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Crystal Palace non-payment

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  • #592093

    For some reason that presently escapes me I’ve been promoting crystal palace for almost a year and it’s just been nothing but chargebacks, late payments, constant emails asking where the payments are only to be always told ‘soon’ ‘very soon’ etc. I’ve felt trapped because if I stopped promoting them then I’m sure they wouldn’t pay me at all.

    Now I’m still owed from November and December and not getting any response from my affiliate manager.

    I’ve had more chargebacks from here than all my other programs put together – once they even wiped out a whole month of CPA accruals claiming they were all charged back!!

    Anyone here work for them or know how to contact someone besides my less than useful affiliate manager?


    I’m sorry for your troubles, owldeath2. Crystal Palace is considered by many to be a rogue operation, and they have been blacklisted in several places.

    If you actually get all the money you deserve, I will be surprised. It might be wise to cut your losses and start promoting a program with a bit more integrity….


    You might be right, it’s difficult though, I mean they owe me $3000 not including $900 from this month…

    I need someone to contact who works there to discuss this…


    I made them $20,000 net profit last month, the best month by a long shot – and that’s when they decide to stop paying me.. go figure.


    For some reason that presently escapes me I’ve been promoting crystal palace for almost a year

    Not trying to be harsh here, but if you don’t get your money it is your own fault. You really need to research who you promote. If a casino can screw players, then they are not above screwing affiliates, which in this case it looks like you are now finding out.

    :cuss: how Scandelous they are. :laughing:

    what does x-ed mean?

    Sorry, x-ed is just my term of saying they are rouged. :D
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