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Help me with my site, please.

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  • #591911

    I am new to this site, just found it today and have been here all day reading threads. I love what I see, good comments, respectful people and tons of information. I have found a new interest in my old website and I want to renew my affiliate marketing. I make an OK living off my site, but my kids are getting older and I want to get them some college money so I need to do something. I am hoping i can get some pointers about what to do. My site is almost 3 years old, I did good in the beginning and got some good players that continue to make me money. I don’t get that many new sign-ups and I have all but disappeared from the search engines I used to thrive at. My site hasn’t changed much in 3 years. I can’t decide if I should put my efforts there, or into a new site. Please help, and don’t worry about hurting my feelings, give it to me straight.

    Thank You,


    The last thing DO NOT BE discouraged. I am new at this sort of thing as well. Me personally I can’t stand marques. The colors are really not inviting but thats a easy fix. The page is width is rather large 1000 wide I would suggest 750-800. The imagines are not crisp and clean. Browser support is terrible.

    This is just a honest opinion don’t go out and start drinking and driving. I only took a glance I did’t view your source or anything.

    I do have maybe some promising news PM if interested. greek39


    My initial thought was that there’s too many objects hitting a new user. Looks like links galore and the page is extremely overloaded.

    That’s just me though. I don’t know what your objective is.


    Yes .. as our friend Mr Greek39 says – don’t give up.

    The fact that you’re looking about and asking questions is encouraging – 95% or websites will fail becuase their owner gives up. If you keep working on it then things will improve.

    However … now for the bad news.

    1) The page is too wide.
    And that’s probably caused by the frame plus the main page. I have a huge screen – 24′ widescreen – but even I surf around at 800 px wide so that I can have 5-6 browsers and a spreadsheet and … well you get the idea.

    Make the site 760 px wide.

    2) The colours are yuck.
    Red and Beige? Looks like road-kill.
    Try choosing two colours that go together.

    3) What exactly do you want your visitors to do?
    The site is all over the place with little direction. A mess of banners, fonts, sizes and colors.

    I visit – I think banner farm – I go away.

    Your site is not appealling … but …
    – it appears to have links to it,
    – it has a (small) pagerank of 2,
    – and it has some interesting content.

    You are far better to build upon it rather than start again.

    Good luck.


    Thanks for the responces so far, there are some common themes developing. I am now remembering when I was making this site I finished my first set of poker reviews late at night(probably more like early morning) and I didn’t have a home page yet. I made a very quick home page to say it was done, but never (in almost 3 years) went back to actually finish it. I have added things over the years but never really made a homepage I liked.

    What colors are good for a poker website?


    One other thing. Frames are rally bad news as far as search engines are concerned. The main reason is that you will be getting pages indexed in the engines that will get loaded without your navigation frame. Your visitors will have no clear direction of where to go and will leave.

    Frames are also ugly in my opinion, and I think this must be the first time i’ve seen a site using them in the last few years.


    Just to add one other comment to what you’ve asked. I would redevelop the domain you have rather than start again. Having the site for 3 years may help very slightly in the search engines due to it being established.


    Poker sites usually use green a lot – card table color.

    Vibrant colors have energy – whereas pastels are laid back. It’s the energy you want – creates enthusiasm. I always try to use bright colors on my sites.

    Play with it – maybe a bright, happy green and white with black here and there. Just because it’s been done doesn’t mean that it won’t work – fortunes have been made doing the same thing as someone successful. It never pays to be a pioneer…

    Lots of white space is good – restful on the eyes – so maybe I should have said white with green instead of the other way around.

    A suggestion that maybe you should go to as many poker sites as you can and see what they do with color. I’m betting that most of them use green.



    I like the ideas on your site.. For instance Reviews, and Pro Player Pages…

    The Free Cash sites will get you some downloads.. The WSOP results are great..

    You have some really great ideas! They just don’t all belong on the front page of your site, in full.. IMO your front page is more the doorway, the place I look to see what your site is about.. and an entrance to the meat..

    Maybe instead of having ALL Reviews available listed on the menu bar, just a Link for Poker Room Reviews..

    Then a page with the reviews list.. etc.. Same thing for the Free Money Sites, Just a link. . . list the sites on another page, on my site, I place some sort of text between the banners for the free money sites too, so it doesn’t look like a big page of banners, even It took me a day to get my free cash, I played it up to 200 and then lost it all!

    ntaus8 wrote:
    It never pays to be a pioneer…

    I betchya your wrong there :P~


    Naah. In most cases the pioneer does all the work and then some entrepreneur comes along and makes all the money…


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