players tested and appear to track.

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