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Casino Paycheck – Non payment of commissions

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  • #588439

    Casino Paycheck owes us $473 for commissions earned in January and has not paid them. They don’t respond to either repeated emails or phone messages and their phone just goes straight to an answering machine.


    They do carry forward Negative Tovey. I cant reach them either, but they always pay me so I am assuming there is some sort of misunderstanding or account error at play here. While they are NOT certified partners I will check into this for you and see if I cant scare you up some help….


    Seems you were right Professor. We had an earlier negative that wiped out our profit for January now that I look at some past periods.

    Thanks for the tip. :)


    There will be no zeroing of accounts monthly until a total of 50 players have been sent. In case you have a rare big winner this month, their winnings will not penalize you next month. There’s no need to have to climb back into positive territory. Each month you start out at zero and build your commissions from there. Unfortunately for the affiliate, this is rare among online casino affiliate programs. When this occurs the affiliate of another program is forced to leave that program rather than spend time and money trying to get their commissions back into positive territory. This is another reason Casino Paycheck is a necessity.

    got more then 50 players there ??


    An exerpt from their terms and conditions on negatives reads:

    4. Negative earnings up to $5000 per player are NOT carried forward and the affiliate will begin each month on a zero balance. Should the affiliate close the month with a positive balance, commissions will be paid on the positive balance. Should the affiliate close the month with a negative balance, this balance will NOT be carried forward to the next month, unless the negative balance is a result of a charge-back.

    Our previous negative was not the result of a chargeback, so they owe us our money it would appear as our negative should not have carried forward as we were only negative around $480 from a previous month.

    If you can get a hold of them to see if they will pay us that’s great Professor, as my original post has to stand that we are still owed money from them with no answer to any of our emails or phone messages.


    Please PM me with your affiliate ID and I will try to reach them today.

    In the past they DID carry forward negatives, so this change must have been implemented over the last few months. Its certainly a good change as negative carry forward sucks.


    Update – We have been paid the commissions that were owing for January.

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