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Dedicated hosting – Is it necessary?

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  • #587978

    Hi all, This isn’t strictly speaking a newbie question but I wasn’t sure where else to post it.
    I recently went over from shared hosting with a company called Webhosting UK to a dedicated hosting with The main reason for doing this is that my website runs off a cms, so it is fully dynamic, and occasionally I noticed very slow response times from my website whilst it was on the shared hosting.
    I am not convinced that my site is a lot faster now than it used to be and I am also very unsure about the hosting company Streamline as I have since read some bad reviews about them. One of the strange things which I have noticed is that the ping response time to my new site is about 10ms slower than the ping time used to be on my old shared hosting. I’m no network guru but I take this as a very bad sign!
    I am fairly sure that I will go away from my dedicated hosting with Streamline but I am unsure of whether to go to another dedicated hosting provider or just return to my old shared hosting. I would love to hear other peoples views on this.


    There are a lot of things that can affect ping response times.

    I suggest doing a tracert to see if you can determine where the bottleneck is. If it is with the host, you can then discuss the problem with the host and see if there is anything that can be done about it.

    If the bottleneck is a router or other device somewhere in the backbone or other upstream provider, then a different host on the same backbone could easily have the same results. Also, the ping results you are seeing may be quite different from other parts of the world also.

    Be sure your server is on a connection that does not have any type of cap on it.

    If the ping differences are minor, then if the response of the server was better, you would still be better off, but it appears from your statement that the response of the dedicated server do not seem better.

    Talk to the host and explain your concerns and see if they can do anything to improve the performance of the site.

    It could be something simple like adding a bit of ram to the server, or some other tweak that might have been missed in the original setup for you.

    I personally like having my own dedicated servers for projects, but then again, I have a few racks of servers for myself and other clients…..LOL



    Hi thanks for that, I will check this with the hosting company but to be honest I’m not too happy with them, they have a ticket based customer support system, so you log a call and they get back to you sometime within 24hrs, although normally it’s 2 hrs but that is still not very good in my opinion. The server I am using is a single CPU celeron with 1GB RAM and the network is 10Mbps. I guess this probably isn’t very powerful, they are cheap though ;-).
    I have to say that I really like the concept of dedicated hosting and owning your own machine as too often with shared hosting something gets changed which screws up the website.


    I really like dataflame and they have really fast response time.

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