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Creating websites

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  • #588523

    Just curious….

    How many people are creating their own websites as opposed to having them created by a third party? It took me several weeks to complete my template and it is really just OK in my opinion. Especially after I saw another website on here today…. Flash… Nice! But it looked like it was built by a professional web designer.. and it took a while to load up for me (with a very high speed connection)

    Another question…

    When building (or having built) your first website, did it take a long time to get the information you needed from the programs you represented? I have my site template built (for a while now) and feel like it is taking forever to implement due to waiting for answers… receiving answers that do not make sense based upon my target market… trying to re-think ideas… asking more questions… waiting again… You get the point.

    Can anyone else out there share their frustrations on initial site building?

    Any advice for the newbie??

    Thanks in advance guys/girls,



    I am far from an expert with site building or anything to do with the web, so anything I write here should be understood that it comes from a newbie also. I built my sites using Microsoft Frontpage because it is the only way I know how. I have built three sites in my life, with the first one about 3 years ago. The first one is still up but it sucks and has nothing to do with gambling. My first affiliate site has been up about a month now and it took me two weeks to build. It is nothing fancy, but I believe a large part of my target market would prefer easy to read usefull information instead of banners and flash crap. The third site took me about two days to build because some of the content is similar to the second. It actually looks cleaner to me than the second.

    My point is. I don’t think you should get caught up in having the best looking site, you should focus on having the most usefull site. Does that make sense?

    I’m not sure what you mean when you are talking about getting information. I highly reccomend starting with programs who have a representitive who posts here on CAP because you can often get quick information if you need it.

    Hope this helps a little.


    Thanks for the reply.

    I have built a website (and rebuilt it several times over) for my industry and our company’s support site. So, I do know a little bit about web building, but this site I am hosting and since I am doing that, I am using php instead of asp/ That is causing me some problems because I don’t know it as well.

    I guess all that is besides the point. :3eyes:

    My focus is really on content, but mostly on organizing it in such a fashion that it is both easy to read and easy to navigate. I am definitely NOT looking for an all banner site because I just plain do not think they work. I know that my brain freaks out and I try another site if I am overloaded with flashing banners. That is me, but I am sure many others as well.

    About getting information, I have only contacted CAP partners. And only those who are the most highly recommended. I am just a little impatient trying to get up and running is all. They are responding… I just hate waiting when I am close to getting up and need a bit of info. Email isn’t always that fast, but I am definitely NOT worried about their communications as they have been great with their responses.

    Thanks again for the response! (And every little bit helps :) )



    Having someone skilled design a template for you is not expensive and considering how much time you likely spend on getting it right it’s downright cheap.

    I like to concentrate on content. I do have definite ideas about design but have someone else put them to practice.

    I agree with your views about content and that alone is a challenge since the industry is constantly in flux and so is your content site.

    Just putting up some game rules isn’t all that hot for content anymore – everyone has those. Unique content is most valuable.


    I agree with Pokermonger. Slick design is one thing; useful content is something else.

    Take a look at sites like or Not much to look at, design-wise, but in terms of usefulness, look out!

    Another example? Google. Their design couldn’t be more basic, but they have traffic because they’re useful. (And I’m sure that will inspire a rant about how awful their search results are, but that’s beside the point. The point is that the design is super-minimalist and the content is useful.)


    I may have to look into that (site development). The content I am creating myself… I will have some game rules to flesh out the site, but definitely looking to get other content in there.

    Very useful advice.

    Yes, minimalist. I am down with that one. It just looks so cool to see some of the sites with the graphics that I could in no way design myself…. maybe that is why I look at those sites with envy. :) Minimalism is why I am so focused on design based around navigation. The simpler the nav, the simpler the site, the more useful the information becomes. I am using Mambo CMS as an interface and wrote my own template for the design. Beginning to build content now, but waiting for more information.

    Those two sites were good examples. Not too slick graphically, but information-rich. Thanks.

    It’s nice getting advice from people who have been there / done that… :)


    I am somewhat new here as well, but agree 100% that if you are trying to sell information, which basically is what we are doing with this sites, that a mimimal approach to design will go a long way.

    Focus on Easy navigation and make sure to present all of your information so that the visitor can find what they are looking for.

    Once they have the information, visitors like to click on links to continue. So make sure that links are available to them when you would believe they are looking for it. You do not want them going back to the search engine.

    Read through you site and make sure it progresses like you think it should.

    Great graphics and flash do have there place, I just do not believe that it is required for this. Present information and give visitors a place to click so that they go where you want them.

    Good Luck.


    Hello to everyone !
    This is my first post, i have been lurking for a while, and this thread caught my eye. The idea that simplicity is better is something that I subscribe to ( though i wasnt sure if i was thinking correctly)
    I became a sub for partypoker through a friend of mine and things have just kind of progressed from there. I decided i was going to use my affiliate status as an excuse to learn to create webpages… I would build an affiliate page as an experiment.

    I went through the gammit of WYSIWYG editors and fell back to FrontPage because it seemed to have the shortest learning curve. It really is simple to use. From having ZERO experinece in web development i have become somewhat proficient in the basics of FP. Anyway, my most recent incarnation is up at… The page just recently got a PR of 3 from google, (it was 0). I think that has something to do wiht the linking i have been working on.
    ANYWAY, my idea was…Provide as much relevant information in as little space as possible, and make it appear trustworthy. I looked around at many, many sites and the one thing that i found irritating was that the sheer volume of banners and distracting links made the page less appealing. I designed mine to be different.( i hope).

    Now, the next step…a co-worker is a Professioanl PHP Nuke Platinum developer and has me convinced that i need to start converting over, thats the next step, we shall see.

    I am pleased to become a part of this forum, there are volumes of information that i am sure i will find useful( including critiques of my site…please).
    This began as an experiment that i am beginning to see as a very luctrative business if approached correctly.


    Here is my take on PHP Nuke…..

    And, this is not from direct experience with that particular CMS.

    I have used DotNetNuke (The .NET version, basically) and other CMS’. There is quite the learning curve if you have not used PHP or CSS before.

    Right now I am in the midst of creating a site with Mambo and it has been quite the task. And I do have experience with web development (mostly xhtml, html, and asp / instead of php). While the CMS’ are very fully functioned, you still have to find workarounds to get your site to look and feel how you want it to. Yes – I know that there are templates to pull from, but you will still want/need to customize it. And that takes time… Usually more than you thought it would.

    For example (problems you can run into)…. I had a real problem tying in remote flash objects to my site. Took me about 4 hours to figure it out (even with forum help) and I think I lost some hair :) (Another Example) I changed a template and then the site wouldn’t quite span properly… So I ended up creating my own template from scratch (a longer process).

    OK. One of the real issues with CMS system is: Being Search Engine Friendly. There are typically some 3rd party tools to help out, though. I am not sure what PHP Nuke has, but you might want to research before putting your whole website into such a ‘wrapper.’

    Just my 1 1/2 cents.

    Hope this all makes sense because it felt more like a rant than help :)



    Thanks for the input.
    Regardless, i will probablly put up an experimental site on another URL just to see what happens with PHP nuke platinum( i am told there is a difference as oppossed to “plain” php nuke). I wont chnage the current site.


    Good idea. I should have suggested that since that is the way I used DotNetNuke. (Leaving my website running and re-creating it on that platform).

    Good luck.

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