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review planetbet please

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  • #593621

    I would be very pleased if anyone here could take a look at my site and give me some feed back as to where I am going wrong if I am and and any hints as to what I can do to improve on my site.
    Thanks very much



    remove the flash intro!!!

    you need the fastest asset to your site


    Thanks for that elgoog. I will put that to my partner and see what he says. Its a shame if it has to go because he was very pleased with all the work he put into it. Discusion under way and thanks for the advice.

    ps.. I like your site.. Very sexy and pleasant. Easy on the eye. Well played m8


    ty vm
    its g00d to get a compliment
    youre the first:)

    about the flash intro, indeed its a nice job,
    i had one also b4,


    I suggest that you let people see how many posts there are in the forum before making them register. I guess you could have your reasons for that though.

    I agree with removing the flash intro, I think IE6 updated users will just think the site is disabled in some cases.


    I’d say definately lose the flash intro. I thing the main thing with flash is its always the designer who is really impressed with their work (it does look cool) every1 else just skips the intro to get to what they really want. You need more content on the site, give people a resaon to visit and more importantly, return. Writing good content takes time, but as im sure you are aware there is no such thing as a free lunch in this world. I would also suggest breaking your banners up and telling people a little bit about each casino that you are promoting, what games do they offer, what’s their bonus like etc. Hope this helps


    Here’s my two cents worth … but warning I tend to be a bit mean.

    1) Flash intro
    Very pretty – but also very pointless … “Welcome to our site” ??!!
    Really? Is that the best punchline you can come up with after making people wait to load the intro ?

    Drop it fast.

    2) Inside page
    Bright red on blackbackground – yuck!!
    Not optimised for 800 px wide screens? – yuck !!
    And a banner farm – yuck !!

    Oh … and the email goes to
    So I guess you’ve never actually received any mails ?

    3) Poker page
    Another banner farm ?!

    4) Casino page
    Guess what? More grpahics farms (yuck)

    5) Forum
    I have to login in to browse?
    Why – whats in there?
    Do you really think people will hang around to find out ?

    Ok … what do I think ?

    It is a website – a series of pages cobbled together.

    But .. there is no unique content – merely a series of graphic ads.
    Would you watch an “ads only” TV channel?

    What is your plan?
    Why do you think visitors will want to come in?
    Why will they come back – or tell their friends about your site?

    They won’t

    Overall …
    It’s not something that I’d click on, bookmark or ever visit again.

    Look I tried really hard to find something positive to say …
    But I can’t ..



    Ok .. here’s the nice stuff.

    At least you’ve mastered the basics of hosting a site, getting affilate links, and your mate can build flash applications ..

    Technically, you’ve completed some complex tasks …

    Well done for that ..

    But go back and look at your site afresh … as if you had not created it.

    Who are you aiming at ?
    What are the visitors looking for ?
    Why will they choose to click on any of the ads?
    Do they have nice wide screens?

    Once you start thinking about your site from that viewpoint, then I think that you’ll start taking you site in different directions.

    Good luck.

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