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Chaos — let’s get an update Satya

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  • #590519

    Hi, so by now anyone who’s wandered over to 2+2 will know the chaos that the latest pary split-off from the skins has caused.

    So we need some answers, and quick — a lot of affiliates are VERY pissed off that we had absolutely no warning about any of this, and are playing catch-up big time.

    1) First off, what the hell happened?
    2) Some affiliates are already claiming that they’ll be offering rakeback at Party. (see )
    My understanding was that Party strictly prohibits rakeback…will that be enforced?? As most of you know, all I object to is an inequitable set of rules for different affiliates — if rakeback is allowed, let all affiliates offer it, if it’s prohibited, then you must enforce it equally against ALL affiliates.

    Looking forward to your replies, and quick. We deserve it.


    The pissed off affiliates are not partypoker affiliates. They are empire poker affiliates offering rakeback. Let them suffer.


    Satya is not here anymore.

    We have Bev now.

    I sure hope Party is not offering rake back again.


    actually, the way I see this, is that this is GREAT news for us!
    If you read that thread at 2+2, you will see that a lot of players are mad, but why? Because they can’t get rakeback anymore when playing at party. Of course, they didn’t get rakeback from party, but rather from teh skins, who were stealing the business from party.
    Now, party decided to it’s time to stand up, and stop the rakeback. So, now, if the sharks want to play with the fish at party, they have to use party, and because party doesn’t offer rakeback, they just have to pay the full rake! Sounds great to me because I now know that my players will stay with party, if they like playing against the players from there.
    Therefore, I think that this is actually a great development. Now, they just need to reverse the rule that we lose the player after a certain amount of inactivity and we would have a great program again!

    But, that’s just my opinion!

    By the way, how does the commission on blackjack, which is now offered, work? We get 20% or 25% of loses, depending on volume?


    actually Party is now doing rakeback with affiliates.

    Scotsman wrote:
    actually Party is now doing rakeback with affiliates.

    THis is the concern — r we just going back to the days from 6 months ago when party “officially” disallowed rakeback, but clearly assisted some affiliates in providing it with individual trackers.

    Bev, we’re waiting for your reply.

    Scotsman wrote:
    actually Party is now doing rakeback with affiliates.

    Where does it say that? I didn’t find that information anywhere! But, of course, I might have overread that info.
    Could you point me to your source for this?


    edit edit edit

    mihai wrote:
    Not only the Party will alow rake back but in order to keep their high rakers they will alow players to move if their account is inactive for more then 60 days(this in the happiest case).
    I might be wrong but this is what have been forwarded to me.

    uh…yeah…this is bulls#!t.

    you better come with some proof, because what you wrote not only isn’t true, but doesn’t even pass the most elementary logical reasoning.


    edit edit edit


    Hey Mihai,

    I hope everyone sees your comments and refuses to do business with you, because you are a moron.


    My edit come from being polite as the posts have been moved to Party area where they are in better position to answer the questions and not becouse the content of the messages was false


    I asked Mihai to edit his posts because they were in the forum of another program.

    Inactive does not permit affiliates to promote rakeback (or any other discount schemes) to players. There are rumours that we are offering / endorsing rake back to affiliates. These are false claims and we are taking action against anyone who claims to have “special deals” with us.

    If you are in touch with ‘high-volume’ players seeking incentives, you may let them know that there are multiple special offers for players running on the site right now. Please request your players to log in to their accounts and see what offer(s) are available to them. (If they have not received anything yet, they may write to [email protected]).

    We now have a team that services the needs of high volume players. Please let us know if you are in touch with any such players and I will be happy to introduce them to this team.

    We would love to work with you to get new players and increased revenues on”

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