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An other controversial AFFILIATE FRAUD article

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  • #590869

    I am not sure what to think about this web site. it’s rather controversial and one-sided. But it’s related to casino affiliation programs and deserve its place here.

    I did a WHOIS on the domain where the article was published:

    American European Marketing,
    Suite 211
    2a Byron Ave, Takapuna
    Auckland, n/a 1309
    (PHONE) 93531625 (FAX) 93531625

    Casino Affiliate Frauds

    Massive Frauds in the Casino Affiliate Programs!

    You are authorized to reproduce this report in full without our approval.

    This is a special report on the massive frauds that are taking place with the casino affiliate programs controlled by the crooked organized crime operators. This report is based on extensive research, real tests, reporting, a large number of complaints, investigations, compiled for the last 8 years. The source of this inside information comes from game developers, their own directors and officers, their management and accountants, their own programmers and technical support, their sales teams, their marketing companies, their licensees, their affiliates, and also their own players.

    The report clearly confirms that none of these casino affiliate programs tracks the real sales properly, and most don’t track them at all. We have seen plenty of massive frauds, and figures confirming that 99% or 100% of the sales were not tracked at all, so the poor innocent affiliates got massively cheated and robbed by these thieves.

    If the figures about the online gambling industry published by others are accurate, then the affiliates get cheated of well over a billion dollar each year with new business, and most probably much more with previous business they generated. The crooks promised them commissions for the lifetime of the players, which means that they should get paid for as long as players keep on playing, and losing money.

    In addition to the casino licensees running these massive frauds, there are also many marketing companies who run these dishonest casino affiliate programs purely based on cheating, and defrauding the affiliates. Their entire business models are based on frauds, and nothing else than frauds, and we are certain about this because there is no possible doubt about it.

    Very naive affiliates wrongly think that bigger is better, so they signed up with the bigger companies, including many public companies. The true facts are that the biggest ones are the worst, and they are only bigger because they cheated and defrauded more affiliates, and more players, with their fraudulent rigged software.

    It is absolutely certain that the game developers are heavily involved with these massive frauds, together with their own licensees and their marketing companies. This is pure and straight organized crime at a massive level.

    The smart affiliates are dropping these fraudulent scams and insisting on pay per click payments and pre paid advertising. The others are getting massively cheated, more than they can ever imagine. Cheating the affiliates and not paying them 99% of their commissions is very common.

    This is not surprising knowing that most of these crooks running these organized crime operations have a long history of crimes, and dishonesties, and breaking the laws, going back to the very first days of their businesses.

    Party Gaming, Party Poker, Starluck Casino (same crooks)

    With these crooks, affiliates started to get cheated in 1997 with Starluck Casino and the cheating hasn’t stopped since then, and is now done on a massive scale.

    The game developer who supplied the games for Starluck Casino at the time confirmed many times that the founder of all these companies specially requested that the affiliate program be made to cheat the poor affiliates by stealing most of their money.

    The game developer was David Brown from HLI (Handa Lopez) and Casino Soft, and the founder of Starluck Casino, Party Gaming, and Party Poker, is Ruth Parasol.

    Another company was using the same games at the time, and they very strongly and persistently complained to the game developer about the fact that the affiliates were getting cheated. It became a major issue because this other company refused to cheat its own affiliates, and requested that the program be changed.

    The affiliate program was tracking the sales for the affiliates by using cookies, and the game developer confirmed numerous times that Ruth Parasol specifically asked him to program the cookies to expire in 2 days. This means that no sale would be tracked for the affiliates after 2 days. They were very lucky when they were tracked at all, because most weren’t.

    Ruth Parasol was heavily involved with pornography at the time, and she was closely working with criminals and crooks as her close partners. You don’t have criminals as your partners unless you are dishonest yourself. She was also an attorney. Many good reasons not to trust her in the first place.

    The game developer confirmed that Ruth Parasol from Starluck Casino didn’t want to change the tracking system because she was happy with the fact that affiliates were getting cheated by not paying them any commission after 2 days.

    At the time, many players were staying with the same casino for a year, or longer, so you can imagine how much the affiliates lost when the program was made not to track the sales after 2 days.

    After many big fights with the game developer, this other company managed to get him to change the tracking of the sales to a maximum of 15 days. The game developer strongly argued that it wouldn’t be fair to Starluck Casino if another company was paying the affiliates for longer than 15 days or even that long, and he refused to change the tracking of the sales to the requested much longer period.

    The game developer confirmed that Starluck Casino requested 2 days, and he complied with Ruth Parasol’s request.

    Shortly after, this other company dropped this game developer because he was heavily participating in the massive frauds of the affiliates and refused to stop. No need to tell you that the games were also massively rigged to cheat the players and this is why Starluck Casino loved it, and kept these games for years.

    Cheating the players and cheating the affiliates, and having criminals as close partners, this is how Party Poker and Party Gaming were born.

    What happened to the game developer David Brown from HLI (Handa Lopez) and Casino Soft, and where is he today? We don’t know, but he could be in jail.

    This is the criminal who claimed on his web site right at the top of his main page:

    ” It’s official! We’re now the world’s LARGEST!!! “

    Sounds like Party Poker & Party Gaming today!

    He probably meant the largest crook at the time. He was then arrested by the FBI, his private plane was seized, together with his Ferrari, and his two new big houses he just bought with the stolen money, and his bank accounts were seized. He was also involved with tax frauds, and many other criminal offences like laundering money.

    His illegal and crooked business was shut down by the authorities, his servers in California were seized, together with the ones he had in Canada, and Australia, and a few other locations.

    There is no possible doubt that Starluck Casino and the founder of Party Poker and Party Gaming has been closely associated with criminals right from the first day they went into online gambling, and even years before this in the pornographic business. The illegal and criminal activities of Starluck Casino and Party Gaming, and Party Poker haven’t stopped since then. We are convinced that it’s a lot worse today than ever before, because now it’s done on a massive organized crime scale.

    These crooks already start lying when they claim on their web site that 70,000 players are online. Their own staff confirmed to us that this figure was a straight lie, and the figure doesn’t reflect at all the real number of players online.

    The more things change, and the more they remain the same. Now they are offering a chance to win a Ferrari. Same trick already used back in 1997 by her game developer for her Starluck Casino. The Ferrari that was used to attract players ended up being stolen by the game developer for his own use. It was then seized by the FBI as proceed of crimes.

    Party Poker is claiming on its website that they are:

    “ The biggest poker affiliate network “

    If this is true, then it means that Party Poker and Party Gaming are the biggest crooks in the world for a poker affiliate program.

    The crooks claim on their websites that they paid affiliates more than $19 million since 1997 including Starluck Casino. Their site is updated on a regular basis, and much more often than most. The $19 million since 1997 may sound like a big amount, but here is just one proof that this is a massive scam.

    These thieves have operated since 1997 so it’s 8 years now.

    If you divide $19 million by 8 years, you only get $2,375,000 per year paid to their affiliates.

    If you divide $2,375,000 per year into 12 months, you only get $197,917 paid to affiliates per month.

    (more here :

    ???? It’s controversial !!!!


    Seems like the author of this has something against Party Poker. I am guessing that maybe he was a major rakeback affiliate for Empire Poker and just got crushed by their changes on Oct 8th. The domain name ( was purchased on Oct 9th. LOL.

    :shhh: Yes. I can’t really say I agree or disagree, due to the fact that
    some Casinos that I marketed in the past was very common to what he was saying. If your revenue don’t show, all I can say is drop those guys and move on to those that seems to pay of the most.

    :popcorn: cheers



    Me, i aggree with this post !!!:devil:

    Party Gaming are the biggest crooks in the world !!!!:devil:

    I have promote their poker Room on 3 gambling sitse,during one year,i never get one real player !!!!

    Normally with my 3 websites i get between 3-10 new poker players by month,with Party during one year 0 real player on my stats !!!!

    So i have stopped to promote this Group since 6 months….. !!!



    If you read that article carefully, it never says anything concrete.

    It will ask:”Where are they today? They could be in jail!”

    That sort of writing is just too sensationalist for me to digest.

    Same statement:” Where are they today? They could be lying in the sun, nursing a drink with an umbrella, while 15 naked hula girls girate in front of them”.

    That statement is just as valid as the other one. Neither says a thing.

    This same thing was posted here at CAP before and discussed.

    It’s not controversial, its sensationalist and unfounded dribble.

    I am not saying that it isn’t possible to make a case for programs cheating us – that’s nothng new. The concept of shaving has been around as long as affiliate programs themselves.

    I don’t trust anything, nothing at all, with such a writing style, massive accusations and crooked websites. (just being facetious). tease.gif


    lol Dom,

    exactly what i was thinking,
    just thought “how to find the right english words”

    you already did…ty

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