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Want to know the best way to start poker site

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  • #588212

    Hello everybody,
    First time seem like a sensible bunch.
    A few stupid questions:
    I want to get into promoting a poker site and was hoping that someone could give me some pointers as where to start e.g. Is there somewhere I can get my hands on a suitable template and a recomendation as to the best outfit to start with.


    There are some free templates available at

    Best outfits to start with? I recommend Party Poker and Income Access. (Income Access runs the affiliate programs for Absolute Poker and Ultimate Bet.)


    Hello. Are you looking for programs to promote? If so look on this site under certified programs. (Top right corner-button). If you need to build a portal, unless you know html. etc you will need to use some authoring software. There are free website builders at places on the web, but you are usually limited in what you can do. You can buy software. I use Frontpage because its the only one I know how to use. There are others, maybe someone with experience with other platforms will chime in.


    Thanks all.
    Was toying with the idea of buying an already built site including one months hosting for 74 dollars similar to this one:
    …have a URL in mind.
    It’s linked to Party Poker. From what you say they appear to be reputable.
    Don’t want to promote my brains out for nothing…have been there.
    Have a fair smattering of HTML and CSS…wouldn’t be a big problem to change stuff etc.
    Have spent the last two weeks doing as much research as possible and will have start soon…hopefully on the right foot.
    Thanks again…hope you all become millionaires!


    Someone with more experience please correct me if I’m wrong, but one of the biggest obstacles/plusses is SEO. Everything I have read stresses having alot of original content on your site. I also looked at many options including ready-made sites and templates and decided my best chance was to make my own. It isn’t very good yet but it’s mine and I can improve it over time. Look at the top ranked pages that have anything to do with poker. Most of them are unique and have original content. Hope this helps.


    Forgot to post this above. Don’t put all your eggs in one basket. If you only affiliate with Party, even if you can get good traffic what happens if your traffic already has an account at Party? You can make $0 from them even if they are qualified traffic if you don’t offer any choices.


    Yes pokermonger, I intend to have many affiliate links…just wanted to have a site soon so that I can start to promote and to find out how hard it is to get all this EASY MONEY!

    Thanks Randy. It’s good to know that Party Poker and Income Access are bona fide…will join both later.

    Was just wondering why all you guys don’t start something like a web-ring to try to corner more traffic.


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