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Yes another Possible bad one

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  • #591166

    I am not sure what to make of this site but it is sure affecting my serps.

    One of my page tiltles is Online Gambling Resource for Online Gambling , a bit strange for a page title. I did this on purpose to discourage the lazy webmasters.

    So i ran my program today and found this site they also use the exact page tiltle. I am not sur what to make out of it. But it is for sure affecting my site.

    Any suggestions?


    Are you serious? :slapface:


    Yeah I am serious and little pissed off! I can deal with it but in the meantime I have other work to do. I sent out a few things. I had 200 pages dropped today. greek39

    Out of all the websites that get cheated everyday these people or shitheads picked on the wrong guy. is crap from your worst enemy Good luck fellows!


    FWIW I don’t think gamblingdudes has anything to do with your site and/or pages being dropped. imho this is totally different than for instance what the captain just experienced, totally!

    They havent used your sites name, domain name, or a branded/able slogan, in fact I don’t see anything unique about that combination + ordering of words. A search of the phrase returns dozens of sites using the same structure.

    I think your disappearance from the serps is causing you to stretch for an explanation. I havent reviewed the sites in question, but unless they have borrowed more than that specific phrase I dont see anything wrong with it. I would say its total coincidence.


    I have been tracking this site for a while the page title was just changed as soon as they found out who was the number one for gambling resource was on msn. Two exact page title on msn does not go well one will get kicked of. it just happened to be me. Further, there are about 10 other sites ready to copy or screw my site over in one way or another. I am waiting, don’t ask how I know these things I just do.

    I agree this is not as serious as what most people surfer, such as the captian. But come on who on earth would use a stupid page title such as mine? What are the odds of this happenning?

    P.S the problem is fixed!


    I didn’t know the page title had to be so unique.

    Should just the home page have a unique title or is it important for all pages?


    rtb1980 wrote:
    I didn’t know the page title had to be so unique.

    Should just the home page have a unique title or is it important for all pages?


    All pages should be diffrent and traget diffrent keywords.

    I would like to add

    Dont leave your title tag blank or use the same title on everypage!

    The title tag should be unique and relevant to the content on your page.

    When two sites have the same ranking power… its the little things that will make you on top.

    :turn: :hehe: :woo-hoo:

    rtb1980 wrote:
    I didn’t know the page title had to be so unique.

    Should just the home page have a unique title or is it important for all pages?


    Well I think I got a little carried away on this one. I give each page a title, my website in general has no page title because my domain name sucks. The fellows in question did change some stuff, so no harm done. greek39

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