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What is going on here?????? Everyone please look.

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  • #589145

    OK, I really don’t have a clue what is going on with my stats at Vegas Frontier. Last month of June, I had 4 depositors and earned CPA for $800 now in July, only on 4 days, I have 20 members who deposited. Now, what are they trying to do? I know that this can’t be true. Are they trying to not pay me, so they can claim that this is a CPA Abuse? Check it out you guys:

    My May stats:

    Summary for this Pay Period Number of Clickthroughs: 15
    Number of Downloaders: 12
    Number of Players: 4
    Number of New Depositors: 1
    Total Initial Deposits: $50.00
    Total Deposits: $100.00
    Net Win: $250.00
    Total Credits: $150.00
    Net Profit: (Net Win – Coupons – Credits – Chargebacks) $100.00
    Amount Deducted: $0.00
    Amount Miscellaneous Adjustments: $0.00
    Amount Added For Reversed Bans: $0.00
    Amount Earned: $200.00
    Amount Earned From Tiers: $0.00
    Carry Over: $0.00
    Balance Due This Period: $200.00

    My June Stats:

    Summary for this Pay Period Number of Clickthroughs: 93
    Number of Downloaders: 34
    Number of Players: 16
    Number of New Depositors: 3
    Total Initial Deposits: $100.00
    Total Deposits: $150.00
    Net Win: $702.05
    Total Credits: $689.89
    Net Profit: (Net Win – Coupons – Credits – Chargebacks) $12.15
    Amount Deducted: $200.00
    Amount Miscellaneous Adjustments: $0.00
    Amount Added For Reversed Bans: $0.00
    Amount Earned: $600.00
    Amount Earned From Tiers: $0.00
    Carry Over: $200.00
    Balance Due This Period: $400.00

    In 4 days after. Today’s stats: BAMMM JUST LIKE THAT!

    Summary for this Pay Period Number of Clickthroughs: 9
    Number of Downloaders: 3
    Number of Players: 1
    Number of New Depositors: 20
    Total Initial Deposits: $390.00
    Total Deposits: $470.00
    Net Win: $419.96
    Total Credits: $0.00
    Net Profit: (Net Win – Coupons – Credits – Chargebacks) $419.96
    Amount Deducted: $0.00
    Amount Miscellaneous Adjustments: $0.00
    Amount Added For Reversed Bans: $0.00
    Amount Earned: $4,000.00
    Amount Earned From Tiers: $0.00
    Carry Over: $0.00
    Amount Accrued This Period: $4,000.00

    Total of :

    Summary to Date Number of Clickthroughs: 166
    Number of Downloaders: 91
    Number of Players: 48
    Number of New Depositors: 24
    Total Initial Deposits: $540.00
    Total Deposits: $720.00
    Net Win: $1,372.01
    Total credits: $837.50
    Net Profit: (Net Win – Coupons – Credits – Chargebacks) $4,800.00
    Amount Deducted: $200.00
    Amount Miscellaneous Adjustments: $0.00
    Amount Added For Reversed Bans: $0.00
    Amount Earned From Tiers: $0.00
    Amount Earned: $4,600.00

    So are they saying that they are actually gonna pay me? Does this look right to you guys? I bring couple depositors once a week or so but 20 depositors in 4 days? I am not a fool, something is wrong here. Are they trying not to pay me so they can claim it was a CPA Abuse? Because believe it or not, this is really wrong. Anybody experienced this type of situation, please feel free to post guys. I need some good info. Thanks. :hithead:


    That can happen..

    if you have sent them a lot of downloaders and registrations, they might have sent out a mailer to get them to deposit..
    these 20 new depositers are not necessarilly from this month only.
    I notice this at a number of casinos who have a good conversions department that registrations from previous months suddenly turn into depositors. Ask your affiliate manager if they did some sort of mailing. Most of the time that would be the reason.


    I tried to contact Oliver for couple days now and I have emailed and talked to support on the phone but never can contact this person Oliver. I emailed him several emails on payments due to me but no answer back. But come on guys, we are talking about Vegas Frontier. 20 depositors in 4 days? hmmmm. Well I will try to contact them again and find out if this is legit and I’ll get my payments but I will for sure let everyone know if they will deny payments. :rollover:


    Hey Scandle many things can cause you to gain big leaps in new players, I’ve seen affiliate links take top spot for a searched casino name in google it never lasts long but when you get top spot massive surges happen, maybe that was the case.

    However if you are on a CPA deal the day will come when the casino looks at the bigger picture – deposits vs profits vs your CPA Deal and if its out of sync you will get placed on a profit share deal, if its the other way you will be kept on CPA.

    Any respectable casino will pay what your owed unless of course its obvious some skull duggery has been happening

    Let us know how you get on.


    I agree guys. Let’s just hope Oliver sees this and pay me lol. If anybody have any type of contact with Oliver, please let me know. Thanks. :woohoo:

    I just checked my stats again and i’m up $5 k. :drunk2:
    just like Christmas :santa2: :roflmao:

    Summary to Date Number of Clickthroughs: 170
    Number of Downloaders: 92
    Number of Players: 48
    Number of New Depositors: 26
    Total Initial Deposits: $580.00
    Total Deposits: $760.00
    Net Win: $1,364.40
    Total credits: $837.50
    Net Profit: (Net Win – Coupons – Credits – Chargebacks) $5,200.00
    Amount Deducted: $200.00
    Amount Miscellaneous Adjustments: $0.00
    Amount Added For Reversed Bans: $0.00
    Amount Earned From Tiers: $0.00
    Amount Earned: $5,000.00

    does this look right to you guys? and it seems every hr, I keep getting more depositors. :roflmao:

    :woohoo: :woohoo: well either the stats are going crazy, or I’m just seeing things but things look ok, where I’m standing. :drunk2: HAPPY 4TH OF JULY EVERYONE. :drunk2:

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