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Tradal deception

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    I funded a massive ad campaign last month costing thousands on the strength of a CPA deal I was offered by Tradal – $200 CPA for I featured it in my main pop-up and had it first in my recommended casinos list and managed 41 sales for the month.

    Now they have retrosepectively cancelled the CPA deal saying my players were of very poor quality. Is this my problem? My site is a bonus guide, obviously I’m going to feature the best bonuses first. I fully accept any decision from an affiliate program to change the conditions of membership depending on the quality of players sent but not retrospectively – that is unfair and has cost me untold thousands.


    I cant figure this out. Tradal sucks – everyone knows they skim are hopeless at reporting, yet 888 continues to have an association with them.

    888 / CoN are obviously a very credible organisation and run an excellent affiliate program themselves. I was at GIGSE last year and asked their affiliate team why they have the association with Tradal and they shrugged. I will ask the same question at CAC too!

    I recommend you join direct.


    I’ll certainly look into it once I recover from the shock of losing $8200 from one email. Read this and weep;



    They screwed us out of several thousand dollars with Empire Poker. We absolutely refuse to promote any of their casinos or rooms again.

    And to this day (this was 1 1/2 yrs ago) they still email us trying to get in the door again, offering crap like $2000 extra once we get 20 players etc. etc. it’s all BS, they are the scum of the scum.

    If they can redirect our download link to another affiliate then tell us we were redirecting it (impossible to do and who in their right mind would redirect their download link to a strangers affiliate if you could?) THEN saying that the affiliate we send over 10K TARGETED visitors to got 1 player from it…………….they are capable of anything. I don’t trust these guys for shit.


    I’ve had none-paying programs before but this is the first time in a year in the industry that I have been properly and unadulteratedly screwed in the ass. Expensive way to learn a lesson.


    This is very concerning, I assume you have contacted 888 directly regarding this? I see Casino On Net is Certified by CAP, so you should be able to work out some sort of solution with them I would hope.

    Out of curiosity, what marketing program did you run to generate 6180 click throughs and how much did you spend?


    Guys I have written to Tradal and asked that they respond to this thread. I will also copy it to the Casino On Net area. Hopefully we can get you an acceptable resolution soon owldeath2.


    Did you let them know the nature of the traffic you were intending to send them and get their approval, in writing, prior to launching your campaign? If you did, then by all means, they’re completely and utterly in the wrong here, and retroactively backing out of the deal is bordering on criminal and/or fraudulent behavior. If you didn’t get explicit, written approval and didn’t make your intentions clear, well, I’m not sure their actions are that surprising or out of line.

    I feel your pain, truly, and I don’t mean to sound harsh, but you absolutely must be upfront with programs offering you a CPA deal if you intend to send them a large amount of bonus-oriented traffic that you’re paying for. If you are and they agree (in writing), cool, fire away, If not, you’re running a huge risk.

    In a perfect world they’d honor the agreement anyway. But the casino affiliate world is far from perfect, on both sides, and you should always make sure your arse is well-covered.


    Sophie at Tradal will be following up with you Owldeath2. Please keep us posted on what transpires.


    Thanks for your help prof :) Will let you know what happens.


    Tradal are super affiliates of ours, who run their own affiliate program promoting our brands. As your are their sub affiliate, they will have the final word on if they will be paying you or not.
    However, we will try to look into this with them, and see if there is anything further that can be done.
    As for the bonus campaign you had running: It is on’s affiliate program’s Ts & Cs that if an affiliate is going to be running a special offer for his users, they have to clear it with our support team before starting the campaign. If they do it without our approval, we reserve the right to pull the campaign if it does not conform to our policies.
    I can only assume Tradal have the same terms.
    I will let you know of our progress on this issue.



    Tradal have offered me a deal as a gesture of good will. They said they will pay $6000 and then pay the rest within 60 days once they are sure that the players aren’t fraudulant (I know that they aren’t so this should be interesting). I thought the money was gone forever so I’m feeling a bit better about this now and it has gone someway to restoring my faith in the industry. Although I’ll believe it when I see it.

    I will post when they send the initial amount and after they’ve sent the rest. I’d like to thank the Professor for his invaluable help in this matter! This really is a great site.


    Thanks Owldeath2 :tongue:

    This is excellent news.

    I am glad we could help! :thumbsup:

    owldeath2 wrote:
    I will post when they send the initial amount and after they’ve sent the rest. I’d like to thank the Professor for his invaluable help in this matter! This really is a great site.

    Professor Rocks!!


    Was promised payment by end of week – not arrived yet.

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