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  • #588945

    I am asking a justice from you.
    Please tell me your opinion….
    For example, a webmaster has signed up an affiliate program.
    And the casino he agreed to promote is listed in Evil casinos by him with NO explanations and detailed evidences.
    But the most interesting is that there is a refferal link ….
    I would like to know the authority opinion.
    Should the same be classified as an attempt to get more money from the aff program?


    I doubt that, but I have no idea what this person may be thinking.


    If i ran the affiliate program, perosnally i would reject the affiliate signup i think although would honour any payments for players signed up by that affiliate before that time. But first, I’d ask why he has “rogued” the casino.


    A strange one. Casinos should not be rogued just for the sake of it. There has to be a clear cut reason as to why they make the list in the first place. Of the few casinos I have rogued I haven’t even added a live link to the casino in question, as I don’t want them to benefit from a backlink. I sure wouldn’t put an aff link up to the rogued site.

    If I ran the affiliate program I would close the affiliate account.


    IMO – The person may have put the casinos on their rogue list from their own experience or based upon the recommendation of some other. They may also have read just recently that the ‘some other’ person has removed that affiliate program from the rogue list so feels better about rep’ing that group but forgot to remove them from his own rogue list. Hey… it could happen!!



    No, I have writain several e-mails asking about the reasons.
    They replied that made up their mind basing on the SW that we use and their own research they made…… NO details! Then they just keep silence.
    Moreover I came to know that our casino was initialy in that evil list and with the link.
    Our casino has never been in any rogue list, because there are no reasons for that.
    I would not be supprised if next day he will just try to kick money from me for removing the casino from evil list.
    My post is just a sign that same can happen. :exclamati
    So…. be careful.
    I will give one more day to that rogue webmaster and then cut him and give you his name and link to his site so everyone be careful.


    Niko how are ya? Give me a shout on im I think I know where this came from.

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