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Virus on some gambling sites

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  • #590368

    I’m not sure if this is the right place to post this message, but I was infected with a virus earlier from a gambling site. The site I visited was x and the virus i was infected with was trojan.moo which went stright through my norton antivirus. I did some research after norton could not delete it and found that the offending file was called m00.exe and that it had previously been on the loquax site too (i found an entry on their forums about users that also had been infected)

    Apparently the trojan exploits the Microsoft GDI+ Library JPEG Segment Length Integer Underflow vulnerability (not sure what that is-but could it have been transmitted by downloading an image on their site I think) Basically it was a pain to get rid of, had to do it manually, and it was located in the temporary internet files, and the annoyance was that it prevented me from accessing my hotmail.

    It would be good if the webmaster of that site realised what is going on, but I’m not going on that site again to find their contact address! So if they read this, please resolve the issue for the sake of your visitors.


    If I were you I would visit Microsoft and install “service pack 2” if you are running XP.

    That will fix the security hole they exploited at least…

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