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FFS – Do Some Research!!!

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  • #592280

    The majority of affiliates here, I am pleased to say, take time to research the casinos they represent. But you know what really makes me angry? When i see “fly-by-night-who-pays-me-the-highest-commission-oh-do-i-really-have-to-bother-doing-research-first” affiliates representing casinos that have a reputation-cum-history for treating their players like sh*t. :madat:

    All affiliates here should research the casinos using the player forums before they represent them or they are basically going to get tarred with the same brush, and deservedly so. Whenever i see a site with one of “those” casinos on it, it a) makes me angry and b) deserves crap SERPS.

    Sorry. Rant Over. Had to be said.



    I wholeheartedly echo your sentiments Simmo!


    I agree with you 100%.


    It just boils down to the affiliate having class. The affiliates that promote these rogue organizations don’t give a hoot about thier players and its very unfair to the players as a lot of these same affiliates dont only promote these rogue players, but also write some bogus reviews like the casinos are 100% trustworthy, fair, ect… It is refreshing to see some of the affiliates here that offer insurance against getting ripped off. Thats the way to run this business. That says a lot about the affiliate and as I grow as an affiliate I too will offer such a program. Good job the ones that are doing it, you deserve good things.


    Yeap they don’t care about the players getting ripped off one bit, they only care about their own wallets!:Pisser:


    I agree a little research goes a long way. Always put your visitors interests first. Be motivated by ehthical standards and be rewared. I see alot off webmasters promoting casinos that couldn’t pay me enough to promote them.


    It’s like any business, if you are treating it seriously then you are doing a ton of research before you jump in. I spent over 6 months researching the industry before launching a site.


    I think we ought to have a sticky thread, or a forum even, where we can post links to disturbing articles on the player forums.

    I appreciate that just because a player launches an attack on a casino, that doesn’t make them a bad casino, often its just some bonus shark not reading the terms or being found out.

    But when you start to see repeated threads of delayed payments, excuses, rudeness and generally poor or uncaring behaviour, thats when we should flag it to other affiliates.

    In the past two days alone I’ve seen three affiliates here posting about their representation of known rogue outfits like nothings amiss. So here’s some resources EVERYONE should read:

    Casinomeister Bad Casinos List
    Wizard Of Odds Casino Blacklist
    Even if YOU dont agree with these lists, the players will and will judge your site on it.

    WinnerOnline Best & Worst Casinos Forum
    Casinomeister Player Complaints Forum
    You need to be reading both these at least once a week, if not once a day



    I’m going further than Simmo! and will name one of the rogue outfits some of the members of CAP here have mentioned. Connect 2 Casino – Currently at this moment in time I am in touch with Remy Hamaoui from Real Time Gaming, taking him up on his offer to go through him when we met at ICE last week should I get player complaints regarding RTG Casinos.

    Connect 2 Casino are awful, in my opinion should not be allowed to operate and are a reknowned rogue operation. I added them to my own site’s rogue page back in June.

    Now we have affiiates here on CAP bleating on that Connect 2 are withholding affiliate payments. Well sorry, I have no sympathy for you. If you are going to refer and send innocent players to clip joints like Connect 2, then you deserve everythng coming to you.

    As Simmo! states, do some research!!! As affiliates we are all in a good position to collectively make people aware of honest outifits to play at, there are enough of them.

    You shouldnt need to resort to promoting casinos with a record of poor customer service. If you cannot be bothered to put the time in for research, then in my opinion you shouldn’t be in this industry.


    …………………………… :shhh: ……………………………


    No-one else want to contribute then? I think this is an important subject and new affiliates need to be made aware that its not just a case of pick any casino and see how it goes. But some of the big guns here are being quiet on this front. I’m surprised and disappointed to be honest.


    If a casino has a history of treating players poorly you can darn well bet they likewise will have a history of treating affiliates poorly!

    I dont think we need go read CM daily with all the other webmaster members in order to find out who players are complaining about. If it’s that big of a news event it will come to us quick enough.

    I do agree though that webmasters wishing to get into the business should first do some research; of course I think that comes with starting any kind of business, it’s just a necessary chore. I would also say looking in more than one location is a good idea, get the story from different points of view and decide for yourself.

    As for worrying about what someone else is promoting; some elses business is none of my business. If they want to promote scum let them, so long as they are doing so in a manner which is not doing me any direct harm.


    If they want to promote scum let them, so long as they are doing so in a manner which is not doing me any direct harm.

    Surely by a fellow webmaster promoting scummy casinos, this reflects badly on all of us and the industry at large.

    Simmo! wrote:
    No-one else want to contribute then? I think this is an important subject and new affiliates need to be made aware that its not just a case of pick any casino and see how it goes. But some of the big guns here are being quiet on this front. I’m surprised and disappointed to be honest.
    Simmo .. I’m obviously being thick ..
    But I’ve read this thread twice … and I still don’t get it …

    What is it that you want us to contribute ?

    (perhaps it’s because I’m down-under?)

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