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Site Review Please

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  • #593719

    Please be gentle :hehe:
    I had always thought that was a great site, and would love to have one just like it for the casino side, so I decided to make one. There are many similar sites out there so I tried to make mine different by breaking bonuses down into sets which combined make an amount that people can relate to: I.e. Rent/Mortgage Payment, Car Payment etc. Another goal of mine was making it as easy as possible for first time depositors to feel like they are “playing on their money”. I had several friends who were intrigued by the fact that you can actually make money if you plan it right and I wanted to make a site geared toward them. I figured the CPA plans would be good for them. Of course, I also know that many won’t have the discipline to follow the plan, so the rev share ones will be for them. LOL. At the same time, I wanted to keep the best current reload bonuses and monthlies updated too so I would get some return traffic from bonus hunters. I know if you only concentrate on the initial deposits, you don’t get return traffic and lose a lot of the word of mouth marketing by recurring visitors.

    What do you think?

    BTW, I also signed up with for their 30 day free trial (since it included 250 submissions to all the big search engines as well as adwords inclusion) . I figured this was a way to try out adwords and see if it was worth paying for. I had to make sure to remove any of the “banned” words to get isubmit to accept my listing. In any case, it is a sponsored ad for search terms like “bonus reviews” and “bonus code” and “online bonus”. FWIW, it has been up 2 days and I don’t think I have gotten a click on one of them yet lol. I know there is a CPC forum, but figured I would include this here.

    Thanks in advance for your constructive comments.



    Looks OK in IE, but in both Firefox and Opera the front page is all over the place. On other pages some of the alt tags show up in Firefox.

    Fix this, get a new logo (kinda sucky), and you’ve got the start of a nice site. Hell, I’ve bookmarked it!



    Thanks! I had to DL Firefox and Opera, but found my sloppy coding and fixed the problems. Also with the size banners I was using on the front page, it was making the columns not wrap correctly when you resized the window. I changed these to smaller banners which did the trick. I know my logo is pretty bad (thanks but I didn’t know a source for a free better one. I know I could pay someone to make some bad ass logo, but trying to keep the costs down until I get at least one real customer lol. Still no clicks from Google. Glad I didn’t plunk down $500 for AdWords.



    Well im no graphic designer, but I could knock up something better for you of you like. I tend to go for very plain no frills logos. If that floats your boat, drop me a line.

    red at gambool dot com

    Im sure you could return the favour in the future.



    Why choose a sitename that could alienate your potential female client base?


    Otherwise the site is nice enough and has a good narrative flow.
    Well done.

    I don’t like the large black letters on some of the pages (about 18pt or 20pt) – as they seem messy but that’s a personal taste thing.

    I’m assuming that you’re on CPA with this scheme ? As the net losses (according to your text) will be minimal.

    So let us know which casino boots you off first as a CPA affiliate.

    TheGooner wrote:
    Why choose a sitename that could alienate your potential female client base?

    My wife asked the same question lol. My original thought was to play off the very successfull Poker Bonus site of, providing the same level of detail for the casino side of the bonuses. Also, while it sounds vulgar, the “bonus whore” moniker is one that was developed by the bonus hunters as a pseudo badge of honor. Sort of the “I will do whatever the casino says I need to do within the T&C to get the money” is what inspired it I would guess.

    TheGooner wrote:
    I don’t like the large black letters on some of the pages (about 18pt or 20pt) – as they seem messy but that’s a personal taste thing.

    I know what you mean, This was the default “Heading” for the style sheet I used. I will change this a bit when I get a chance. I run a 20″ in 1600×1200 so sometimes stuff that looks nice and proportional on my monitor looks really bad at 1024×768.

    TheGooner wrote:
    I’m assuming that you’re on CPA with this scheme ? As the net losses (according to your text) will be minimal.

    So let us know which casino boots you off first as a CPA affiliate.

    I did CPA for whichever casinos allowed it, but some of them only allow rev share. If they convert me to rev share that will be ok too since I know some people just can’t control themselves when clearing the bonuses and will bust out due to variance etc. I personally bet enough to get a good $/hr when clearing the bonus with a slightly higher chance of busting.

    My thoughts are to provide all of the information and tools to make them successfull, and if they are, then great, tell your friends about the site. If they run unlucky at one or 2 of the 10 casinos they try then maybe I will get some rev share there. BTW, I like your site too, it was one of the ones I stumbled upon when I was starting out bonus hunting(the bet365 page if I remember correctly).

    In any case, thanks for the review!



    Happy to help mate.

    I asked the question about the site name because I thought that the site was aimed a newbie players or relative newbies anyway – and not the “bonus whore” market.

    I also run a big screen – a fancy 24″ widescreen thingy from dell – but usually size the pages to 780-800 px across so I can see three screens at once. As you say – even changing the font will help.

    I also suspect that many players will not be able to successfully cash the bonuses – especailly at blackjack. The house edge may only be 0.5% for correct play – but most players are far worse.

    You might be better to suggest roulette for novice players – as there is very little that they can do wrong – RED or BLACK – it doesn’t matter – just choose.

    (in fact put it on both to clear the bonus even faster)

    Good luck with the site mate.


    I generally like it, nice formatt, colors ect.. your standard website. I tend to always look at that source code its a habit.

    I only scrimmed over the first page. I find you Title for the page is nested too far down, no keywords or meta description.

    I also noticed this’s%20Reloads.html

    It appears your extension for the domain is an error. Although domain extension can be done in several formatts, this happens to be not one of them. No higher case in extension and seperate words with a _,- with no space. There are other ways also.

    For the visitor its’s great for a SE bot I am pretty sure your site stands a frail chance. My site on the other hand is sick looking, all done for a reason. greek39

    P.S just trying to help

    greek39 wrote:
    I find you Title for the page is nested too far down, no keywords or meta description.
    I admit I haven’t really done any SEO to this thing yet (although I did download a trial of webposition which I will wade throught when I have time.) I thought keywords/meta tags were useless in the brave new search engine world and only your content mattered. This might be outside the scope of this newbie post anyhow but I now have it on my list of “Things to learn about”

    Edit: I moved this up a bit and added some META tags/keywords. Look better now?

    GREEK39 wrote:
    I also noticed this’s%20Reloads.html

    It appears your extension for the domain is an error. Although domain extension can be done in several formatts, this happens to be not one of them. No higher case in extension and seperate words with a _,- with no space. There are other ways also.

    Whew! That was some work fixing that boo boo. I now have everything hyphenated and lowercase. Thank god for find and replace in Dreamweaver… What is your site BTW so I can pick your brain? :)



    If I am reading it correctly you site currently has a PR4 which is pretty good. PR have has nothing to do with serps however.

    The source code and where you are nesting head elements needs alot of work still. SEO is more like a art and most good webmasters pay no attention to all the seo advice out there. If you do you find yourself being confused. Instead use propper HTML syntax and propper formating.

    TheGooner always give a very good review of the looks of the site and more. He is always honest at what he thinks and often cracks me up. I am more of a source code freak. Both matter if your page is ugly and hard to navigate through visitors will leave within 15 seconds. If your source code does not make sense the search engines will be reluctant to index your site.

    There are commom rules that we all follow that remain true always. These are in my opinion:

    Page title
    keywords relevant to your content
    URL that refelect you page title to some extent
    Description of your site

    Keywords however are becoming less important, Google pays no attention to them but Yahoo and MSN do. Optimizing sites takes a while, but if you end up being confused you can PM me. greek39

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