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Top 10 guaranteed ranking?

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  • #592707

    Hi guys,

    I am brand new here, and I know a lot about backgammon, but almost nothing about generating traffic. I found a site that guarantees to get me in the top 10 at all the search engines for $39.95. Is this just BS or is that legit?


    Its BS Backgammon Jake, any site that uses the word guarantee in its vocabulary is just pitching you. In addition, any site that tries to sell you on submitting your sites to search engines is also pitching you. You should never have to submit your site to a search engines. A link campaign will get you indexed by the search engines. Just have a strong link campaigne and unique content for the user and in time you will get good rankings. The only thing I would recommend is learning the in-s and outs of SEO as there is a ton to know. If your going to spend any money on rankings, it should be towards getting your keywords properly placed in your pages and optimizing them for SEO and maybe towards a link campaign. I personally am trying to learn everything myself as I have seen the potential in this business and I am not going anywhere, so in order to max out and take my sites to the next level I need to know a lot of stuff. The only problem I run into is when I am reading articles on seo, link building, designing, ect… I get into the article, then something else catches my eye, and before you know it you forget what the heck you were researching in the first place. There is a ton of info on the web to help you, but it will take a lot of hard work. Dont ever spend a penny on any of these guaranteed rankings schemes or guaranteed traffic, its a ploy towards people that dont just know any better. You might as well toss your money out the window. Good luck pal.


    Backgammon is not as hard as other gambling terms, but for that price nobody will get you anyplace unless they work for 10 cents an hour or less.


    Bonusgeek, are there any particular sites you recomend for reading about SEO. Any that have been most helpful to you.


    I personally frequent xx the most. They are extremely helpfull there and anytime I have a question I usually get an answer in about 10 minutes. However, you cant get a site review or have your link to your site in your signature if its related to gambling. Just a heads up. Do a search for seo forums and there are a bunch of great forums where people are extremely helpfull, just like they are here at CAP. I like highrankings because of the many articles she has under advisory articles on the home page. Learn about title tags, submitting to directories, link building ect.. Its a good one stop shop for me, however, just about all of the major forums for seo has similar information like this available. I spend about an hour a day browsing through some of the threads in seo forums and find interesting things I didnt know every single day. I just have to jot them down on paper as I will forget them. Anywho, a lot of info out there if your intent on learning it. I write down about 20 questions everyday that I need to find the answers to and then I spend the first part of the following day getting those answers and applying what I have learned. For example, today a few of the questions I need to get answered is how do you get your site listed in different languages to open a different market. That one question alone brings many other questions like do you need to change the content so there is no penalty even if its in another language, how do you market in a different language if you cant speak the language. Thats just one question that brings many others, that along with trying to put good content into your site, link build ect. makes for quite a busy day and I dont have a clue in comparison to others so I dont even know the other 50 things I need to be spending time on.


    They will get you in the top 10 rank for a non competitive keyword — sometimes including your domain name.


    Ah yes, the domain name!


    Your site is already in the top 10 on Google for the term “The Doubling Cube”. See, and you saved 39.95. That’s how these scam artists get around the guarantee thing. Anyone can achieve a ranking for an uncommon term, however there also won’t be any traffic for that term. Speaking of traffic, don’t believe any of the companies promising you 100,000 of qualified visitors coming to your site overnight. That’s a scam too.


    There are only two ways to get a top ten ranking and they both involve a lot of work, knowledge and effort in order to accomplish. Many companies claim things and no legitimate company will get you anything for that price. The time alone is worth a lot of money and someone would have to be crazy in order to GIVE their time to you to work on YOUR site.

    Learn SEO yourself and perform it on your own site. There are many guides, tutorials, forums, blogs, write-up’s etc. on the subject of SEO/PPC/Link building (they are all kind of related). There are many people who have been able to get good ranking by learning SEO and promoting their own sites.

    Hire an SEO professional to either do it for you, help with only some parts or just consult you on what would be best. Hiring an SEO company or individual can be costly compared to learning it yourself (some SEO’s get 10,000 or more per site, some charge even more). Many of the best companies are able to get high dollar amounts for their services. You can find certain individuals who can also do the job as well as smaller companies or less known ones. There is no way to guarantee rankings on good keywords, so be weary of any SEO offering a promise or guarantee. Hire one who can show you other sites they have achieved ranking for and of course make sure their site(s) ranks.

    My advice, do the simple things yourself and if you feel you can handle learning more, and you have the time, then go further with your own strategy. If you cannot perform the required tasks and you are lacking time to get the job done it may be worth your while to recruit help.

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