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bigger site = better rankings?

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  • #590131

    Hello, I had a question about SEO stuff and I’m new.

    I optimized my site to the point where my keywords, description, and title have absolutly perfect 100% relevancy to my webpage content. My keyword densities within my webpage cooresponds nearly perfectly with my meta keywords and description tags, and everything looks really nice and sounds appealing to the reader. I used a program and there are no broken links in my website. currently, i have about 200 pages. I started doing affiliations with casinos last july for the first time, but i have experience with building other webpages. I’m taking a break right now and just looking for more knowledge on the optimiztion side of the webpage. I’ve also been reading this forum since july and I think its awsome and has a goldmine of knowledge in it.

    I got my first player deposit $150 in 13 days of buying my domain name and building my site, just to let everyone know! but he won $2000 and ran away hahaha! :D

    I was researching my site on the search engine on an ultra competitive keyword like “online casino” and i started appearing on page 25, then slowly, it went up steadly each day to page 15 and it just stoped increasing after all my pages got indexed, and it didnt go up any higher.

    Is this as high as my sites ranking is ever going to go for that keyword if i leave my SEO alone?

    Also, if i build my site from 200 pages to 6000 pages, will that matter for getting a higher ranking and a google page rank too?

    Or if I leave my page at 200 pages, will time be the key to slowly getting higher SE rankings?

    Finally, does reciprocal links matter on search engines like yahoo and msn? I know it does for google page rank and stuff. I have all my pages indexed in google also, but i only have a pagerank of 0, is that right?

    Thank you for your time


    I’m actually surprised you are ranking that high already in google for such a competitive key phrase. Google is very tough to get ranked in for a new site due to their ageing filter. After you have been indexed by google for 6-8 months, you should naturally start moving up in the rankings once the filter is removed. However, you won’t get to the top results for that key phrase without doing a ton of links. At least that is my understanding.

    Yahoo and MSN do consider backlinks as well, but their ranking algorithims are different than googles. You might want to check out for more advice on all of this. Another goldmine of information.

    As for the size of the site, I have been wondering this lately as well. We recently had 800+ pages indexed in google, but had found that many of our sub-pages weren’t linked properly for google’s spiders. We just completed an update, and I’m expecting to see about 2,600 pages indexed soon. The interesting thing is that google is currently updating their backlinks data and most of the new backlinks they are showing for us come from our own internal pages. Not sure what that means, or if we get any additional value from it, and I’ve heard that google’s backlink check isn’t very helpful since they only show a random slice of the information. Using Yahoo to check backlinks seems to be the standard.

    The only think I know for sure (since it has been stated a million times on various forums) is that google loves content and the more of it you have, the more they like you.


    I am completely astounded that you rank on Google for “online casino” as a new site. This is amazing to me because Google “sandboxes” sites for anywhere from several months on, especially for popular keyword phrases.

    So I’m guessing that you must have bought a preexisting domain?


    Thank you very much for your input. :bigsmile:

    My bad, the search engine that I was ranking high in was MSN for the keyword “casino reviews”, which is still pretty competitive, but not as much as “online casinos”. I wasn’t listed anywhere in google for the competitive keywords, but I was found after about 10 pages after long less competitive keywords. Altho, I checked it this morning and I’m not on any of the top 25 pages in MSN anymore for competitive keywords.


    Google likes to see sites grow naturally. It likes to see steady and graduated growth of content and links.

    Sites that raise too fast run the danger of falling just as quickly.


    Guess what :
    I’m online for a month or so, and here are the keywords for which I received hits:

    Patsy Kensit,
    top model

    Relevant, very relevant…

    hklein wrote:
    Guess what :
    I’m online for a month or so, and here are the keywords for which I received hits:

    Patsy Kensit,
    top model

    Relevant, very relevant…

    Google doesn’t apply the aging filter (aka: sandbox) to sites other than .com. So, your site with .eu will rank immediately, but I think only in your geographic region.


    Google doesn’t apply the aging filter (aka: sandbox) to sites other than .com

    Not true. I’ve had sites sandboxed. Intuitively, does it make sense to only apply an ageing filter to certain domain extensions ?! Clearly not. The sandbox affects all new sites (or new links, depending on your viewpoint).


    I’m not an expert at SEO just yet, I’m just presenting information I’ve found on SEO forums from people who seem to be very savvy in this area. From what I have read, Google is mainly concerned with commercial domains (.com), and don’t bother penalizing the other extensions. There are no known cases of .edu or .gov domains being sandboxed.

    It does make sense to pick and choose domains if Google is concerned with stemming the tide of search engine spam and if they have deemed that the greatest portion of this spam comes from .com’s. Maybe they pick and choose some other domain extensions as well — would probably be the next most popular commercial domain extension after .com.

    The ageing filter appears to be a manual thing as many SEO people point out that your site will rank the first couple of weeks after it is indexed, then dissappear for 6-8 months no matter what you do. Add to that the evidence that sandboxed sites are released in groups, rather than one-at-a-time (if it was an automated process, they would likely be released based on a timestamp and appear to come out of the box one-at-a-time).

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