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OK guys, I am not afraid of ReferBack

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    For everyone who knows me, I posted many Scandless things going on with Casinos that are not legit. Now, let me talk about referback for I wanted to know why my commission and stats were low when I had their banners up for 8 or 9 month now. This will sound bad but I am taking my risk because I believe that every affiliate should get paid the exact amount that is due to them. last month, I emailed referback why my stats were so low and I only had one depositing player only for 12 bucks.

    after that email, I waited for 2 or 3 weeks and finally a reply back from Wayne. wrote:
    Thank you for e-mailing

    The Belle Rock brands positioning is not optimal and this is probable the reason for the poor visitor numbers. I find that a forum is a difficult tool to use to refer players to casino brands. Most players that use forums are in it to get as many free no deposit offers they can. Another aspect is that most forum users are seasoned gamblers and have probable already sign up with most casinos in the past. I suggest a separate casino site that offers marketing text, such as the security and experience of the casino brand etc.

    I am sure you want to retain your users, however it is probably new users that are of most value to you where profit is concerned.

    We trust that we have been of assistance.

    The other problem:

    3 month ago, my admin Playadmin had Showdown Banner up and he told me that one month he made $1400. He called them and they told him on the phone that congrats, you had one big depositing player and payment will sent soon. After that week, My admin told me that he couldn’t get paid because referback told them that they gave them his money back. Now, I’m not a doctor but does this sound pretty strange? Would the Casino give the player the whole Chargeback worth of $1500?

    Playeradmin was so upset due to this situation, he quit, saying he can’t make anything from this business.

    Now for what ever it’s worth, Wayne might kick me out totally from Referback for posting this but I believe that this will help many other affiliates and if Wayne thinks that I over did it, well, if you had your stats and did not make anything and your place is pretty good with traffic, something must be wrong there. :drunk2:

    Soooo, if your a forum owner, you know why you don’t get any traffic now.

    Now, with this said, I decided to work with only the best and the honest affiliate program that actually pay the 100% to the affiliates.

    Thanks guys, if anybody have any type of opion, please post. I notice that from the big groups that I work with, fortune affiliates are the best but that’s just me, and I know some members get paid at Referback but not at fortune affiliate and that’s them but I’m just letting everyone know what I deal with.

    Thank you. :drunk2:

    p.s: I also think vegas partner has something against me 2, but please understand that I’m just trying to help everyone get paid correctly and for those places to be more honest.

    This will be my last post for awhile, I think I posted enough. Good day. :drunk2:


    Are you serious?

    Wayne is right, the majority of Forum traffic are bonus seekers because new players are highly unlikely to involve themselves in discussions and up to the minuite promotional posts until they become more familiar with the industry.

    Perhaps the $12 you are referring too was money remaining in someones account played out that month when that player perhaps discovered the funds sitting stagnent for them to play.

    Sure there might be some bad apples here and there but for you too think these huge casino groups like Belle Rock and Vegas Partners are out with a personal vendetta against you is kinda of over the edge in my opinion.


    I have absolutely no issue with you posting my e-mails as it is an explanation of your specific conversion problem. I do however find it peculiar that you did not choose to work with me and resolve the issue. Any affiliate on this forum will testify to the fact that charge backs happen and once the bank requests the funds be returned the casino has to do so. Playeradmin should have asked fellow affiliates or his/her affiliate manager about charge backs and would have received an explanation. Not all forums have bad conversion and the reason for this is the set up of the actual web site. I see that you are upset and thus want to start a flame, however let me once again extend my offer of assistance instead.


    I agree with Wayne, he has always been very helpful, professional and prompt regarding any matter or issue that has ever came up in the past with my dealings at Referback.

    I’m sure he can help you!

    OK, well let me continue our conversation. You clearly told me that, us, as an affiliate who owns a forum will get less conversion. What you stated here was that even though my members clicked and downloaded from my banners, all of them will not be in my stats because I’m a forum owner. And I hope you remember my second email to you wayne, I asked you if there is any way I can start earning and get the full traffic that I deserve, and you replied back to me, saying we shall see. ” There is nothing to see ” It’s my traffic I brought and I am 100% legible to get paid the share from the agreement we made when I first signed up for Referback program that you guys approved.
    Now, I think that forum members and regular website seekers are the same. Peoples, are people guys. No difference and I know many members who puts in a lot of money to support the Casinos week to week when they can. You can’t judge any of them because many players go to those forums who are very royal to many Casinos. Sure there are couple that only seeks bonuses but you and I know that even though they win, you won’t pay them if they have 2 accounts. There are also that only deposit from certain casinos and just get bonuses from the others. Forums are here to bring fun and enjoyment guys, and you guys really need to think different.
    Now, let’s talk about Playeradmin. Well this was couple month ago and Playeradmin did not know so much about Chargeback but I really don’t even think it was a Chargeback. I think you guys told him that the person who played and gamble all there money away used someone else’s CC so you guys payed them back. He told me he wanted some type of proof, or how can they get the full amount from a Casino back to them and you still have not emailed him. I still keep in contact with him and I will send you his referback id.

    Please feel free to say anything you want guys, I have nothing to hide. ( Oh and about Vegas Partner, well maybe I did go to far but I still haven’t received there emails that they promised me. It’s been a month already) I even posted here at CAP.

    Wayne wrote: “I do however find it peculiar that you did not choose to work with me and resolve the issue. “

    Wayne, if you remember all my emails I sent to you, I did try to work with you but you never emailed me back after the 2nd email my friend. I asked you if I will get the traffic that I bring and you said, we shall see. Then I emailed you again saying, well, if I make a website, then will I be getting my traffic that I bring and you never emailed me back again.

    From that day, I did not see anything going on with my traffic.

    So tell me Wayne, did I really do something wrong? that I wasn’t getting my full traffic? just because I was a board owner? It’s not all about the money guys, I could have kept my mouth shut and would at least get paid something but this type of behavior needs to stop, and who is GambleHarder? Sorry GambleHarder but this is between me and Wayne I think. You can agree much as you want but you really have to look at my point of views for I did really did try to work with him and this group. I had them out in my main page for a month for god sake and,,,,,,,,,,I think what? 4 click thru and no download or deposits. FOR a month. now come guys, I get 4 clicks in a day easily. This was 2 or 3 month ago I think.

    ok Wayne, I have had a long conversation with my ex admin Playadmin and he told me that ReferBack does owe him close to $2000. He was dealing with you Wayne, and obviously he was abused and used right before payday.

    Here is his id: AFF91576

    This was what he told me on the phone. He told me Wayne was the person who congratulated him for a month of $1,900 – $2,000 commission for that month but Playadmin was new to the affiliate and did not know so much about charge back. Playadmin asked him couple simple questions such as ” Did I really make this much?” to wayne. Now, let’s see what is really wrong with this picture. Playadmin said,

    it was one day before the end of the month when the commission suppose to stop.

    He said Wayne was the one, him self who said the payment was correct and congratulated him.

    After that day, Playeradmin was so excited to see he finally made close to $2000 with one banner, he checked his stats again and found no stats at all

    Then he emailed Wayne:

    What happen? I can’t see anything but 0
    “NOT EVEN IN THE CHARGE BACK” which Wayne claimed it was.

    Playadim emailed him again and again for any type of proof


    PLAYERADMIN’S Referback id: AFF91576

    Now, I’m no expert but from that payday,,,,,,,,,,Playeradmin have told me he did not see anything from Charge Back or anywhere, it was like he did not have that player from his stats at all.

    Now, I think someone owes him money.


    Please e-mail me directly. This issue will be best resolved this way as I am not AFF91576 manager and have not been in contact with him in regards to his issues. The fact remains that the only way to resolve your conversion issues is to work at it, which I am willing to help you with. Answering your posts is time we can spend working on the web site.

    ok wayne, I can respect that. I will email you personally to get the payments that Playeradmin did not get paid for and owed. He have clearly said, right now that he have talked to you because I have him at instant messenger. and he read all of our conversation.

    I have to post this as other affiliates will read this post and I think an explanation is in order.

    The facts from his affiliate manager Cobus as per the e-mail correspondence,

    The charge back happened on the 12th

    “Sent: Wednesday, January 12, 2005 3:05 PM
    To: Cobus
    Subject: Urgent
    What just happened to the $1053 that I had? Why is it now 0 all of a sudden??”

    This was the next e-mail,

    I sorry for replying to this so late but I didn’t know casino players can do that. So if I were to play at, say, Showdown Casino and lose about 200, I can just contact the casino and claim that the purchases were never made?
    And I would receive my money back? Is this what you’re telling me?


    From: “Cobus
    To: “xxxxxxx
    >Subject: RE: Urgent
    >Date: Wed, 12 Jan 2005 15:13:50 +0200
    >Hi there,
    >The player that you acquired has made a charge back which means that
    >he/she claims that the purchases were never made and requested all the
    >money back. The casino account has therefore been closed.
    >Unfortunately there is nothing we can do about situations like these.

    >Kind regards,

    No further correspondence was received from the affiliate. As per these e-mails you will note that this was not at the end of the month and in his managers opinion the issue had been dealt with. Please note that the issues you have with your web site is yours alone and can not be a blanket issue that includes all forum owners. I suggest that you invite the opinion of other affiliates by posting your URL, if you do not wish to accept mine.


    in wayne’s defense, I must say that he has always replied to my emails, and not all of them were pats on the back. regardless of what I had to say however, I always got a reply.

    Wayne has been my best contact at RB since, well since Jon Jon. That’s saying something IMHO.

    Hang in there W. You too S. I think you both appear to have the kind of attitude that will allow a successful ending to whatever you two decide to tackle together.

    OK, Wayne, that is not true, you know how I can tell? because Playeradmin told me that he did not have any type of Charge Back in his stats. Now, are you telling me when a person wants the total amount of his money back, the stats aren’t showing? I don’t think so. He said that everything was if he did not have that player playing at all. What does this say to you? and you should have sent him proof about the request that player made to him when he requested and emailed you.

    If the stats don’t have any details, then you tell me who’s untrue?

    Oh, and Wayne? Playeradmin said that your date is a lie. He told me it was close to payday and the balance that the player had was higher then flat $1000. And if the date you claim was true, are you saying that the rest of those 2 weeks, the stats would not show about the charge back?
    If what your telling me and Playeradmin right now was true. Playeradmin said ok, then he made another profit Close to $2000 because he saw that the player was still active and gambling. What is this about?

    What Playeradmin had clearly said was after they took the $1900 to 0.

    All the stats about this particular player’s

    Level 1 Casino commission for date range:
    Total Casino accounts purchasing in date range:
    Number of Real Accounts:
    Purchasing Accounts per visit:
    Purchasing Accounts per Real Account:
    Players purchasing over 1000:

    ALLLL of the stats went to 0
    like that player never even existed. That is the point and Playeradmin wants his earnings from them with those tactics that they used to claimed that the member who wanted all there deposits back. If this is true, please send a copy of the request from the customer (Player) who faxed you guys this detail and I am pretty sure that, not 2 many players will ask for there money back because from your terms and condition, you guys can deny what ever you want 2 if I’m not mistanken, and if so, you could have easily faxed Player a copy of the data that was needed for him to actually believe you guys.

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